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Journal Articles & Books
Noviembre 2005

The IPTRID programme is a multi-donor trust fund managed by the IPTRID Secretariat as a Special Programme of FAO. The Secretariat is located in the Land and Water Development Division of FAO and draws on a worldwide network of leading centres of excellence in the field of irrigation, drainage…

Journal Articles & Books
Noviembre 2005

The International Programme for Technology and Research in Irrigation and Drainage (IPTRID) is an international multi-donor programme, co-managed by partner organizations, created in 1990 at the request of the International Commission for Irrigation and Drainage (ICID). Its Secretariat, first…

Reports & Research
Abril 2005

The current volume presents the Proceedings of an important meeting entitled "Regional Expert Consultation on Land Degradation, Plant, Animal and Human Nutrition: Inter-relation and Impact". This scientific gathering managed to have a group of soil scientists/plant nutrition…

Febrero 2005

Cette loi modifie divers articles du code général des impôts et du code rural en matière de développement des territoires ruraux. L'Etat est garant de la solidarité nationale en faveur des territoires ruraux et de montagne et reconnaît leur spécificité. Il est institué une conférence de la…

Journal Articles & Books
Noviembre 2004

An outcome of the second phase of a joint FAO-ESCAP pilot project, this document provides the study reports of three countries – Cambodia, Lao People's Democratic Republic and Myanmar – in their efforts to transform their national water visions to action in the quest for better management…

Journal Articles & Books
Noviembre 2004

Mangroves produce a number of very valuable ecological benefits. However, these benefits are largely intangible and do not provide income or revenue for the managers of the mangroves or for other stakeholders living in and around them. Therefore, they are often considered as “wasteland” rather…

Reports & Research
Noviembre 2004

It is increasingly recognised that migrants constitute an invaluable resource for development and poverty reduction in their home countries. For many developing countries, remittances from overseas migrants exceed development aid and foreign direct investment volumes. Moreover, remittances from…

Journal Articles & Books
Noviembre 2004

This publication considers fisheries management policies in the Mediterranean in the light of the new objectives of sustainability and governance. Emphasis is put on the decentralization of public action and the reform of institutional mechanisms.The first chapter assesses the historical and…

Journal Articles & Books
Noviembre 2004

This report presents the results of an extra budgetary project which analyses similarities and common approaches in European national forest legislation. The forest laws of 23 countries have been examined in order to find out whether provisions are made to put into practice the following three…

Journal Articles & Books
Noviembre 2004

The International Programme for Technology and Research in Irrigation and Drainage (IPTRID) is an international independent multi-donor trust fund programme created in 1990 and first located at the World Bank. Since 1998, it has been hosted by FAO as a Special Programme. IPTRID aims to assist…

Reports & Research
Noviembre 2004

The focus of this exercise was on issues connected with a possible substantial increase in the agricultural loan asset portfolio of ProCredit Bank. This summary outlines the type of client who could be targeted by the bank – the core borrowing group, the ways in which the bank could market its…

Febrero 2004

Le présent décret fixe la procédure de délimitation du rivage de la mer, des lais et relais de la mer et des limites transversales de la mer à l'embouchure des fleuves et rivières, conduite, sous l'autorité du préfet, par le service de l'Etat chargé du domaine public maritime.