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Community Organizations Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)


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Other organizations funding or implementing with land governance projects which are included in Land Portal's Projects Database. A detailed list of these organizations will be provided here soon. They range from bilateral or multilateral donor agencies, national or international NGOs,  research organizations etc.



Displaying 691 - 695 of 2117

Support of Natural Resources Governance and Peacebuilding in Mali


This project with Alert International focuses on peacebuilding and aims to improve natural resources governance to restore social cohesion by promoting local conflict resolution initiatives in the Koulikoro, Mopti, Ségou, Sikasso and Tombouctou regions of Mali. The initiative is based on the principle that building capacities, coupled with facilitation, and enhancing communities’ understanding of statutory instruments, primarily the legal framework for land governance, is critical and will inevitably help improve the target communities’ resilience to climate and environmental shocks with a view to efficient natural resources governance. Project activities include: (1) providing communities with guidance on identifying, developing and implementing local peace initiatives focused on natural resources governance; (2) ensuring broad awareness of land statutes and regulations in Mali; (3) providing support to build the capacities of community forums and village/commune land commissions regarding the provisions of the land code, conflict analysis, gender sensitivity and conflict sensitivity, advocacy, and how the effects of climate change make conflicts worse; and (4) organizing a national forum to capitalize on best practices in land governance and natural resources management. These activities will bring together representatives of commune, village and local land commissions, legal authorities and court officers, and state technical services.

Emergency WASH response to refugees affected by the compounded crisis in White Nile, Sudan.


ltpgtlt/pgtltpgtltspangtThe proposed interventions will target 3,000 HH (15,000 unique beneficiaries - 8,550F 6,450M) refugees in Alagaya, Dabat Bosin, and Alagaya extension camps in Aj Jabalain locality. lt/spangtltspangtThe project aims to have increased equal and sustained access to reliable, safe water, appropriate sanitation and hygiene services for the refugee women, men, boys and girls in the target locations. This will be achieved through improving access to secure gender-sensitive water and sanitation facilities. The facilities will conform to the cultural norms of users and through increased awareness of key public health risks and adoption of good Hygiene practices of the targeted population in the refugee camps. To ensure the inclusion of all population groups, NRC will identify people with special needs and measures undertaken in the execution of the interventions or refer them to specialized partners). This assessment will identify protection issues as well as land issues which will guide the implementation of planned infrastructures in this project. This will minimise disputes or tensions over land ownership thus fostering good co-existence in the target locations. lt/spangtltspangt lt/spangtlt/pgtltpgt lt/pgtltpgtltspangtThe main proposed activities to be implemented by NRC include:ltbrgt-Rehabilitation of 6 water distribution pointslt/spangtlt/pgtltpgtltspangt-Training of WASH committees on the management of the water pointslt/spangtlt/pgtltpgtltspangt-Rehabilitation of 10 blocks of emergency communal latrine infrastructure, each with 4 stances, including latrines cleaning tools and provision for disabled accesslt/spangtlt/pgtltpgtltspangtltspangtltspangtlt/spangtlt/spangtlt/spangtltspangt-Desludging of 30 blocks of emergency communal latrines and safe disposal of the excreta, including latrines cleaning of 20 hand washing stationslt/spangtlt/pgtltpgtltspangtltspangtltspangtlt/spangtlt/spangtlt/spangtltspangt-Provision of 20 sanitation kits for solid waste managementltbrgtlt/spangtlt/pgtltpgtltspangt-Undertaking hygiene awareness campaigns in the target locationslt/spangtlt/pgtltpgtltspangtltspangtlt/spangtlt/spangtltspangt-Provision of 15,000 pieces of soap (250g) for hand washing (in-kind, cash or voucher)lt/spangtlt/pgtltpgtltspangt-Provision of 1,000 menstrual hygiene kits (in-kind, cash or voucher)lt/spangtlt/pgtltpgtltspangtltspangtlt/spangtlt/spangtltspangt-Training of community hygiene promoters and WASH committees on positive hygiene practiceslt/spangtlt/pgtltpgt lt/pgtltpgtltspangtNRC will utilize a harmonized approach in close coordination and collaboration with the Commission for Refugees (COR), the WASH sector, line ministries at the state level, and other humanitarian partners. The implementation strategy by NRC will entail working closely with community structures to strengthen the community feedback and complaint mechanism, target persons with disabilities, and mainstream accountability to affected populations (AAP) principles throughout the ltbrgtlt/pgtltpgtltbrgtlt/pgtltpgtlt/pgtltpgtlt/pgt

Capacity Development in Land Management Rwanda 2022-2027 - Capacity Building in Land Management Rwanda 2022-20


The programme Capacity Development in Land Management in Rwanda, with an activity period 2022-2027, is to a large extent a continuation of an ongoing support to the Swedish Mapping, Cadastre and Land Registration Authority (Lantmäteriet) for its collaboration and support to Rwanda National Land Authority (NLA). The programme will contribute to a transparent, reliable, and accountable land management is driving the socio-economic transformation towards a sustainable future for all Rwandans. The expected outcomes of the intervention is 1. Project Management: NLA is a leading sustainable land management organization, driving coordination between key stakeholders contributing to sustainable socio-economic and environmental development for all Rwandans. 2. Land Administration: Land Administration in Rwanda is based on principles of transparency, efficiency, gender equality, accessibility and accountability and can accommodate social, legal and technological changes to deliver customer centred services to all Rwandans. 3. Surveying, Mapping and GIS: Capable staff and sustainable systems providing accurate, standardized and accessible geo-spatial information, services and products, contributing towards the socio-economic development in Rwanda. 4. Land Use Planning: Efficient land use management in Rwanda through development, implementation, monitoring and awareness of City of Kigali and Districts Land Use Master Plans, which are in compliance with the National Land Use and Development Master Plan 2020-2050 (NLUDMP).


The programme will contribute to that transparent, reliable, and accountable land management is driving the socio-economic transformation towards a sustainable future for all Rwandans. The expected outcomes of the programme are: Programme Management: NLA is a leading sustainable land management organization, driving coordination between key stakeholders contributing to sustainable management of land for socio-economic development for all Rwandans. Land Administration: Land Administration in Rwanda is based on principles of transparency, efficiency, gender equality, equity, accessibility, and accountability and can accommodate social, legal and technological changes to deliver customer centered services to all Rwandans. Surveying, Mapping and GIS: Capable staff and sustainable systems providing accurate, standardized, and accessible geo-spatial information, services, and products, contributing towards the socio-economic development in Rwanda Land Use Planning: Efficient land use management in Rwanda through development, implementation, monitoring and awareness of City of Kigali and Districts Land Use Master Plans, which are in compliance with the National Land Use and Development Master Plan 2020-2050 (NLUDMP)

How tree cover affects groundwater resources across African tropical drylands


An estimated 80% of the global population lack secure water resources. Many also lack ready access to fuel wood and other tree derived benefits. However, the current scientific paradigm says that we must choose which problem to solve as increasing tree cover always reduces water availability. Consider the costs if this thinking is wrong. In Africa, 175 M ha of degraded lands are judged suitable for tree planting which could significantly enhance people’s livelihoods. Our previous research in the seasonally dry tropics indicates that an intermediate tree cover can often improve groundwater recharge. This need testing on a larger scale, but if confirmed will upend the prevailing view in hydrology and have profound implications for policies affecting millions of livelihoods and the environment.  Thus, the aim of this project is to provide evidence for better policies and management that will benefit poor people in drylands by evaluating the novel “optimum tree cover theory” for groundwater recharge across African drylands. The project involves four leading institutions; SLU, ICRAF, WU and NMBU. We will use the Land Degradation Surveillance Framework; a unique dataset that is available across Africa. It consists of multiple variables, including tree cover and key soil variables. We will do complementary strategic measurements of soil water flow and tree water use to model groundwater recharge as a function of tree cover under common conditions of the seasonally dry tropics.

Master's Degree Program in Urban and Regional Development(2022)


To enhance participants knowledge and experience in the field of urban and regional development including master planning land use planning real estate and housing development urban redevelopment and new town development


To enhance participants knowledge and experience in the field of urban and regional development including master planning land use planning real estate and housing development urban redevelopment and new town development