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11 Diciembre 2022
Land rental payments increase as grace period expires
Land rental payments increase as grace period expires

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Landing page

LandVoc Community of Experts


LandVoc is a collaborative effort. On a voluntary basis, more than a dozen experts in the land sector are involved in the development of the Linked Land Governance Thesaurus. While the editing of LandVoc is carried out by the LandPortal team, the knowledge held by the LandVoc Community of Experts is invaluable, particularly in terms of providing technical guidance. More specifically, the experts contribute by:


  • Suggesting new concepts and translations;
  • Suggesting new or improved definitions for concepts;
  • Suggesting alignments to other concept schemes; 
  • Providing expert advice on land governance concepts where needed; 
  • Help to standardize the classification of content on land-related information; 
  • Support in the promotion, uptake and use of LandVoc, including advising on outreach activities and tools.  


The Community of Experts exchanges on a regular basis. If you feel that you can contribute with your specific expertise, please contact


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Impact Story

Virtual Learning: My Journey as a Land Portal User

Data, big data and open data can often seem complicated, convoluted and at times, even distant words that have little meaning in our daily lives.  More importantly, for the purposes of our work, understanding and communicating how these concepts can lead to better land governance for the rural poor can present some complexities. Through our Impact Stories section, we are looking to document the stories of change that happen around the Land Portal’s initiatives, as minute or significant as they may be.  

15 Enero 2019

Jur Schuurman

Dataset Portfolio
Blog post

Progress in Land Indicators

30 Julio 2018
Everlyne Nairesiae
Mr. Oumar Sylla

This July is the first time the United Nations will review the progress made towards meeting Sustainable Development Goal 15, which is about Life on Land. Each goal will be reviewed about every 4 years until 2030.


The reviews will be based on the 10 indicators countries agreed on, that assess change in each country over time. Two important developments relating to the indicator on land degradation neutrality (15.3.1) have occurred, since its adoption in 2015.



SDGs: Indicator 11.1.1

Not specified

Proportion of urban population living in slums, informal settlements or inadequate housing

Last updated on 1 February 2022

This indicator is currently classified as Tier I. The United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) is the Custodian agency for this indicator.

Not specified

Call for papers: 2019 International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) WG 9.4 conference

18 Julio 2018

The Working Group 9.4 of the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) gathers scholars and practitioners that deal with the issue
on how Information and Communication Technology (ICT) affects social development. The theme for the upcoming 2019 IFIP WG 9.4 conference is: “Strengthening Southern-driven cooperation as a catalyst for ICT4D”.


Story of Sabitri Hikaka

Sabitri Hikaka is a single woman of Boriguda village in Rayagada district of Odisha. She lost her parents in her childhood. This incident brought all the responsibility of three siblings on to her shoulder. She toiled hard to meet her ends and remained unmarried to support her family. Sabitri’s uncles refused to share the ancestral property with Sabitri just because she was a woman.

4 Noviembre 2021
Webinar Series

Whose Land? Webinar Series

08 Septiembre 2022 to 02 Marzo 2023

The four-part webinar series provides a platform for different stakeholders engaged in land governance to exchange on the importance of inclusivity and meaningful participation of all relevant actors in both formal and informal land governance processes. 

Land Portal Foundation

World Bank Group

The World Bank is a vital source of financial and technical assistance to developing countries around the world. We are not a bank in the ordinary sense but a unique partnership to reduce poverty and support development.
LandLibrary Resource

LandVoc brochure

Institutional & promotional materials
Agosto, 2020

This brochure provides a brief inroduction to LandVoc, the linked land governance thesaurus.  Logistical as well as technical information are provided. 

Blog post

Las visitas al Congreso de menonitas y agroindustriales por ley que amenaza los bosques

29 Enero 2023


El Congreso tiene en agenda una autógrafa de ley que pretende modificar la Ley Forestal y de Fauna Silvestre con el fin de eliminar requisitos que protegen la integridad de los bosques amazónicos y otorgar más competencias al Ministerio de Desarrollo Agrario y Riego (Midagri) sobre el Ministerio de Ambiente (Minam). Este último sector es actualmente quien establece los bosques de producción permanente y los usos en el suelo de ecosistemas frágiles como la Amazonía.



WOLTS (Women’s Land Tenure Security) is a long-term multi-country, multi-organisational land governance initiative. The project has delivered stronger evidence on threats to women’s land rights through its action-research. It has also contributed to strengthening community, civil society and local government capacity to protect women’s land rights and govern land in a participatory, inclusive and equitable way. This in turn has led to real gains in women’s land rights in project communities and beyond. The project has focused its action-research on gender and land relations in pastoralist communities affected by mining investments, initially in Mongolia and Tanzania. From this evidence base, and working closely with pilot communities, it has developed a Gender and Land Champions Training Programme for locally-chosen men and women to become effective and confident agents of change. In Mongolia, the project has also developed and started to roll out a set of Gender Guidelines to support local landscape development planning, in collaboration with the national land agency, ALAMGAC.

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Varias noticias relacionadas con la gobernanza de la tierra se publican en el Land Portal cada día por los usuarios del Land Portal, de diversas fuentes, como organizaciones de noticias y otras instituciones e individuos, que representan una diversidad de posiciones en cada tema. El derecho de autor reside en la fuente del artículo; La Fundación Land Portal no tiene el derecho legal de editar o corregir el artículo, y la Fundación tampoco espalda sus contenidos. Para hacer correcciones o pedir permiso para volver a publicar u otro uso autorizado de este material, por favor comuníquese con el propietario de los derechos de autor.