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Showing items 1648 through 1656 of 73534.The present Act provides for agreements between land owners to build, widen or deepen ditches to remove run off from their properties. The agreements apply to new owners of the same lands until the municipally appointed engineer decides otherwise.
The purpose of the present Act is to: a) provide for the protection of beaches and associated dune systems as significant and sensitive environmental and recreational resources; b) provide for the regulation and enforcement of the full range of land-use activities on beaches, including aggregate
This Law concerns the acquisition by the Governor of land for public purposes. It sets out the procedure for acquisition by agreement or compulsory acquistion and provides with respect to comepnsation to the persons who held a right in the acquired land.
El presente Decreto Legislativo aprueba la Ley que establece las normas orientadas a crear las condiciones necesarias para el desarrollo de la inversión privada en predios para arrendamiento, incluyendo los predios tugurizados con fines de renovación urbana.
The Act makes provision for the adjudication and registration of rights and interests in land in areas declared to be adjudication area by the Minister. Land shall be adjudicated by an Adjudication Officer appointed by the Minister.
The Act requires landowners to register Africans residing on their estate for the purpose of growing any economic crop for sale or performing any agricultural work. “African” means any person who is a member of an African community indigenous to Malawi, Tanzania, Zambia or Mozambique.
La présente loi a pour but d'assurer l'exécution, sur le territoire de la République et Canton du Jura, de la loi fédérale susvisés sur le bail à ferme agricole.
La presente Ley del impuesto sobre bienes inmuebles, tiene por objeto establecer en favor de las municipalidades un impuesto sobre los bienes inmuebles. Son objeto de este impuesto los terrenos, las instalaciones o las construcciones fijas y permanentes que allí existan.
Les articles 46 et 47 de la présente loi fixent les conditions du bail des terrains destinés à l’aménagement des ZFI ou à l’installation d’entreprise franche pour les promoteurs étrangers.
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