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Community Organizations Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)


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Other organizations funding or implementing with land governance projects which are included in Land Portal's Projects Database. A detailed list of these organizations will be provided here soon. They range from bilateral or multilateral donor agencies, national or international NGOs,  research organizations etc.



Displaying 676 - 680 of 2117

Building human well-being and resilience in Amazonian forests by enhancing the value of biodiversity for food


To advance the conservation of healthy and functional forests and wetlands resilient to climate change, maintaining carbon stocks, preventing GHG emissions, and generating sustainable and resilient local livelihoods[1]. [1] The Project will deploy field interventions in and around protected areas (PA) and indigenous territories (IT); supported by regional, national and international actions. All interventions will adopt adaptive, gender, and intercultural approaches, and respond to Peru’s NDC for climate change mitigation and adaptation.


Note: Disbursement data provided is cumulative and covers disbursement made by the project Agency.

Target Groups

212. Section 1.7 details the benefits in terms of environmental, economic and social sustainability. The benefits can also be organized in a geographic scale, with positive socio-economic impacts at local, regional and national levels, and in other Amazon areas.213. On a local level, bio-businesses and public private partnerships will be consolidated, green jobs will be created, and income will be increased and diversified. Enhancing productive and management capacities to coordinate development and value chains of eco/bio-businesses, as well as to manage land and resources more sustainably (including protected areas delivering ecosystem services), will contribute to improve sustainability of livelihoods of men and women, mainly indigenous, who depend on the forest and aquatic ecosystems within the scope of the Project. By increasing the range of options for sustainability in terms of the variety of resources used and the recovery of degraded ecosystems, and by contributing to enhancing income per managed surface area, the Project will contribute to food safety and will strengthen capacities for climate change adaptation.214. At a national level, and in other areas in the Amazon, the Project will boost learnings and improve the instruments and capacities of decision-makers and other actors to manage land and biodiversity in order to replicate sustainable biodiversity management models and financial mechanisms for conservation of ecosystem services in other Amazon landscapes; in turn, yielding benefits for local populations.215. These national- and local-level benefits are associated with the protection and better management of protected areas and high conservation value areas, land restoration, reduction of GHG emissions, and integrated water resource management, which will translate into the reduction of the effects of climate change on vulnerable populations, the reduction of deforestation and land degradation, the reduction of species extinction and of the flow of ecosystem services, as well as the reduction of hazards to freshwater resources.216. In the Amazon basin, the Project will strengthen the cooperation for the assessment and conservation of biodiversity and effective governance in the use of natural resources. It will also contribute to achieving the goals of national and international agreements destined to guarantee healthy and functional ecosystems. The Project will protect and restore one of the most important sources of biodiversity and climate change mitigation in the planet, bringing about economic, social and environmental benefits at all levels.

Points of Light: strengthening the entrepreneurial community initiatives


A Casa Verde Cultura e Meio Ambiente (Casa Verde), $307,780 over three years Casa Verde will work with indigenous, quilombola communities, and small farmers resettled by Brazil's program of land reform, to improve their productive capacities, reinforce their traditional practices, and conserve biodiversity in the states of Gois, Mato Grosso, and Mato Grosso do Sul. This project will directly benefit 1,000 families and indirectly another 3,500 families.

Land Registry contract for support of Beira Land Administration System 2018-2019


Support from the Kadaster in Beira is part of the integral Beira Land Administration System (BLAS) project that focuses on capacity building. In order to be able to develop projects on the serviced land, land rights must be clear and land transactions must be transparent. This requires reinforcement of the Land Registry. The project for the Land Registry in Beira is aimed at strengthening all the components needed to set up a properly functioning cadastral register. This project is implemented in joint collaboration with VNG International.

WoGEM Greener Economy


Women for Green Economy Movement Uganda (WoGEM Uganda).WoGEM Uganda is dedicated at influencing and promoting women and girls'participation in a greener economy to promote social and economicdevelopment.Our CampaignBridging the gap between Women in Leadership andthe local women infighting for Climate Justice.BackgroundClimate change is a global issue and has greatly affected the local andmarginalized women and girlsIn Uganda, it is attributed to different factors such as deforestation, swampreclamation,development projects which include East Africa Crude OilPipeline (EACOP), construction of hydro dams and roads.These projects have caused injustices among the local and vulnerablewomen such as violation of human, environmental and land rights,compulsory land grabbing leading to food insecurities , limited access toclean water among others.There is less/no engagement between the government, developmentpartners and the vulnerable women during the planning of these projects yetthe women are the most affectedby the impacts of the projects that arecarried out in their ancestral land.ActionThis campaign will help to bridge the gap between the most affectedvulnerable women andwomen in leadership so that their voices andgrievances can be presented to the decision makers.How this Campaign will pilot or incorporate the use of the feministinfluencing basket?This campaign is envisioned at empowering vulnerable women withknowledge and skills to know their human, environmental and land rights sothat they can speak upwith confidence to claim what belongs to them henceattaining justice.What you will use the funds for?We will carryout a 3 day conference bringing together women in leadershipand the vulnerable women to share experiences and ideas on climate changeimpactsand come up with locally led solutions to the existing impacts.More so, we will build a Feminist Movement where the vulnerable women areable to share their climate change stories and struggles withwomen inleadership to build resilience while fighting for climate justice.Further more , we will carryout media campaigns and produce advocacymaterials to create public awareness about climate change and the injusticesfaced by vulnerable women thereby reducing onthe shrinking civic spacefaced by many feministgroups.Lastly, we will also train women and girls on green economic alternatives likeweaving to replace polythene bags and making of briquets to reducecharcoal burning there by protecting and preserving the environment fromclimate change impacts. More sothese projects will empower womenfinancially to reduce on gender based violence in families.