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Participatory characterization of cocoa and livestock agri-food systems in Caquetá: A community perspective

Diciembre, 2023

The department of Caquetá in the Colombian Amazon plays a crucial role in addressing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from food systems, primarily stemming from land use changes, such as the conversion of forests into pastures, and agricultural practices. Despite 72% of the department still being covered by forests, participatory research in two municipalities, Montañita and Belén de los Andaquíes, reveals a diverse agrifood landscape, focusing on cocoa and livestock.

Evaluation of the value chain development program in Nigeria: Qualitative findings

Diciembre, 2023

The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the Federal Government of Nigeria implemented the Nigeria Value Chain Development Program (VCDP) across six Nigerian states with the objective to improve farmer organizations’ collective efficacy, and alleviate poverty via improving rice and cassava production, farmers’ incomes, and value chain integration. The VCDP incorporated a gender-sensitive design to target women beneficiaries and improve empowerment by expanding access to training, opportunities, and resources. The VCDP also aimed to improve local infrastructure.

Scoping study of the Honduran coffee supply chain: Challenges and opportunities

Diciembre, 2023
United States of America

This scoping study delves into the critical aspects of the coffee industry in Honduras, a major global coffee producer. It explores the significant growth in Honduran coffee production and productivity, while contrasting these achievements with rising environmental and social sustainability concerns. Key issues include the impact of climate change on coffee suitability, increasing rural poverty despite growing export values, and the challenges in maintaining consistent coffee quality and fair profit distribution along the supply chain.

Visions and expectations of young people in the municipality of Solano Caquetá, Colombia

Reports & Research
Septiembre, 2023

Solano is a municipality located in the department of Caquetá within the deforestation arc of the Colombian Amazon, the second largest municipality in area of the country. Solano can only be reached by river, although there are already several trails that allow to reach the municipal’s capital by car at certain times of the year.

Jóvenes Indígenas, Afrodescendientes y de Comunidades Locales de Latinoamerica Unidos por la Defensa de los Territorios Ancestrales

Training Resources & Tools
Septiembre, 2023
América Latina y el Caribe

Los días 6 y 7 de septiembre de 2023, un grupo de 18 jóvenes líderes Indígenas, Afrodescendientes y de comunidades locales de organizaciones de la Coalición de RRI se reunieron por primera vez en Bogotá, Colombia

Los jóvenes líderes, procedentes de 10 países de América Latina, comparten un objetivo en común: defender las tierras ancestrales y los derechos territoriales de sus pueblos y comunidades, para la gestión sostenible de estos territorios y la protección de sus ecosistemas.  

Situation de l'alimentation scolaire dans le monde en 2022

Reports & Research
Febrero, 2023
Ce rapport est la publication phare du PAM et le principal mécanisme de rapport de la Coalition Repas Scolaires. Il donne un aperçu de la manière dont les pays soutiennent leurs enfants grâce à des programmes d'alimentation scolaire efficaces.

Le rapport sur la situation de l'alimentation scolaire dans le monde est publié tous les deux ans et utilise les meilleures sources de données disponibles pour fournir un aperçu de la couverture, des pratiques de mise en œuvre et des coûts des programmes de santé et de nutrition en milieu scolaire dans le monde entier.

Growing the Field

Reports & Research
Diciembre, 2022

Land rights are ascendant across the development sector. Movements addressing women’s empowerment, poverty, social justice, food security and climate change are all increasingly turning to land rights to strengthen their cause. In 2022, renowned philanthropist MacKenzie Scott joined these efforts by making an unprecedented $20 million investment in our work. Ms. Scott’s generous gift represents a profound endorsement of the power of land rights to improve the lives of women, men, and communities around the world.

Unlocking Africa’S Land Potential And Addressing Its Problems Through Sustainable Land Management

Diciembre, 2022

Context and backgroundUnsustainable land management practices result in land degradation that threatens the environment and stifles livelihoods. Africa remains exposed to threats such as natural resource degradation and poverty due to various reasons that include: changing demographics, urbanization, mining, fragile natural resources and ecosystems, increased soil erosion and land degradation, low yields and high post-harvest yield losses.

The role of spatial inequalities on youth migration decisions: Empirical evidence from Nigeria

Diciembre, 2022

We combine nationally representative data from Nigeria with spatiotemporal data from remote sensing and other sources to study how young migrants respond to observable characteristics of potential destinations, both in absolute terms and relative to origin locations. Migrants prefer destinations with better welfare, land availability and intensity of economic activity. We also find that migrants prefer shorter distances and those destinations with better urban amenities and infrastructure. However, responses vary by type of migrant and migration.


Diciembre, 2022

The Accelerating Impact of CGIAR Climate Research for Africa (AICCRA) project activities in Kenya are focused on improving the quality of Climate Smart Agricultural (CSA) practices and information services in the Arid and Semi-Arid Land (ASAL) areas of Kenya. The project seeks to increase awareness and uptake of selected climate-smart agricultural (CSA) practices and improve access to Climate Information Services (CIS), especially by women and the youth.

Accelerating Impacts of CGIAR Climate Research for Africa (AICCRA): Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) for Pilot of Climate Smart Agricultural Innovations and Climate Information Service Technologies in Kenya 2023

Diciembre, 2022

The Accelerating Impact of CGIAR Climate Research for Africa (AICCRA) project activities in Kenya are focused on improving the quality of Climate Smart Agricultural (CSA) practices and information services in the Arid and Semi-Arid Land (ASAL) areas of Kenya. The project seeks to increase awareness and uptake of selected climate-smart agricultural (CSA) practices and improve access to Climate Information Services (CIS), especially by women and the youth.

Assessment of Women and Youth Friendliness of Climate Smart Agriculture and One Health Technologies Piloted in Ghana

Diciembre, 2022

The study assessed gender and social inclusiveness of the CSA technologies disseminated using indicators such as labor requirement, cost, youth involvement, and women friendliness. The women's friendliness was assessed with indicators such as the drudgery associated with the technologies, their accessibility and affordability, the sociocultural appropriateness of the technologies, the implementation requirements, and the technology's potential to displace women and youth of their roles. The study used both focus group discussions (qualitative) and survey (quantitative) approaches.