Godan is pleased to announce the GODAN workshop "Creating Impact with Open Data in Agriculture and Nutrition", Wageningen, 19/20 January 2015, which has been planned back-to-back with a 2015 GODAN partners conference. The workshop is hosted by the Dutch Government (Ministry of Economic Affairs) and is open to a broader public; the Partner conference is for GODAN partners only.
The workshop is an opportunity to participate in this workshop and to exchange your views on the subject with your colleagues in the GODAN network and experts from many international and national organisations in the field of agriculture, food supply and nutrition. The workshop is organised by the Open Data Institute in the UK in collaboration with the Dutch research institute Alterra and takes place in the premises of Wageningen University and Research Centre.
The general objective and scope of the workshop is:
To develop a shared understanding how open data in the field of agriculture, food supply and nutrition can lead to societal impact;
To define and specify potential impacts in either economic terms, improved governance, or improved understanding of strategic decision making.
To explore routes to impact, business models behind open data, and good practices. This explorative approach will focus on agriculture, food supply and nutrition, but also seeks to build on lessons learned from other sectors.
To outline a strategic agenda that can be used as a starting point for the GODAN Secretariat (to be established in spring 2015).
The workshop aims at bringing together a mix of key players from public as well as private sector organisations at national, international and global level: governments, businesses, consultants, universities, research organisations and NGOs. The participants are invited to:
present and share their views, practices, success stories/failures and business cases on how to bring the power of open data to impact; and
to reflect in an open process of interaction and discussion on the strategic challenges for GODAN.
More details here