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Community Organizations ActionAid
Non Governmental organization


International Secretariat
South Africa

ActionAid is an international anti-poverty agency whose aim is to fight poverty worldwide. Formed in 1972, for over 30 years we have been growing and expanding to where we are today - helping over 13 million of the world's poorest and most disadvantaged people in 42 countries worldwide.

In all of our country programmes we work with local partners to make the most of their knowledge and experience.


Alberta Guerra
catherine Gatundu
Shamsher Ali


Displaying 46 - 50 of 53

Securing women’s right to land and livelihoods: a key to ending hunger and fighting AIDS

Reports & Research
Junio, 2008

Contains executive summary; food insecurity and the AIDS epidemic; barriers to women’s farming; women’s land rights; economic and social empowerment; violence against women; inheritance rights and property grabbing; politics, ideologies and vested interests; recommendations.

Securing Women’s Right to Land and Livelihoods - A Key to Ending Hunger and Fighting AIDS

Reports & Research
Diciembre, 2007

[From the Executive Summary] Women’s access to and control over land is crucial for improving their status and reducing gender inequalities, which in turn are critical factors in reducing the prevalence of poverty, malnutrition and AIDS. Women’s farming activities, which prioritise providing food for the family, have been largely overlooked in agricultural policy. And women’s rights to land and livelihoods have barely been included in HIV strategies and programmes.

Women’s Land Rights

Reports & Research
Marzo, 2006

Contains women’s rights and state-led agrarian and market based land reforms; reinstating the state; engendering customary tenure; rights of indigenous people and marginalised groups; human rights violations; HIV/AIDS; the ‘feminisation of agriculture’. Calls for a new agrarian reform agenda in which the state plays a central role, ensuring that land is established as a common public good, and that its benefits are enjoyed equitably by women and men, regardless of race, class or ethnicity.

Biting the Feeding Hand: Voices of Women on Land

Reports & Research
Enero, 2006

Collection of stories of poor women in Kibaale, Luweero, Kapchorwa, Apac, Mbale and Kampala districts about their struggles in securing their rights to land. Contains overview of land issues in Uganda. Topics include land access through marriage, inheritance, the land market, land reform processes, NGO donations and support, urban women and access to land, what needs to be done – recommendations to government.