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Land ownership versus development in the era of globalisation: a trajectory of conflict and wealth accumulation in Southern Nigeria

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2016

This study investigates the attendant effect of unregulated land acquisition by governments and investment partners, forceful dispossession and displacement of individuals and communities in the era of globalisation and wealth creation by increasingly capitalist regimes in southern Nigeria. The investigation of the trajectory of wealth and conflict resulting from this phenomenon is the key focus of this research.

Factors Influencing Land Ownership by Women: Case of Khwisero Constituency, Kakamega County, Kenya

Reports & Research
Diciembre, 2016

There has been progress in terms of legislation of land ownership and women rights on the same subject in Kenya and a number of Non-Governmental Organizations and Civil Society Organizations are in the fore front promoting women land ownership. It is noted that women play an integral part in food production for their families however, land tenure system in the rural areas discriminates against women hence very few women own land.

Land And Peace In Myanmar: Two Sides Of The Same Coin

Reports & Research
Diciembre, 2016

INTRODUCTION: Myanmar stands at a historic crossroads: one where the optimism of a "critical juncture" that is "more promising than at any time in recent memory" meets apprehension over what could happen if a "host of social crises that have long blighted our country" go unaddressed. After more than sixty years of civil war and ‘social crises’, land grabbing figures are high. New legislation is designed to move land out of the hands of rural working people and into the hands of ‘modern farmers’ and foreign and domestic big business actors.

Land Confiscations and Collective Action in Myanmar’s Dawei Special Economic Zone Area: Implications for Rural Democratization

Institutional & promotional materials
Diciembre, 2016

The recent political and economic liberalization in Burma/Myanmar, while indicative of some positive steps toward democratization after decades of authoritarian rule, has simultaneously increased foreign and domestic investments and geared the economy toward industrialization and large-scale agriculture.

Land Tenure Security and Policy Tensions in Myanmar (Burma)

Reports & Research
Diciembre, 2016

After 50 years of military rule, in 2011 the Thein Sein government’s reforms in Myanmar (Burma) entailed a reengagement with the international community, including major international financial organizations, donors, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), and civil society organizations (CSOs). The government’s social and economic development policies, which were strongly influenced by this engagement, encouraged private domestic and foreign investment in agriculture to create wealth and reduce poverty.

Growth and poverty in Sub - Saharan Africa

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2016
África subsahariana

While the economic growth renaissance in sub-Saharan Africa is widely recognized, much less is known about progress in living conditions. This book comprehensively evaluates trends in living conditions in 16 major sub-Saharan African countries, corresponding to nearly 75% of the total population. A striking diversity of experience emerges. While monetary indicators improved in many countries, others are yet to succeed in channeling the benefits of economic growth into the pockets of the poor. Some countries experienced little economic growth, and saw little material progress for the poor.

Regional Law No. 106 amending Regional Law No. 11 "On turnover of agricultural land".

Diciembre, 2016

Article 6.2 shall be amended to add the following wording: "Agricultural land plots pertaining to the regional or municipal public ownership shall be allottedon lease for the period of five years to smallholders (peasant farms) participating in state programs for support of agriculture for agricultural production purposes without tenders or auction sale".

Amends: Regional Law No. 11 "On turnover of agricultural land". (2009-03-31)

Decreto Nº 2.051 - Modifica el Decreto Único Reglamentario del Sector Administrativo Agropecuario, Pesquero y de Desarrollo Rural, en lo relacionado con en lo relacionado con el Registro Único de Predios y Territorios Abandonados (RUPTA).

Diciembre, 2016

La presente Decreto modifica el Decreto Único Reglamentario del Sector Administrativo, Agropecuario, Pesquero y de Desarrollo Rural, en lo relacionado con el Registro Único de Predios y Territorios Abandonados (RUPTA), con el objeto de armonizar el Registro Único de Predios y Territorios Abandonados (RUPTA) con el Registro de Tierras Despojadas y Abandonadas Forzosamente, creado mediante la Ley Nº 1.448.

Rangitāne o Manawatu Claims Settlement Act 2016 (No. 100 of 2016).

Diciembre, 2016
Nueva Zelandia

The purpose of this Act, consisting of 137 sections divided into three Parts and four Schedules, is: to record the acknowledgements and apology given by the Crown to Rangitāne o Manawatu in the deed of settlement; to give effect to certain provisions of the deed of settlement that settles the historical claims of Rangitāne o Manawatu. The provisions of this Act take effect on the settlement date unless stated otherwise.

Acuerdo Nº 33 - Establece medidas de atención a segundos ocupantes así como el procedimiento para su aplicación en cumplimiento de lo dispuesto en las órdenes emitidas de Jueces o Magistrados de Restitución de Tierras.

Diciembre, 2016

El presente Acuerdo tiene como objetivo servir de insumo al Juez o Magistrado de Restitución de Tierras, para que si es del caso, ordene en favor del segundo ocupante que se encuentre ejerciendo un derecho de propiedad, posesión y ocupación en el predio objeto de restitución de tierras, una de las medidas previstas en su contenido, esto es, el otorgamiento de tierras y/o proyectos productivos, gestión de priorización para el acceso a programas de subsidio de vivienda y traslado del caso para la formalización de la propiedad rural y finalmente el pago en dinero.Las medidas enunciadas están o