Afrobarometer Survey | Land Portal

Afrobarometer is a pan-African, non-partisan research network that conducts public attitude surveys on democracy, governance, economic conditions, and related issues in more than 35 countries in Africa. Afrobarometer surveys collect and publish high-quality, reliable statistical data on Africa, which is freely available to the public.


The latest round of the Afrobarometer Survey (Round 7 - 2016/2018), for the first time, collected also opinions and perceptions around land-related issues, including women land rights and corruption in the land sector.

The Land Portal presents only a subset of the data gathered during the 7th round of the Afrobarometer survey, focusing only on indicators that are land-related.

For instance, corruption in the land sector emerged as a crucial and widespread concern, with almost four of every five respondents believing that is likely or very likely that:

a rich persons could pay a bribe or use personal connections to get away with registering land that does not belong to them.

    Source: elaboration on Afrobarometer data, Round 7.

    Source: elaboration on Afrobarometer data.

    For more information on the Afrobarometer, please visit the website


    Q18B - Access to information: land ownership

    This indicator from round 7 of the Afrobarometer shows the share of respondents, in a given country, that responded "Don't know" to the following question:

    Measurement unit: 
    Percentage (%)

    This indicator from round 7 of the Afrobarometer shows the share of respondents, in a given country, that responded "Not Likely at all" to the following question:

    Measurement unit: 
    Percentage (%)

    This indicator from round 7 of the Afrobarometer shows the share of respondents, in a given country, that responded "Not very likely" to the following question:

    Measurement unit: 
    Percentage (%)

    This indicator from round 7 of the Afrobarometer shows the share of respondents, in a given country, that responded "Somewhat likely" to the following question:

    Measurement unit: 
    Percentage (%)

    This indicator from round 7 of the Afrobarometer shows the share of respondents, in a given country, that responded "Very likely" to the following question:

    Measurement unit: 
    Percentage (%)

    Q38E - Women should have equal right to land

    This indicator from round 7 of the Afrobarometer shows the share of respondents, in a given country, that selected "Agree" when presented with the following statement:

    Measurement unit: 
    Percentage (%)

    This indicator from round 7 of the Afrobarometer shows the share of respondents, in a given country, that selected "Disagree" when presented with the following statement: 

    Measurement unit: 
    Percentage (%)

    This indicator from round 7 of the Afrobarometer shows the share of respondents, in a given country, that selected "Don't know" when presented with the following statement:

    Measurement unit: 
    Percentage (%)

    This indicator from round 7 of the Afrobarometer shows the share of respondents, in a given country, that selected "Neither Agree Nor Disagree" when presented with the following st

    Measurement unit: 
    Percentage (%)

    This indicator from round 7 of the Afrobarometer shows the share of respondents, in a given country, that selected "Strongly Agree" when presented with the following statement:

    Measurement unit: 
    Percentage (%)

    This indicator from round 7 of the Afrobarometer shows the share of respondents, in a given country, that selected "Strongly Disagree" when presented with the following statement:

    Measurement unit: 
    Percentage (%)

    Q48C - Ordinary person pay bribe to register land not theirs

    This indicator from round 7 of the Afrobarometer shows the share of respondents, in a given country, that responded "Don't know" to the following question:

    Measurement unit: 
    Percentage (%)

    This indicator from round 7 of the Afrobarometer shows the share of respondents, in a given country, that responded "Not Likely at all" to the following question:

    Measurement unit: 
    Percentage (%)

    This indicator from round 7 of the Afrobarometer shows the share of respondents, in a given country, that responded "Not very likely" to the following question:

    Measurement unit: 
    Percentage (%)

    This indicator from round 7 of the Afrobarometer shows the share of respondents, in a given country, that responded "Somewhat likely" to the following question:

    Measurement unit: 
    Percentage (%)

    This indicator from round 7 of the Afrobarometer shows the share of respondents, in a given country, that responded "Very likely" to the following question:

    Measurement unit: 
    Percentage (%)

    Q48F - Rich person pay bribe to register land not theirs

    This indicator from round 7 of the Afrobarometer shows the share of respondents, in a given country, that responded "Don't know" to the following question:

    Measurement unit: 
    Percentage (%)

    This indicator from round 7 of the Afrobarometer shows the share of respondents, in a given country, that responded "Not at all likely" to the following question:

    Measurement unit: 
    Percentage (%)

    This indicator from round 7 of the Afrobarometer shows the share of respondents, in a given country, that responded "Not very likely" to the following question:

    Measurement unit: 
    Percentage (%)

    This indicator from round 7 of the Afrobarometer shows the share of respondents, in a given country, that responded "Somewhat likely" to the following question:

    Measurement unit: 
    Percentage (%)

    This indicator from round 7 of the Afrobarometer shows the share of respondents, in a given country, that responded "Very likely" to the following question:

    Measurement unit: 
    Percentage (%)

    Q77D - Women and men have equal chance to own/inherit land

    This indicator from round 7 of the Afrobarometer shows the share of respondents, in a given country, that selected "Agree" when presented with the following statement:

    Measurement unit: 
    Percentage (%)

    This indicator from round 7 of the Afrobarometer shows the share of respondents, in a given country, that selected "Disagree" when presented with the following statement:

    Measurement unit: 
    Percentage (%)

    This indicator from round 7 of the Afrobarometer shows the share of respondents, in a given country, that selected "Don't know" when presented with the following statement:

    Measurement unit: 
    Percentage (%)

    This indicator from round 7 of the Afrobarometer shows the share of respondents, in a given country, that selected "Neither Agree Nor Disagree" when presented with the following st

    Measurement unit: 
    Percentage (%)

    This indicator from round 7 of the Afrobarometer shows the share of respondents, in a given country, that selected "Strongly Agree" when presented with the following statement:

    Measurement unit: 
    Percentage (%)

    This indicator from round 7 of the Afrobarometer shows the share of respondents, in a given country, that selected "Strongly Disagree" when presented with the following statement:

    Measurement unit: 
    Percentage (%)
    Dataset provider: 

    Afrobarometer is a pan-African, non-partisan research network that conducts public attitude surveys on democracy, governance, economic conditions, and related issues in more than 35 countries in Africa. Through our findings, ordinary citizens can have a voice in policy-making processes that affect their lives.

    It is the world’s leading research project on issues that affect ordinary African men and women. It collects and publishes high-quality, reliable statistical data on Africa which is freely available to the public.

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