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Land Conflict in India

Reports & Research
Octubre, 2016

Land and resource conflicts in India have deep implications for the wellbeing of the country's people, institutions, investments, and long-term development. These conflicts reveal deep structural flaws in the country's social, agrarian, and institutional structures, including ambiguities in property rights regimes and institutions.

International Land Deals for Agriculture. Fresh insights from the Land Matrix: Analytical Report II

Reports & Research
Octubre, 2016

Summary: Includes land acquisitions continue to be an important trend; a need for this new, updated report; agricultural land acquisitions are increasingly becoming operational; food crops dominate but also palm oil and fuel crops; Africa is the most targeted continent; large diversity in origin of investors; land acquisitions often target relatively highly populated areas dominated by croplands; local communities are often bypassed in negotiations, limited information on displacement and compensation; a need for further monitoring.

Ley Nº 3/2016 - Modifica la Ley Nº 2/2001, Ley de Ordenación Territorial y Régimen Urbanístico del Suelo de Cantabria.

Octubre, 2016

La presente Ley modifica la que tiene por objeto la regulación de los instrumentos de ordenación territorial, el uso del suelo y la actividad urbanística en la Comunidad Autónoma de Cantabria, en aspectos relacionados con la regulación del derecho de realojo y retorno en la Comunidad Autónoma de Cantabria, con la finalidad de impedir que ningún afectado por la acción urbanística de expropiación forzosa pueda verse entorpecido en el legítimo derecho de acceder a una vivienda digna y en condiciones realmente asumibles, ofreciendo una vivienda de sustitución a cambio de la que resulta expropia

Resolución Nº 725 - Modifica la Resolución Nº 165, que integra el Comité de Conciliación del Ministerio de Vivienda, Ciudad y Territorio.

Octubre, 2016

La presente Resolución modifica la que integra el Comité de Conciliación del Ministerio de Vivienda, Ciudad y Territorio, respecto a sus miembros permanentes y a quienes invite con carácter obligatorio, por ser funcionarios de la entidad que por su condición jerárquica, funcional o conocimiento técnico deban asistir con ocasión de los casos que se sometan a consideración del Comité.

Enmienda: Resolución Nº 165 - Integra el Comité de Conciliación del Ministerio de Vivienda, Ciudad y Territorio. (2014-03-27)

Water Rights: An Assessment of Afghanistan’s Legal Framework Governing Water for Agriculture

Reports & Research
Octubre, 2016

“Water is the lifeblood of the people of Afghanistan, not just for living but also for the economy, which has traditionally been dominated by agriculture.” Nearly “80% of Afghanistan’s population derive their livelihood from the agriculture sector.” And, agriculture remains one of Afghanistan’s principal growth sectors.

Leaving no one behind: internal displacement and the New Urban Agenda

Policy Papers & Briefs
Septiembre, 2016

Many internally displaced people (IDPs) find refuge in cities. However, the scale of global urban internal displacement caused by violence, conflict, disasters and development projects is unknown. Cities struggle to accommodate IDPs since their movements are largely spontaneous, and some authorities may resist helping IDPs for fear of encouraging further influxes. Meanwhile, IDPs face displacement-specific challenges to rebuild their lives in urban settings and may be displaced again in the process due to lack of housing tenure security and violence and insecurity.

A good practice on the implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure: A multi-actor and multi-sector approach in Sierra Leone

Policy Papers & Briefs
Septiembre, 2016
Sierra Leona

In Sierra Leone, the well-being and livelihoods of many people, particularly the rural poor, are based on secure and equitable access to land, fisheries and forests. Increasing pressure on these resources in recent years has led to an escalation of conflict over access to natural resources.

Case Study: Farmer–Herder Conflicts in Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana

Reports & Research
Septiembre, 2016
Burkina Faso
Côte d'Ivoire

This chapter is a case study that tests hypotheses in order to determine if political factors can reduce violence in cases of climate-change-induced or -aggravated agro-pastoral conflicts over natural resources. Three West African countries were selected because of their common socio-economic and environmental characteristics and because they host comparable farmer–herder conflicts: Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana. The level of farmer–herder conflicts is estimated to have risen between 1960 and 2000 in the three countries.

‘It’s not all about the land’: Land disputes and conflict in the eastern Congo

Reports & Research
Septiembre, 2016

Current interventions in land conflicts in the eastern Congo are focused on conflict management rather than conflict resolution. Land conflicts are part of a wider governance problem and need political rather than technical approaches. Conflicts over land are related to wider conflict dynamics, which are the result of an interplay between struggles for power and resources, identity narratives and territorial claims. There is a need for better donor coordination and more coherent land governance interventions, which should be integrated into larger state-building efforts.

Tropical landscapes in transition? : Widespread land-use change and measures to maintain forests, carbon stocks and biodiversity in North and East Kalimantan, Indonesia

Reports & Research
Septiembre, 2016

The production of commodities such as palm oil and pulpwood is leading to large-scale land use change in the rural tropics to fulfil the demands of the increasing world population and overall living standard. On the one hand, such land use changes provide income to companies, smallholders and government actors. On the other hand, these can lead to land use conflicts and declines in forest cover, biodiversity, carbon stocks, and local food production.

Land Improvements Under Land Tenure Insecurity: The Case of Liming in Finland

Reports & Research
Septiembre, 2016

This article solves and characterizes optimal decision rules to invest in irreversible land improvements conditional on land tenure insecurity. Economic model is a normative dynamic programming model with known parameters for the one period returns and transition equations. The optimal decision rules for liming are solved numerically, conditional on alternative scenarios on the likelihood that the lease contract and, thus, farmer access to land is either renewed or expired. The model parameters represent Finnish soil quality and production conditions.