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Mr Joseph Désiré ZEBAZE was born October 06, 1976 at Bafou (Cameroon).
In 2001, he was graduated in Humanities at the University of Dschang, and engages as a journalist and editor till may 2006. He shaped his skills in organizational development, communication, project management, and attended some MDF and UNITAR trainings.
He acted as Technical advisor of PWYP Coalition; Administrative Officer of the SNV’s Local Capacity Development Facility and did consultancies with Partners like The World Bank and IUCN.
Proficient in French and English for having studied and working daily in both languages, Mr ZEBAZE has being leading as Facilitator, the International Land Coalition’s National Engagement Strategy (NES) on land governance in Cameroon and lecturing “Forest policies” and “Natural resources governance in the Congo Basin” for Master 1 and 2 students at the University of Yaoundé 2.
He is Board Chair of the Cameroon Network of Human Rights Organizations ( since August 4, 2016.
His various experiences had provided him with good knowledge in data and evidence based advocacy, policy dialogue and networking for development.
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Displaying 1 - 1 of 1Réseau Camerounais des Organisations des Droits de l'homme
We are an umbrella organisation bringing together more than 200 grassroots organisations working on Human Rights, Governance and social cohesion, with strong commitments for the vulnerables (Indigenous people, small farmers, women, youth and persons with disabilities).