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Innovative Approach to Land Conflict Transformation: Lessons Learned From the HAGL/Indigenous Communities’ Mediation Process in Ratanakiri, Cambodia

Reports & Research
Junio, 2016

In the Mekong region, conflicts between local communities and large scale land concessions are widespread. They are often difficult to solve. In Cambodia, an innovative approach to conflict resolution was tested in a case involving a private company, Hoang Anh Gia Lai (HAGL), and several indigenous communities who lost some of their customary lands and forests when the company obtained a concession to grow rubber in the Province of Ratanakiri. The approach was developed by CSOs Equitable Cambodia (EC) and Inclusive Development International (IDI) with the support of QDF funding from MRLG.

FLEGT & REDD+ Trabajando juntos para consolidar la gobernanza forestal y mitigar el cambio climático

Policy Papers & Briefs
Junio, 2016

La pérdida de bosques contribuye a un sexto de las emisiones anuales de gases de efecto invernadero que son la causa principal del cambio climático. La experiencia nos enseña que la implementación conjunta de enfoques de reducción de la deforestación y de la degradación forestal y de consolidación de la gobernanza forestal –como la Reducción de las emisiones debidas a la deforestación y a la degradación forestal (REDD+) y la Aplicación de leyes, gobernanza y comercio forestales (FLEGT)– puede ser mucho más eficaz para contrarrestar la pérdida de bosques.

REDD+& FLEGT Au-delà de la théorie: Travailler ensemble pour renforcer la gouvernance forestière et atténuer les changements climatiques

Journal Articles & Books
Junio, 2016

a perte de couvert forestier contribue à un sixième des émissions annuelles de gaz à effet de serre, et contribue donc de manière significative au changement climatique.

REDD+ and FLEGT: Working Together to Strengthen Forest Governance and Mitigate Climate Change

Policy Papers & Briefs
Junio, 2016

Forest loss contributes to one-sixth of annual greenhouse gas emissions, making it a major contributor to climate change. Experience shows that approaches to reducing deforestation and forest degradation and strengthening forest governance – such as Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) and Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) – can be far more effective in countering forest loss if they are jointly implemented. To date, however, few countries have capitalized on the synergies between these processes.

Capacity Development

Policy Papers & Briefs
Junio, 2016
Burkina Faso

Capacity development is at the heart of Action Against Desertification’s efforts to combat land degradation, desertification and drought. A capacity development strategy is in place to strengthen the capacities of individuals and organizations in sustainable land management and restoration, and to support the establishment of an enabling policy and legal environment at local, national, and regional level to increase the impact and ensure sustainability of activities carried out under Action Against Desertification.

Renforcement des capacités

Policy Papers & Briefs
Junio, 2016
Burkina Faso

Action contre la désertification aide les pays à identifier leurs capacités existantes et à hiérarchiser leurs besoins, en faisant intervenir un large éventail de parties prenantes : gouvernements, société civile, organisations de producteurs et de femmes, organisations techniques, instituts de recherche et communautés locales aussi bien au niveau local, national, régional qu'international.

Guide pratique pour la mise en œuvre d’une gestion participative et durable des espaces boisés dans les pays du Maghreb

Reports & Research
Junio, 2016

Ce guide pratique s'inscrit dans le cadre du projet « Optimiser la production de biens et services par les écosystèmes boisés méditerranéens dans un contexte de changements globaux » (2012-2016), financé par le Fonds Français pour l’Environnement Mondial et cofinancé par l’agence Allemande de coopération Internationale (GIZ), le Ministère Français de l’Agriculture, de l’Agroalimentaire et de la Forêt (MAAF) et l’Union Européenne dans cinq pays d'Afrique du Nord (Algérie, Maroc, Tunisie) et au Proche-Orient (Liban, Turquie).

Mediterranean forests : Towards a better recognition of the economic and social value of goods and services through participative governance

Reports & Research
Junio, 2016

This report takes place within the framework of the regional project “Maximize the production of goods and services of Mediterranean forest ecosystems in the context of global changes” (2012-2016) financed by the French Global Environment Facility together with the German Cooperation (GIZ), the French Ministry of Agriculture, Agrifood and Forestry, and the European Union, in 5 North African (Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia) and the Middle East countries (Lebanon, Turkey).

Using Remote Sensing and Random Forest to Assess the Conservation Status of Critical Cerrado Habitats in Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil

Peer-reviewed publication
Junio, 2016

Brazil’s Cerrado is a highly diverse ecosystem and it provides critical habitat for many species. Cerrado habitats have suffered significant degradation and decline over the past decades due to expansion of cash crops and livestock farming across South America. Approximately 1,800,000 km2 of the Cerrado remain in Brazil, but detailed maps and conservation assessments of the Cerrado are lacking. We developed a land cover classification for the Cerrado, focusing on the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, which may also be used to map critical habitat for endangered species.

ANGOC: Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security

Policy Papers & Briefs
Junio, 2016

This document was written by the Asian NGO Coalition for Agrarian Reform and Rural Development (ANGOC) with the view of increasing awareness and understanding in the context of the Philippines of the VGGT. This material draws from previous materials prepared by ANGOC as well as from the presentation and discussion during the training of trainers on “Increasing the use of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests among CSOs and Grassroots Organizations in the Philippines” held on 11-14 July 2016 in Tagaytay City, Philippines.

Grenada National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan 2016-2020

National Policies
Junio, 2016

The National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan is a cross-sectoral national strategic document of Grenada for the period of 2016-2020. Its main objective is to provide a holistic and practical framework for actions on conservation and sustainable use of national biodiversity for enhanced human wellbeing and livelihoods.The strategic priorities to achieve the objective are enhanced national capacity for biodiversity conservation and sustainable use and key national ecosystems restored and sustainably managed.