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16 Noviembre 2022
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Post COP27: Reflecting on Donor Promises to Forest Guardians

30 Noviembre 2022

This final webinar of the Land Dialogues 2022 series, will take place  after the UN Climate Change Conference COP 27 (6 – 18 November, Sharm El-Sheik). With a historic 1.7 billion dollar pledge having been made at last year’s COP26 by the Forest Tenure Funders Group to advance Indigenous Peoples’ and Local Communities’ tenure rights and their forest guardianship, it is important that we discuss  challenges and opportunities in the context of these important advancements. The  “Post COP27: Reflecting on Donor Promises to Forest Guardians” webinar will serve as a platform to reflect on progress made, what is falling short and if the 1.7 billion dollar pledge made during COP26 was reflected during COP27.

Land Portal Foundation
The Tenure Facility
Thomson Reuters Foundation
Ford Foundation

Post COP27: Reflecting on Donor Promises to Forest Guardians

30 Noviembre 2022

This final webinar of the Land Dialogues 2022 series, will take place  after the UN Climate Change Conference COP 27 (6 – 18 November, Sharm El-Sheik). With a historic 1.7 billion dollar pledge having been made at last year’s COP26 by the Forest Tenure Funders Group to advance Indigenous Peoples’ and Local Communities’ tenure rights and their forest guardianship, it is important that we discuss  challenges and opportunities in the context of these important advancements. The  “Post COP27: Reflecting on Donor Promises to Forest Guardians” webinar will serve as a platform to reflect on progress made, what is falling short and if the 1.7 billion dollar pledge made during COP26 was reflected during COP27.

Land Portal Foundation
The Tenure Facility
Thomson Reuters Foundation
Ford Foundation

Post COP27: Reflecting on Donor Promises to Forest Guardians

30 Noviembre 2022

This final webinar of the Land Dialogues 2022 series, will take place  after the UN Climate Change Conference COP 27 (6 – 18 November, Sharm El-Sheik). With a historic 1.7 billion dollar pledge having been made at last year’s COP26 by the Forest Tenure Funders Group to advance Indigenous Peoples’ and Local Communities’ tenure rights and their forest guardianship, it is important that we discuss  challenges and opportunities in the context of these important advancements. The  “Post COP27: Reflecting on Donor Promises to Forest Guardians” webinar will serve as a platform to reflect on progress made, what is falling short and if the 1.7 billion dollar pledge made during COP26 was reflected during COP27.

Land Portal Foundation
The Tenure Facility
Thomson Reuters Foundation
Ford Foundation

Post COP27: Reflecting on Donor Promises to Forest Guardians

30 Noviembre 2022

This final webinar of the Land Dialogues 2022 series, will take place  after the UN Climate Change Conference COP 27 (6 – 18 November, Sharm El-Sheik). With a historic 1.7 billion dollar pledge having been made at last year’s COP26 by the Forest Tenure Funders Group to advance Indigenous Peoples’ and Local Communities’ tenure rights and their forest guardianship, it is important that we discuss  challenges and opportunities in the context of these important advancements. The  “Post COP27: Reflecting on Donor Promises to Forest Guardians” webinar will serve as a platform to reflect on progress made, what is falling short and if the 1.7 billion dollar pledge made during COP26 was reflected during COP27.

Land Portal Foundation
The Tenure Facility
Thomson Reuters Foundation
Ford Foundation

Society Watch: Indigenous peoples fear being overshadowed after COP26 moment in the sun

08 Noviembre 2022
At COP26 the voice of indigenous people was heard at the top table for the first time. Community leaders from the Arctic to the Amazon spoke of the crucial role that indigenous peoples could play in tackling the climate emergency and protecting biodiversity, but how they were being killed for protecting land that was rightfully theirs, and traditions – along with whole landscapes – were being bulldozed.

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