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Opportunities for and constraints to safe and sustainable vegetable production in Sri Lanka

Diciembre, 2022
Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka is blessed with ideal conditions for cultivating a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. The country has around 80 varieties produced in different agroecological zones. There are several government and private organizations supporting vegetable farmers and farmers are organized into formally registered organizations. However, the average consumption of fruits and vegetables in Sri Lanka is around 150 g per day and per capita consumption is approximately 112 g per day, which is 50% lower than the World Health Organization (WHO) recommendations (SAARC 2017).

Why the data gaps in Indian aquaculture need to be addressed to contribute to its efficient and sustainable development

Diciembre, 2022

Identification of the data gaps can help determine the appropriate methods to improve aquaculture farm operation, production and market access, as well as community capacity. The data gaps can be addressed by
creating a national aquaculture database in collaboration with various stakeholders including government bodies, research institutes, private entities, and aquaculture farmers.

IWMI & CEEW Study: Integrating Food, Land, and Water for Poverty Reduction in Odisha

Diciembre, 2022

International Water Management Institute (IWMI) and the Council on Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW) organized a state consultation workshop on 14 December 2023 on ‘Policy Coherence in Food, Land, and Water (FLW) Systems: A case study of Odisha’ at Bhubaneswar as a part of the CGIAR Research Initiative on National Policies and Strategies Initiatives (NPS). The Food, Land and Water (FLW) project aims to identify key state-level policies in the food, land, and water systems that have a practical scope for improving coherence and hold most potential for creating an impact.

Fish cage culture in small water bodies in North East Region of Ghana: technical and institutional guiding principles for sustainable and inclusive uptake

Diciembre, 2022

The CGIAR Initiative on Aquatic Foods partnered with the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research’s Water Research Institute (CSIR-WRI), the Fisheries Commission, and collaborated with local government departments and local communities to implement fish cage culture in selected small reservoirs in Ghana. This brief highlights the technical and institutional principles that were applied in these sites for inclusive and sustainable aquatic food production in the year 2023.

Food systems transformation in Kenya: Lessons from the past and policy options for the future

Diciembre, 2022

The new Kenyan government faces a complex domestic and global environment, and it is widely expected to address key food and agricultural challenges with a new set of policies and programs. This policy brief presents key recommendations from a forthcoming book, Food Systems Transformation in Kenya: Lessons from the Past and Policy Options for the Future, which provides research-based “food for thought and action” to support the Kenyan government’s efforts to improve food security.

Climate-Smart Agriculture Training Guide

Diciembre, 2022

Agriculture, the backbone of the Ethiopian economy, contributes roughly 40% of GDP, more than 75% of employment, and 80% of foreign exchange earnings (FAO, 2019). Ethiopian agriculture relies heavily on natural rainfall, with irrigation used on only about 5% of total cultivated land (Effa et al., 2023). As a result, the sector is highly vulnerable to climate change. Climate change

First-ever community-level Anticipatory Action Simulation in Sri Lanka

Diciembre, 2022
Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka experiences distinct monsoon seasons, the Southwest and Northeast monsoons, contributing to the risk of flooding and landslides in different regions. The Nuwara Eliya district, facing elevated threats of landslides and floods, underscores the importance of proactive measures such as Anticipatory Action (AA). AA empowers communities by enabling precautionary measures, and a collaborative three-day simulation, involving World Vision Lanka, the International Water Management Institute (IWMI), and government partners, sought to enhance community resilience comprehensively.

NextGen agroadvisory expanding in scope and extent: The effort to cover more crops and bundle with lime advisory

Diciembre, 2022

Accurate crop yield prediction is crucial for optimizing agricultural practices and ensuring food security. The NextGen advisory is a fertilizer recommendation system that can be customized for different farming systems, crop types, and locations. The system uses machine learning models to predict site-specific fertilizer rates using filed trial and covariates (soil, topography, and climate) data.

Site-specific fertilizer recommendation spilled over to other partners: The opportunity and potential for facilitated scaling up

Diciembre, 2022

Over the last decades, the government of Ethiopia has taken several measures to achieve food security for its population. However, crop production is still below the optimal possible. Studies show that wheat, maize, and sorghum yields in Ethiopia are about 26.8, 19.7, and 29.3 % of their water-limited yield potentials. Some legumes such as common bean even experience higher yield gap of 35.5%. These indicate the potential for increasing productivity of crops in the country through addressing the key bottlenecks. Several factors play important role in determining crop yields in the country.

Effectiveness of Innovation Platforms in Enhancing the Viability of the Wheat Seed Sector in Terbol Station, Lebanon

Diciembre, 2022

The objective of this research was to assess the effectiveness of the innovation platform (IP) (Terbol Station) on the wheat seed sector in Lebanon. Data were collected from 16 seed producers after identifying and mapping the key stakeholders in the seed sector. Descriptive statistics was used to categorize and evaluate the efficacy of the innovation platform by identifying six groups: seed availability and access, knowledge and training, seed production and market impact, incentives, joint planning, and the situation of the seed sector in Lebanon.

Accelerating implementation of the African Union Climate Change and Resilient Development Strategy and Action Plan (2022-2032) through the Nairobi Declaration commitments

Diciembre, 2022

The African Heads of State and Government gathered for the inaugural Africa Climate Summit in Nairobi, Kenya, from 4th to 6th September 2023. The Summit sought to launch a new climate ambition for Africa and to invite supportive partnerships to pursue the continent’s climate-resilient, low emissions development pathways. The Summit focused on climate change and development in Africa, and the need for improved global investment in climate action. African countries were able to detail their plans and investment needs, and push for reform of international financial architecture.

The role of social forestry in achieving NDC targets: Study cases of Lampung and DI Yogyakarta

Diciembre, 2022

Social Forestry (SF) in Indonesia has emerged as a keystone strategy for Sustainable Forest Management. By allocating 12.7 million ha of forest to be managed by local communities, the government has set in motion an ambitious plan for SF to reduce poverty, empower local people, and improve forest conditions. More recently, SF is framed for its opportunity to contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation. This study focused on examining the contribution of SF to the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) goals in Yogyakarta and Lampung.