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Planning Act 2016.

Mayo, 2016

This Act, consisting of 231 sections divided into eight Chapters and completed by two Schedules, aims to establish an efficient, effective, transparent, integrated, coordinated, and accountable system of land use planning (planning), development assessment and related matters that facilitates the achievement of ecological sustainability.

Expropriation Bill [B4D-2015]: adoption, with Deputy Minister present; Government debt owed to municipalities: payment progress report by DPW

Legislation & Policies
Mayo, 2016

The Committee met to deal with the two proposed amendments that had been made by the National Council of Provinces (NCOP) on the Expropriation Bill [B4B-2015]. The first amendment aimed to increase the number of days in which the municipal manager must inform the expropriating authority, in writing, of charges from 20 days to 30 days, if land which had been expropriated is subject to municipal rates.

Décret n° 2016-386/PRES/PM/MAECBE/MATDSI du 20 mai 2016 portant ratification de la Convention sur la coopération transfrontalière adoptée à Malabo le 27 juin 2014.

Mayo, 2016
Burkina Faso

Le présent décret ratifié la Convention sur la coopération transfrontalière adoptée à Malabo le 27 juin 2014.Les objectifs de la présente Convention sont: promouvoir la coopération transfrontalière aux niveaux local, sous régional et régional; saisir les opportunités qui naissent du partage de frontières communes et relever les défis y afférents; faciliter la délimitation, la démarcation et la réaffirmation des frontières inter-Etats, conformément aux mécanismes convenus par les parties concernées; faciliter le règlement pacifique des différends frontaliers; assurer une gestion intégrée, ef

Resolución Nº 196-2016-MINAGRI ─ Procedimientos administrativos y servicios derivados de la actividad catastral a cargo de las Direcciones Regionales de Agricultura de los Gobiernos Regionales.

Mayo, 2016

La presente Resolución aprueba la relación de procedimientos administrativos y servicios derivados de la actividad catastral a cargo de las Direcciones Regionales de Agricultura de los Gobiernos Regionales a los que se ha transferido la función de saneamiento físico legal de la propiedad agraria, incluyendo su denominación, plazo máximo de atención y requisitos máximos para cada procedimiento.

Implementa: Ley Nº 27867 - Ley Orgánica de Gobiernos Regionales. (2002-11-16)

Mining Act, 2016 (No. 12 of 2016).

Mayo, 2016

This Act provides rules for the prospecting for and mining of minerals specified in the First Schedule to this Act. Save to the extent provided for in this Act, it shall not apply to matters relating to petroleum and hydrocarbon gases. The Cabinet Secretary responsible for mining, the Principal Secretary of the responsible ministry and any person shall be guided by the values and principles enshrined in the Constitution and in particular Articles 10, 66 (2), 201 (c) and (d), and 232 of the Constitution and the principles of leadership and integrity.

Scoping and Status Study on Land and Conflict

Reports & Research
Mayo, 2016

This report on the Scoping and Status Study on Land and Conflict reviews the global context and the inspiration driving the study, The three key findings of the study are the existence of multiple areas of UN engagement on land and conflict across the UN pillars, the existence of multiple entry points for improved synergy and that the status quo is not fit for purpose. Based on the above findings, the study presents six recommendations  for consideration by the Rule of Law Resource and Coordination Group, the UN Working Group on Transition, other non-UN entities and Member States.

Scoping and status study on Land and Conflict

Reports & Research
Mayo, 2016

This publication presents a functional analysis of how the United Nations System deals with land and conflict across the UN pillars of peace, security, development and human rights. It reviews areas of engagement of eighteen UN Agencies across the full conflict cycle - from preparedness and prevention to humanitarian response, conflict mediation, peacemaking, peace consolidation and peace-building, recovery and development.

Migración, fronteras y desplazamientos en la ciudad. Dinámicas de la alteridad urbana en Buenos Aires

Journal Articles & Books
Mayo, 2016

A partir del análisis de la experiencia urbana de migrantes bolivianos en la ciudad de Buenos Aires, el artículo problematiza los modos habituales de pensar las relaciones entre territorio, diferencia y desigualdad: el gueto racial y la periferia pobre. En el artículo se resalta la imposibilidad de comprender estos procesos en clave unidimensional, enfatizando la relevancia de las intersecciones de clase, nacionalidad, género y "raza" en la estructuración y uso del espacio urbano.

Conflict in REDD+: An Analysis of Sources of Conflict Based on Case Studies from South and Southeast Asia

Reports & Research
Abril, 2016
South-Eastern Asia

Based on empirical case studies in four countries in South (Nepal) and Southeast Asia (Cambodia, Myanmar and Viet Nam), this issue paper examines how REDD+ can be a driver of conflict (and cooperation), particularly between forest communities, governments and REDD+ project developers, as well as between and within communities and within national government agencies.

Decreto Supremo Nº 025-2016-PCM ─ Modifica el Decreto Supremo Nº 072-2005-PCM, Reglamento del Registro Nacional de Profesionales y Técnicos de Demarcación Territorial.

Abril, 2016

El presente Decreto Supremo modifica el Reglamento del Registro Nacional de Profesionales y Técnicos de Demarcación Territorial, respecto al tipo de profesionales y técnicos que comprenderá en el libro de profesionales a abogados, administradores, arquitectos, Eeconomistas, geógrafos, ingenieros geógrafos y sociólogos, y respecto a los objetivos de la capacitación de los mismos.

Enmienda: Decreto Supremo Nº 072-2005-PCM ─ Reglamento del Registro Nacional de Profesionales y Técnicos de Demarcación Territorial. (2005-09-28)

Immovable Property (Tenure, Registration and Valuation) Law (Amendment) (No. 3) 2016 (No. 67(I)/2016).

Abril, 2016

This Act may be cited as the Immovable Property (Tenure, Registration and Valuation) (Amendment) (No. 3) Law of 2016 and shall be read together with the Immovable Property (Tenure, Registration and Valuation) Law. Amendments deal with adminstrative and legal proceedings for land leasing. Article 2 of the basic law is amended by adding the following new terms and definitions of "government settlement".