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This Act concerns the development of the Sanctuary Cove Resort at Hope Island, it consists of 128 sections and is divided into nine Parts. The Act provides for the creation of the Sanctuary Cove Resort Principal Body Corporate responsible for the management and development of the land in the…


This Act concerns the entry into land by authorized personnel for the purpose of carrying out soil surveys, it consists of five sections. It spells out the powers of officers under the Act (sect. 3) and provides for related matters.


This regulation implements the Soil Conservation Act 1986. It provides for the continuation in force of existing approved project plans (sect. 2) and requires approved plans to be available for inspection (sect. 3). The regulation is completed by one schedule: approved project plans and regional…

This proclamation done by the Governor in Council declares the annexing of certain islands to the Colony of Queensland. The islands interested are indicated in the annexed schedule.
Implements: Queensland Coast Islands Act 1879. (1994-12-05)


This Act provides for the administration of certain islands in Torres Straits and in the area between Australia and New Guinea under the law in force in Queensland.
Implemented by: Queensland Coast Islands Proclamation Dated 18 July 1879. (1996-04-11)


This Act concerns the title of native people, Aboriginal people and Torres Strait Islanders, to land in Queensland. It consists of 146 sections and is divided into five Parts. Part 2 is dedicated to validation and its effects, Part 3 concerns the confirmation of certain rights, in particular the…


Le présent décret porte réglementation des procédures à suivre par la commission de conciliation obligatoire en matière foncière, instituée par l'article 38 de la loi du 5 juillet 1996, en Polynésie française.
Met en oeuvre: Loi nº 96-609 portant dispositions diverses relatives à l…


This Act provides for the establishment of the Land Development Authority as a body corporate. It shall be the duty of the Authority to promote and assist the investigation, formation and carrying out of projects for the development, improvement and settlement of land. The Authority may…


The objects of this Act shall be, among other hings: (a) to provide for and establish integrated systems of development control, environmental impact assessment and pollution control; (b) to prevent, control and monitor pollution; to (c) protect and conserve the natural resources threatened by…


The ownership of the foreshore and sea-bed vests in the Crown, subject to the public rights of: (a) navigation and fishing, and (b) of passing over the foreshore, and to any private rights that may exist in or over the foreshore or the sea-bed. The Minister may by notice, after consultation with…


The Act consists of 34 sections divided into 5 Parts: Preliminary (I); Establishment, Membership and Procedure of Land Planning Boards (II); Land Use Plans (III); Development Control and Appeals (IV); General (V).A Central Land Planning Board is established under section 4. The Central Board may…


This Regulation, consisting of nine sections, implements the Queensland Heritage Act 1992. It specifies the contents of the application procedure for entering a place in the heritage register (sect. 4), the declaration of protected areas (sect. 6), provides the forms to be used under the Act and…