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Model-based estimation of land subsidence in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal

Journal Articles & Books
Febrero, 2017

This study is the first to assess land subsidence in the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal. Land subsidence simulations were based on a fully calibrated groundwater (GW) flow model developed using a coupled surface–subsurface modelling system. Subsidence is predicted to occur as a result of deep aquifer compaction due to excessive GW abstraction. The north and north-east areas at the periphery of the GW basin are hotspots for this subsidence. The estimated subsidence is most sensitive to changes in land cover within the recharge areas.

Regulation amending the Regulation defining areas with natural or other specific constraints.

Febrero, 2017

This Regulation amends some parts of the Regulation defining areas with natural or other specific constraints (Official Gazette of the Republic of Croatia 34/2015, 65/2015 and 91/2015).Changes are related to the local self-government and their powers and duties in relation to the status of affiliation with areas with natural or other special restrictions that has to be established; and names and official denominations of urban areas that are included in the group of the above mentioned areas with natural or other specific constraints that are located on the territory of the Republic of Croa

Africa's Cities

Reports & Research
Journal Articles & Books
Febrero, 2017

Cities in Sub-Saharan Africa are experiencing rapid population growth. Yet their economic growth has not kept pace. Why? One factor might be low capital investment, due in part to Africa’s relative poverty: Other regions have reached similar stages of urbanization at higher per capita GDP. This study, however, identifies a deeper reason: African cities are closed to the world.

Acciones de resiliencia frente a las políticas habitacionales en la ciudad de Buenos Aires: las organizaciones sociales, las instituciones y los desalojos masivos

Journal Articles & Books
Febrero, 2017

La problemática habitacional actual de la ciudad de Buenos Aires gira en torno a dos fenómenos: la precariedad y los desalojos, en un contexto que se concibe de emergencia habitacional. Como reacción a esta situación, algunos organismos institucionales y ciertas organizaciones sociales con anclaje territorial en la zona sur de la ciudad comenzaron a llevar adelante acciones de resiliencia frente a los desalojos masivos que, como consecuencia de la presión inmobiliaria, afectaban a los hoteles, pensiones, inquilinatos y casas tomadas de esta zona de la ciudad.


Manuals & Guidelines
Enero, 2017

The Constitution of Kenya 2010 apportions responsibility of planning to both National and County governments. The County Government Act, 2012 obligates county governments to prepare and implement County Integrated Development Plans (CIDP). The CIDPs are, according to the act, five year plans that will form the basis of annual budgetary allocation by the county governments.

Resolución Nº 002-2017-VIVIENDA ─ Constituye la Comisión Consultiva del Sector Saneamiento del Ministerio de Vivienda, Construcción y Saneamiento.

Enero, 2017

El presente Decreto Supremo constituye la Comisión Consultiva del Sector Saneamiento del Ministerio de Vivienda, Construcción y Saneamiento, con el encargo de absolver consultas o emitir opiniones en temas de política y asuntos de competencia del sector saneamiento, expidiendo pronunciamientos de carácter no vinculante y siempre que el Ministro lo considere necesario; así como de promover el diálogo en asuntos del referido sector entre el Estado y la sociedad.

A National Urban Policy for Liberia

Reports & Research
Enero, 2017

The Feasibility Discussion Paper is a key output of the feasibility phase of the NUP process in Liberia. It explains the context in which the policy will operate. The paper is the result of a wide range of research and consultations on the demographic, socioeconomic, and physical environment aspects of the country. It also provides preliminary policy recommendations for further analysis in the subsequent NUP development processes.

Movement patterns of a keystone waterbird species are highly predictable from landscape configuration

Journal Articles & Books
Enero, 2017

Background: Movement behaviour is fundamental to the ecology of animals and their interactions with other organisms, and as such contributes to ecosystem dynamics. Waterfowl are key players in ecological processes in wetlands and surrounding habitats through predator-prey interactions and their transportation of nutrients and other organisms. Understanding the drivers of their movement behaviour is crucial to predict how environmental changes affect their role in ecosystem functioning.

Ordonnance n°002/PR/2017 du 27 février 2017 portant orientation de l'urbanisme en République Gabonaise.

Legislation & Policies
Enero, 2017

La présente ordonnance porte orientation de l'urbanisme en République Gabonaise. A cet effet, elle fixe la planification urbaine. Il s’agit notamment documents de planification urbaine (le Schéma Directeur d'Aménagement et d'Urbanisme (SDAU); le Plan d'Occupation des Sols (POS); Plan Directeur d'Urbanisme (PDU); Plan de Secteur (SMART CODE); Plan d’Aménagement de Zone (PAZ); Règlement National d’urbanisme (RNU).


Decree No. 37.966 approving the Table of Classification of Urban and Rural Land Uses and Activities of the Distrito Federal.

Enero, 2017

This Decree, consisting of 7 articles and six Annexes, approves the Table of Classification of the Urban and Rural Land Uses and Activities of the Distrito Federal. In the Classification of Urban and Rural Uses and Activities of the Federal District, the activities are framed in the following uses: I - Urban: (A) residential as set out in Annex I; (B) as set out in Annex II; (C) industrial, as set out in Annex III; (D) institutional, as set out in Annex IV; (E) provision of services as set out in Annex V; II - Rural, as set out in Annex VI.