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Reports & Research
Noviembre 2013

This PFS training Manual is designed for use by Master Trainers (MTs) during the training of facilitators course. Each lesson/topic is complete in itself detailing the preparations to be made, the materials to be kept handy, the core message to be communicated, and the methods that can be used…

Journal Articles & Books
Noviembre 2013

Since 1950 FAO has prepared and advocated decennial programmes for the World Census of Agriculture (WCA). The 2000 Programme was the sixth in the series. These programmes on one hand serve to promote availability of internationally comparable data on the structure of agriculture; on the other…

Journal Articles & Books
Noviembre 2013

Gender equality is one of the ten core principles of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security. This guide aims to assist in its implementation through the achievement of responsible gender-equitable…

Reports & Research
Noviembre 2013

The report reviews a broad range of food security and agricultural development policy decisions implemented over the period 2007 to 2012 in more than 70 countries in Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean. Selected policy decisions were analysed following FAPDA’s classification, dividing…

Journal Articles & Books
Noviembre 2013

Under the current challenges of food security, climate change adaptation and mitigation, further provision of ecosystem services and sustainable intensification of agriculture, soil information becomes fundamental to guide wise policies and decisions. This document reviews the present…

Journal Articles & Books
Noviembre 2013

La igualdad de género es uno de los diez principios rectores de las Directrices voluntarias sobre la gobernanza responsable de la tenencia de la tierra, la pesca y los bosques en el contexto de la seguridad alimentaria nacional. La presente guía busca secundar dicho principio mediante el logro…

Journal Articles & Books
Noviembre 2013

This Issue of Nature & Faune puts forward the case of “African Youth in Agriculture, Natural Resources and Rural Development”. It comprises twenty one articles from authors of various backgrounds, including: policy makers, conservation NGOs; the private sector; civil society groups;…

Journal Articles & Books
Noviembre 2013

Ce numéro de Nature & Faune met le focus sur « La place de la jeunesse africaine dans l’agriculture, les ressources naturelles et le développement rural ». Il compte vingt et un articles contribués par divers auteurs experts dans les secteurs suivants : les politiques, les ONG…

Journal Articles & Books
Noviembre 2013

El bienestar humano y la salud del planeta dependen de nuestra voluntad de cuidar de los bosques y de los procedimientos que empleemos para llevar a cabo su explotación. Es por lo tanto esencial saber quién posee y controla los bosques y cómo se ejerce la gobernanza de la tenencia forestal. Esta…

Reports & Research
Noviembre 2013

De modo a apoiar e promover a igualdade de género e o empoderamento da mulher rural
moçambicana, através da divulgação de legislação e informações relevantes sobre as
questões de género no país, o Centro de Formação Jurídica e Judiciária (CFJJ) do Ministério
da Justiça em…

Reports & Research
Noviembre 2013

This report summarises a strategic assessment of the potential of different options for investing in locally controlled forestry (ILCF), with a strong focus on local enterprise development. It looks in particular at the Province of Niassa in Mozambique. This assessment has its origins in mutual…

Training Resources & Tools
Noviembre 2013

Este material foi usado no ambito do Projecto Genero e Terra, promovido entre o CTV e a FAO.