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Changes in woody species composition following establishing exclosures on grazing lands in the lowlands of northern Ethiopia

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2013

Restoring vegetation in low rainfall areas is difficult and urges the need to design an effective and low-cost method of vegetation restoration. This study was undertaken in the lowlands of northern Ethiopia to: (1) investigate how exclosure age affects restoration of degraded native plant species richness, diversity and aboveground standing biomass, and (2) identify soil characteristics, which affect effectiveness of exclosures to restore degraded native vegetation.

Constraints on agricultural production in the northern uplands of Vietnam

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2013
Viet Nam
Asia sudoriental

The Northern Uplands of Vietnam form one of the largest ecological regions in the country, characterized by complex biophysical conditions and a high diversity in ethnic minorities, cultures, and farming systems. The Doi moi ("renovation?) program has, since the early 1980s, resulted in significant changes in agriculture production and related economic trends. However, poverty, low agricultural productivity, and land degradation are still major problems.

If we halt deforestation, will the world starve?

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2013

Making sure that we will continue to have enough to eat is at the heart of our shared ambitions to mitigate climate change. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the convention that has guided us through the highs and lows of 18 rounds of annual negotiations, states upfront that the reasons to stabilise emissions are threefold: to allow ecosystems to adapt naturally , to enable economic development to proceed in a sustainable manner and to ensure that food production is not threatened .

If we halt deforestation, will the world starve?

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2013

Making sure that we will continue to have enough to eat is at the heart of our shared ambitions to mitigate climate change. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the convention that has guided us through the highs and lows of 18 rounds of annual negotiations, states upfront that the reasons to stabilise emissions are threefold: to allow ecosystems to adapt naturally , to enable economic development to proceed in a sustainable manner and to ensure that food production is not threatened .

Improving rural livelihoods and minimizing land degradation through the community watershed approach for sustainable development of dryland areas

Reports & Research
Diciembre, 2013
Asia meridional

Through networking of partners by way of a consortium approach, the project has demonstrated that 50% of chemical fertilizers can be substituted with the locally-produced vermicompost that the farmers themselves make. In Madhya Pradesh 800 trials were conducted, and a 1000 in Rajasthan, during the post-rainy season, which demonstrated the productivity benefits that can be achieved by following the science-led farmer participatory approach.

Runoff and sediment monitoring in an agricultural watershed in the Ethiopian Highlands

Reports & Research
Diciembre, 2013
África oriental

Land degradation due to soil erosion is a major issue in the Ethiopian Highlands. Deforestation leads to ongoing gully erosion during the rainy season (June to September) and thus the hydrology of a watershed changes as dense gully networks cause direct drainage of rain water. To better understand watershed scale gully processes in the Ethiopian Highlands, three gauging stations were installed in the 56 km2 large Gumara-Maksegnit catchment in the northern Amhara region, to monitor discharge and sediment load in the gullies during rainy season.

Soil conservation measures in the Ethiopian Highlands: The effectiveness of stone bunds on soil erosion processes

Conference Papers & Reports
Diciembre, 2013
África oriental

Extensive land degradation in the Ethiopian Highlands jeopardizes rural livelihood. Intensified by increasing population pressure, farmers are forced to expand their arable land by deforestation and thus worsening the soil erosion problem. Through the application of various soil conservation measures, farmers and authorities try to prevent against further land degradation.

Influencia del uso de la tierra con cultivos de cacao, chakras y bosque primario, sobre la diversidad, almacenamiento de carbono y productividad en la Reserva de la Biosfera Sumaco, Ecuador.

Reports & Research
Diciembre, 2013

La investigación se realizó en la Reserva de la Biosfera Sumaco, en la provincia del Napo, Republica del Ecuador. Se estudiaron siete sistemas de uso de la tierra: Chakras con y sin sombra, cultivos de cacao propagados por semilla con y sin sombra, cacao injertado con y sin sombra y bosque primario. Se evaluaron tres variables de respuesta: diversidad arbórea y arbustiva, almacenamiento-acumulación de carbono (C) y productividad, en los diferentes sistemas de usos de la tierra.