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Reports & Research
Abril 2020

ABSTRACTED FROM EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: In the period from 2017 to 2019, Tajikistan’s authoritarian retrenchment continued. Political institutions were monopolized by the elite after the destruction of the Islamic Revival Party of Tajikistan (IRPT) in 2015, at the time the only viable political…

Institutional & promotional materials
Diciembre 2019

With only 7 percent of agricultural land, Tajikistan is a mountainous country located at the heart of Central Asian region, prone to desertification, salinization, soil erosion and forest loss. The first step to address the issue is to measure the real cost of degradation of the agricultural…

Institutional & promotional materials
Diciembre 2019

Располагая лишь 7 процентами земель, используемых в сельском хозяйстве, горный Таджикистан расположен в центре региона Центральной Азии, подверженного опустыниванию, засолению,
эрозии почвы и потере лесов. Первым шагом к решению проблемы является оценка реального ущерба от деградации…

Institutional & promotional materials
Agosto 2019

Presentation on Cost-effectiveness of erosion control measures on sloping lands, delivered during the CACIP Regional Consultation meeting which was held in Dushanbe Tajikistan on the 27th of September 2019.

Institutional & promotional materials
Agosto 2019

CACIP Региональная консультация. Презентация: Программа по адаптации к изменению климата и смягчению его последствий в бассейне Аральского моря (CAMP4ASB)

Institutional & promotional materials
Agosto 2019

Presentation on Measurement of the Costs of Land Degradation in the Mountains of the Republic of Tajikistan delivered during the CACIP Regional Consultation Meeting held in Dushanbe, Tajikistan.

Institutional & promotional materials
Agosto 2019

Presentation on Economy of land degradation in the Republic of Tajikistan (Fayzabad district), delivered during CACIP Regional consultation meeting which was held in Dushanbe Tajikistan on the 27th of September 2019.

Institutional & promotional materials
Agosto 2019

CACIP Региональная консультация. Презентация: ЭКОНОМИКА ДЕГРАДАЦИИ ЗЕМЕЛЬ В РЕСПУБЛИКЕ ТАДЖИКИСТАН (Файзабадский район). This presentation delivered during CACIP Regional consultation meeting which was held in Tajikistan on the 27th September 2019.

Journal Articles & Books
Mayo 2019

Agriculture in Eastern Europe and Central Asia is diverse, and has great potential to revitalize the economy of the countries in the region via improved productivity (efficiency) and higher total yield for food, fodder and fibre crops. Conservation agriculture can rise to the major challenge of…

Reports & Research
Mayo 2019

This evaluation assessed strategic positioning of the first phase of the FAO-Turkey programme, its results and contributions, sustainability, as well as coherence and catalytic effects. It noted that the programme facilitated a beneficial collaboration between the Turkish Government and regional…

Peer-reviewed publication
Abril 2019

We investigated wheat price relationships between the import-dependent countries in Central Asia and the South Caucasus and the Black Sea wheat exporters to assess wheat market efficiency. This is crucial for ensuring availability and access to wheat and for reducing food insecurity. Results…

Peer-reviewed publication
Enero 2019

The aim of this paper is to analyze the effect of irrigation delivery services and agricultural extension services on crop choice in southern Tajikistan. This analysis is motivated by the government’s recent efforts to address the country’s severe malnutrition problem by supporting changes in…