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Roles of land tenure reforms and land markets in the context of population growth and land use intensification in Africa

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2014

Land markets are evolving in response to increasing population pressure in Africa.
High population pressure leads to land use intensification on very small farms.
Population growth in densely populated rural areas leads to increasing rural–urban youth migration.
Tenure security enhancing land reforms enhance investments and sustainable land use intensification.
Pro-poor development strategies should target the strengthening of land governance.

Desertification: The invisible frontline

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2014

Desertification is a silent, invisible crisis that is destabilizing communities on a global scale. As the effects of climate change undermine livelihoods, inter-ethnic clashes are breaking out within and across states and fragile states are turning to militarization to control the situation.

Assessing forest landscape restoration opportunities at the national level:A guide to the Restoration Opportunities Assessment Methodology (ROAM)

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2014

Restoration Opportunities Assessment Methodology (ROAM) will help countries understand how much of their land offers restoration opportunities, map where those opportunities are and determine which degraded landscapes offer the most value to society. Global analysis has found more than two billion hectares of land across the planet that could benefit from restoration. What do these opportunities look like at the necessary, landscape level?

Rangelands: Conservation and “Land Grabbing” in Rangelands: Part of the Problem or Part of the Solution?

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2014

Large-scale land acquisitions have increased in scale and pace due to changes in commodity markets, agricultural investment strategies, land prices, and a range of other policy and market forces. The areas most affected are the global “commons” – lands that local people traditionally use collectively — including much of the world’s forests, wetlands, and rangelands. In some cases land acquisition occurs with environmental objectives in sight – including the setting aside of land as protected areas for biodiversity conservation.

Calculation of the EU Bioenergy land footprint: Discussion paper on land use related to EU bioenergy
targets for 2020 and an outlook for 2030

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2014

This paper explores the land footprint related to EU bioenergy consumption and aims to contribute to the discussion on how EU bioenergy targets impact on scarce global land resources, both cropland and forest areas. In the last decade, demand for EU bioenergy has risen significantly, largely driven by political targets and subsidies. Our calculations show that the total land footprint related to EU bioenergy is likely to expand from 44.5 Mha (an area of the size of Sweden) in 2010 to 70.2 Mha (an area of the size of Poland and Sweden combined) in 2030.

Incorporating Land Use Impacts on Biodiversity into Life Cycle Assessment for the Apparel Industry

Reports & Research
Diciembre, 2014

Inputs of land for raw material production and fabric manufacturing. Such land use has significant implications for biodiversity—the diversity of Earth’s species, which provide critical services such as pollination, water purification, and climate regulation.

Although land use is a major driver of biodiversity loss, there is no easily applicable method for incorporating land use impacts on biodiversity into life cycle assessment (LCA)—a widelyused tool for evaluating potential environmental impacts of a product system.

Climate Change and Risk Management: Vulnerability analysis of coastal marine infrastructures in Latin America.

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2014
América del Sur
América central

The objective of the study is to provide methodological instruments to governments in Latin America to facilitate the identification of the vulnerability of the physical infrastructure of coastal marine areas to climate change and facilitate the identification of adaptation options. It sets out the main ideas covered, that takes the experiences, lessons learned and best practices in the beneficiary countries of the EUROCLIMA programme in order to estimate and reduce the vulnerability of coastal marine infrastructures in the face of climate change.

Drylands: Sustaining Livelihoods and Conserving Ecosystem Services. A policy brief based on the Sustainable Management of Marginal Drylands (SUMAMAD) project

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2014

The drylands of the world occur on every continent, covering some 41% of the terrestrial surface. One third
of humanity inhabits these harsh degrading landscapes, eking out a living through adaptive processes that
have served them well until recent increases of land degradation. Growing pressures from population growth,

Law No. 13.214 establishing the principles, guidelines and objectives of the Territorial Development Policy of the State of Bahia.

Diciembre, 2014

This Law, consisting of 3 Chapters divided into 22 articles, establishes the principles, guidelines and objectives of the Territorial Development Policy of the State of Bahia, and creates the State Council of Territorial Development (CEDETER) and the Territorial Sustainable Development Collegial Agencies (CODETERs). It establishes spaces of social participation and relationship between the representations of the civil society and government authorities federal, state and municipal.

Ley Nº 14/2014 - Ley de Armonización y Simplificación en materia de Protección del Territorio y de los Recursos Naturales.

Diciembre, 2014

La presente Ley de Armonización y Simplificación en materia de Protección del Territorio y de los Recursos Naturales, tiene como finalidad incidir sobre la arquitectura del sistema territorial y medioambiental con el fin de eliminar rigideces innecesarias y clarificar las competencias que corresponden a los tres niveles administrativos (el del Gobierno de Canarias, el de los cabildos y el de los ayuntamientos), además de agilizar al máximo los procedimientos de formulación y aprobación de los instrumentos de planeamiento territorial, ambiental y urbanístico.Además, se propone revisar la nor

Government Regulation No. 104 of 2015 on the Procedures to Change the Designation and Function of Forest Areas.

Diciembre, 2014

This Government Regulation implements the provisions of Law No. 41 of 1999 on Forestry. It establishes that to accelerate the development excluding the activity of forestry, it simplifies the procedure of changing the designation and function of forest areas and solves the problems that cannot be resolved under the provisions of Government Regulation No. 10 of 2010 on Procedure to Change the Designation and Function of Forest Areas.