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Technical report on safe and sustainable vegetable production activities in Benin

Diciembre, 2022

Agriculture is the main activity employing up to 70% of the working population in Benin. It contributes an average of 32.5% to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), 75% to export earnings, and 15% to government revenue (PSRSA, 2016). Benin's agriculture comprises a set of crops, among which vegetable crops constitute one of the strategic sectors and an important agricultural industry that employs thousands of people across urban, peri-urban, and rural areas (ACED, 2020). Vegetable production is crucial to the region's food security and poverty alleviation.

Strategies for promoting Gender and Social Inclusion (GESI) in the agribusiness sector in Kenya: experiences from the field

Diciembre, 2022

This report aims to explore the intersection of gender and social inclusion, with a focus on the challenges and opportunities faced by women and youth in the agribusiness sector. It examines the ways in which gender norms and stereotypes shape social inclusion, and how exclusionary practices can perpetuate gender-based inequalities. The report draws on the gender analysis studies, baseline surveys and positive case study examples from diverse settings to highlight the key issues and strategies for promoting Gender and Social Inclusion (GESI) in the agribusiness sector.

Climate security observatory Zambia: Summary for policymakers

Diciembre, 2022

Zambia has historically qualified as a regional model of stability and peace. However, this status is being undermined by a number of socio-political factors, including deeply entrenched patterns of social inequality and gender discrimination, high levels of poverty and youth unemployment, as well as recurring episode of electoral violence. Climate and extreme weather events compound most of these vulnerabilities and even create new ones. This profile, derived from the Climate Security Observatory, answers: 1) HOW does climate worsen the root causes of conflict?

Lessons learned: Living Lab for People in a conflict affected setting in Colombia

Diciembre, 2022

The report details the establishment of a Living Lab for People (LL4P) in La Montañita, Colombia, as part of the Low-Emission Food Systems (Mitigate +) initiative, which seeks to transform food systems and address climate change impacts. The LL4P focuses on empowering key stakeholders, particularly women, youth, and marginalized groups, to enhance their capacity to implement low-emission sociotechnical innovations in the food system, emphasizing cattle/dairy and cacao value chains.

Developing Gender and Youth-Responsive Agronomic Solutions for Use Cases in the Excellence in Agronomy Initiative: Standard Operating Procedure

Diciembre, 2022

This Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is designed for Excellence in Agronomy (EiA) Use Case teams with an interest in developing gender- and youth-responsive agronomic solutions. The SOP is a guide to help Use Case teams move from each step in their workflows when designing, validating, and piloting their Minimum Viable Products (MVPs) to ensure they can develop gender- and youth-responsive agronomic solutions by the end of their Use Case.

Improved uptake of Smart-Valleys approach for water control in inland valleys of Mali

Diciembre, 2022

This research examined how the Smart-Valleys approach for water control was disseminated, its impact on rice yield, farmers' income, and food consumption score, as well as the farmers' perception of its advantages in Mali. In total, 469 farmers, including 68% women and 35% youth, adopted the Smart-Valleys approach across 10 sites, covering an area of 61.9 hectares. The primary dissemination methods included on-farm demonstrations, farmers exchange days, capacity building for extension agents and young service providers, along with continuous support to farmers during implementation.

Assessing the performance of the NextGen agroadvisory on wheat yields in Ethiopia

Diciembre, 2022

Wheat productivity in Ethiopia is low compared to countries potential yield. This is due to lack of context-specific good crop management practices. Using machine learning techniques, Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT (ABC) and its partners, developed season-smart and site-specific fertilizer recommendation (SSFR) that can be used to improve wheat productivity in Ethiopia. ABC and Digital Green co-piloted to assess the performance of the SSFR on farmers field in 2022/23 main crop season in Amhara, Oromia and SSNP regions in Ethiopia.

Planning for voice: A skills training manual for women for exercising voice and agency

Diciembre, 2022

The International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), one of the research centers within the global Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), has a long history of gender research relevant to its mission of reducing poverty and ending hunger and malnutrition. Over the last two decades, gender has been effectively incorporated into all of IFPRI’s strategic research areas and into all phases of research. There is abundant evidence of IFPRI’s role as a leading global think tank on gender issues.

University Climate Curriculum Technical Writeshop for the RUFORUM Curriculum Platform

Diciembre, 2022

Tackling the climate crisis means equipping the youth with the knowledge and skills they need to manage climate risk. Universities across Africa have an enormous role to play towards this end. By equipping the next generation of researchers, policymakers, and leaders with the knowledge and skills they need to build resilient societies, education systems represent an important avenue for sustained capacity building beyond project life cycles.

Impact of agribusiness empowerment interventions on youth livelihoods: insight from Africa

Diciembre, 2022

This study generates evidence to understand the impact of agribusiness empowerment programmes on youth livelihoods in developing countries based on the ENABLE-TAAT programme implemented in Kenya, Nigeria, and Uganda. A multistage sampling technique was used in obtaining primary agribusiness-level data from a sample of 1435 young agripreneurs from the study countries. An Endogenous Treatment Effect Regression (ETER) model was used to assess the impact of programme participation on youth livelihoods (income and food security).

Women and Youth Empowerment in the Agricultural Sector in Côte d’Ivoire

Diciembre, 2022

This report presents the results of the quantitative survey on women and youth empowerment in the agricultural sector in Côte d'Ivoire. The survey targeted producer households from a digital database established as part of the TAFS-WCA baseline study. Data were collected in five Ivorian regions from a total sample of 410 actors. The analyses focused on perceptions of decision-making authority over resources, production activities, revenues, and leadership. Particular attention is paid to the disparities between women and men and between age groups. The key results are as follows:

Shamba showdown ukama ustawi progress report

Diciembre, 2022

The Shamba Showdown project emerges in response to a critical, yet under-addressed issue in Kenya's agriculture sector: the aging farmer population and the disinterest of the youth in farming. Despite the fact that 85% of Kenya's food supply is domestically grown, primarily by smallholder farmers, there is a looming food crisis driven by the aging demographic of these farmers. The median age of Kenyan farmers is now over 60, and the younger generation, educated in urban areas, shows little inclination to return to rural farming.