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Ley Nº 22/2011 - Ley de residuos y suelos contaminados.

Europa meridional

La presente Ley tiene por objeto regular la gestión de los residuos impulsando medidas que prevengan su generación y mitiguen los impactos adversos sobre la salud humana y el medio ambiente asociados a su generación y gestión, mejorando la eficiencia en el uso de los recursos. Tiene asimismo como objeto regular el régimen jurídico de los suelos contaminados.

Forestry Act (Northern-Ireland) 2010 (Chapter 10).

Reino Unido
Europa septentrional

This Act provides for the management and protection of forest resources in Northern Ireland. It, among other things, specifies functions and powers of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, provides for the protection of trees from damage and provides for restrictions on the felling of trees.The Department shall promote forestry on a wider footing than the traditional primary role of developing afforestation, the supply of timber, and the maintenance of reserves of growing trees.

Mahogany Industry Development Decree 2010 (No. 16 of 2010).


This Decree establishes the Mahogany Industry Council and provides for the continuation of the Fiji Mahogany Trust, which was established as a body corporate under section 5 of the Fiji Mahogany Act 2003 for the benefit of landowners and the Fiji Hardwood Corporation Limited, transformed into a privatised Company for the purposes of developing the mahogany industry in Fiji, including the harvesting and processing of mahogany forests.

Regional Law No. 547 “On cultural heritage”.

Europa oriental

This Regional Law regulates relations in the sphere of conservation, management and promotion of cultural heritage. Boundaries of the objects of cultural heritage, land tenure regime within the aforesaid boundaries and land use planning arrangements shall be validated by the Regional Government. Boundaries of protected areas containing objects of historical and cultural heritage shall be established and mapped in accordance with substantiating documentation.

Amended by: Regional Law No. 771 amending Regional Law No. 547 “On cultural heritage”. (2016-03-11)

Planning and Construction Act (SFS 2010:900).

Europa septentrional

This Act contains provisions on the planning of land, water and construction. The purpose of these provisions is to promote community development and sustainable living environment. The Act regulates urban and rural landscape planning in municipalities, safeguarding cultural sites, management of energy, water, climate, waste, transport and hygiene conditions. Land Reserve and public places: zoning municipalities may determine land reserves allocated for road (traffic and transport) and energy (network and cabling) activities.

Ley Nº 143 - Declárase de prioridad nacional y necesidad departamental e interés social la forestación y reforestación de las zonas desérticas y semidesérticas del Departamento de Chuquisaca.

América del Sur

En virtud de esta Ley se declara de prioridad nacional y necesidad departamental e interés social la forestación y reforestación de las zonas desérticas y semidesérticas del Departamento de Chuquisaca. Se encomienda a los Ministerios de Medio Ambiente y Agua, de Desarrollo Rural y Tierras en coordinación con el Gobierno Autónomo Departamental de Chuquisaca y los Gobiernos Autónomos Municipales de Chuquisaca, la elaboración de los proyectos a diseño final de forestación y reforestación en zonas desérticas y semidesérticas para su ejecución en el Departamento de Chuquisaca.

Forestry Rights Registration and Timber Harvest Guarantee Act (No. 28 of 2000).


This Act regulates the definition, granting, transfer and registration of forestry rights in land, i.e.: (a) an interest in the land pursuant to which a person having the benefit of the interest is entitled to enter the land and do all or any of the following: (i) to establish, maintain, and harvest a crop of trees on the land; (ii) to maintain and harvest a crop of trees on the land; (iii) to construct and use such buildings, works and facilities as required for crop management; or (b) a carbon sequestration right in respect of the land; or (c) a combination of such rights, and provides fo

Physical Planning Act (Cap. 193).


This Act applies to physical planning within a Physical Planning Area declared as such by a Municipal Council or Local Government Council. In declaring an area to be a Physical Planning Area, a Council may in its absolute discretion decide that one or more of the types of development specified in Schedule I shall not require permission for development, and it shall specify those types of development in the declaration. Whenever a council declares an area to be a Physical Planning Area it shall prepare a plan of that area.

Town and Country Planning Act, 1976 (Act No. 172).

Asia sudoriental

This Act provides for town and country planning at various levels of administration.The Act provides for the establishment of a National Physical Planning Council and of a State Planning Committee which shall promote, regulate, control and advise on, the use and development of all lands in the State. The Council may form time to time establish a regional planning committee.The State Director shall make a development plan based on the review of existing developments in the State.

Regional Law No. 24-RZ “On land relations”.

Europa oriental

This Regional Law regulates management and protection of land as a basis for vital activity of the population. Regional administration shall have the following competence in the sphere of land relations: (a) enforcement of the federal land legislation; (b) expropriation, including bailout, of plots of land for public needs; (c) elaboration and realization of regional programs for land conservation; (d) management and disposal of land plots pertaining to regional property; and (e) other plenary powers not pertaining to federal bodies or local government.