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This Act concerns the control and licensing of electricity distribution, natural gas and petroleum businesses and renewable energy. It establishes the Energy Regulatory Commission, the Rural Electrification Authority, the Rural Electrification Programme Fund and the Energy Tribunal.The…


This Act concerns the judicature in Malawi, constitutes the High Court, provides for the establishment of subordinate courts and provides with respect to jurisdiction and proceedings of the High Court and subordinate courts. Certain provisions concern jurisdiction or procedures regarding land…


Cet arrêté porte attributions, organisation et composition de la Commission de la Propriété Foncière, chargée d'examiner les dossiers d'attribution de terrains et d'exprimer un avis technique préalable à toute affaire domaniale (concession provisoire et définitive, occupation du…


This Resolution, consisting of 6 articles and 1 Table, establishes Special Plan requirements for Land Planning within the Province of Tete. It specifies Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment of the Zambesi Valley and part of its Basin, in particular applies for the following districts: Guro…


Cet arrêté porte attributions, organisation et composition du Comité consultatif de l'urbanisme, de l'habitat, de l'assainissement et de l'hygiène. Le Comité est mandaté pour suivre la mise en oeuvre des études et opérations urbaines, notamment les Schémas Directeurs d'…


This Act, among other things, vests the property of mineral rights in the President, provides with respect to the administration of matters regarding mines and minerals, provides for the granting of mineral rights and related matters, and provides for the protection of the environment in…


These Regulations, made under section 128 of the Mines and Minerals Act, prescribe any circumstance when it is necessary or expedient in the interests of defence, public safety, public order, public health, town and country planning, or the development or utilization of any property for the…


This Act amends the Asset Recovery Act in various sections concerning, among other things: interpretations; disclosure of information; offences and legal proceedings; powers of the Enforcement Authority, which also concern disclosure of information; and cooperation by the Enforcement Authority…


This Act amends the Affidavits of Prescription Act by providing for the suspension of sections 3, 4 and 6 to 9 of, and the Schedules to, the principal Act and provides for the circumstance where notice of an application has been published in accordance with section 4(2) of the principal Act and…


These Regulations amend the Land Surveyors (Fees for Survey of State Lands) by revoking and replacing the Schedule, which specifies fees for surveys, including the survey of an agricultural site.
Amends: Land Surveyors (Fees for the Survey of State Lands) Regulations 2011 (GN No. 58 of…


These Regulations amend the Morcellement Act by repealing the Second Schedule and replacing it by the Schedule to these Regulations. The Schedule specifies processing fees and morcellement fees, including morcellement exclusively for agricultural purposes. fees are based on square metres of land…


These Regulations, made under section 128 of the Mines and Minerals Act, prescribe the operations which may be carried on under section 116 (4) of the Act. Such operations include breaking up the surface of any land for the purpose of collecting information on the geology and mineral resources…