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données ouvertes

Data is open if it can be freely accessed, used, modified and shared by anyone for any purpose - subject only, at most, to requirements to provide attribution and/or share-alike. Specifically, open data is defined by the Open Definition and requires that the data be A. Legally open: that is, available under an open (data) license that permits anyone freely to access, reuse and redistribute B. Technically open: that is, that the data be available for no more than the cost of reproduction and in machine-readable and bulk form.

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Regional Centre for Mapping of Resources for Development logo

The Regional Centre for Mapping of Resources for Development (RCMRD) is an intergovernmental organization and currently has 20 Contracting Member States in the Eastern and Southern Africa Region. Their mission is to strengthen the member States and our stakeholders’ capacity through Generation, Application and Dissemination of Geo-information and Allied Technologies for sustainable development.


Operational since 2015, Local Development Research Institute (LDRI) is an non-profit action-oriented think tank whose work contributes to the efforts of African governments to end extreme poverty, end hunger and reduce inequalities.

DIAL originated to bring the public and private sectors together to realize an inclusive digital society that connects everyone to life-enhancing and life-enabling technology. DIAL is staffed by a global team of technology researchers, developers, investors, negotiators, and policymakers. It is supported by world-class foundations and development agencies and guided by a Board of leading emerging market entrepreneurs, technologists and development experts.

DIAL originated to bring the public and private sectors together to realize an inclusive digital society that connects everyone to life-enhancing and life-enabling technology. DIAL is staffed by a global team of technology researchers, developers, investors, negotiators, and policymakers. It is supported by world-class foundations and development agencies and guided by a Board of leading emerging market entrepreneurs, technologists and development experts.

DIAL originated to bring the public and private sectors together to realize an inclusive digital society that connects everyone to life-enhancing and life-enabling technology. DIAL is staffed by a global team of technology researchers, developers, investors, negotiators, and policymakers. It is supported by world-class foundations and development agencies and guided by a Board of leading emerging market entrepreneurs, technologists and development experts.

The Kenya Climate Change Knowledge Portal (KCCKP) is a one stop repository of climate change information in Kenya. This is an initiative of the Climate Change Directorate (CCD), the lead agency of the government on national climate change plans and actions. The Climate Change Directorate, will among other duties and functions, serve as the national knowledge and information management centre for collating, verifying, refining, and disseminating knowledge and information on climate change.

E-International Relations (E-IR) is the world’s leading open access website for students and scholars of international politics, featuring high quality scholarly content and student-facing resources. The website was established in November 2007, and is recommended by leading academics and practitioners from around the world. We reach over 3.5 million unique readers per year.

Kenya hosts a wealth of data and information on its biodiversity and natural resources however the vast majority of these information is scattered across various institutions, with that do not lend themselves to sharing and integration. This hampers any efforts to give consolidated access to the information for purposes of further analysis and dissemination. This portal is an open access platform, hosting and supporting data generated from the Kenya’s Natural Capital- Biodiversity Atlas (2015).


DataMeet was started on January 26th 2011 by a handful of data enthusiasts who started a google group where people can share tips for working with data. Today the group has grown to encompass many people, ideas, projects, solutions, and challenges that using data in India presents. With 1500 people and growing on the Google Group, 5 active city chapters, trainings and events to promote and use open data, DataMeet is continuously looking for ways to bring open data to the forefront.

The Global Partnership for Social Accountability (GPSA) aims to provide strategic and sustained support to civil society organizations’ (CSOs) social accountability initiatives to ultimately improve governance and service delivery. This Knowledge Platform, complemented with offline activities, has been envisioned as the main tool for supporting the learning, networking and knowledge exchange of the GPSA’s grantees and of other CSOs working on social accountability in the global south.

IFIP logo


  • is the leading multinational, apolitical organization in Information & Communications Technologies and Sciences
  • is recognized by United Nations and other world bodies
  • has a formal consultative partnership relation with UNESCO





The Kenya Climate Change Knowledge Portal (KCCKP) is a one stop repository of climate change information in Kenya. This is an initiative of the Climate Change Directorate (CCD), the lead agency of the government on national climate change plans and actions. The Climate Change Directorate, will among other duties and functions, serve as the national knowledge and information management centre for collating, verifying, refining, and disseminating knowledge and information on climate change.


African Minds is an open access, not-for-profit publisher. African Minds publishes predominantly in the social sciences and its authors are typically African academics or organisations. African Minds offers innovative approaches to those frustrated by a lack of support from traditional publishers or by their anachronistic approach to making research available. At African Minds, the emphasis is less on the commercial viability of publications than on fostering access, openness and debate in the pursuit of growing and deepening the African knowledge base.

Who we are

A unique blend of data, computing, agronomy, food and marketing scientists.

What we do

We collect, translate and enrich global food safety data by harnessing

emerging technologies to achieve greater visibility across the supply chain.

Our Mission

AidData is a research lab at William & Mary's Global Research Institute. We equip policymakers and practitioners with better evidence to improve how sustainable development investments are targeted, monitored, and evaluated. We use rigorous methods, cutting-edge tools, and granular data to answer the question: who is doing what, where, for whom, and to what effect?

AustLII is Australia's most popular online free-access resource for Australian legal information, serving the needs of a multitude of users with over 700,000 hits daily. AustLII is a joint facility of the UTS and UNSW Faculties of Law.

Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics

Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) is functioning as the national statistics agency of the country. Welcome to the official website of Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics. This website is an exhibition of the current functions and data storage of the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics. Browse through pages and links to find the information you want. Recognizing the importance of statistics in formulating proper planning, development and monitoring of progress in Bangladesh after the 1971 independence struggle, as a result of the far-sigh

Independent platform for registering and administering legally-acquired use and benefit rights over land in Mozambique

Center for Open Science

Our mission is to increase openness, integrity, and reproducibility of research.

These are core values of scholarship and practicing them is presumed to increase the efficiency of acquiring knowledge.

For COS to achieve our mission, we must drive change in the culture and incentives that drive researchers’ behavior, the infrastructure that supports their research, and the business models that dominate scholarly communication.

Data Governance Network

The Data Governance Network is developing a multi-disciplinary community of
researchers tackling India's next policy frontiers: data-enabled policymaking and the
digital economy. At DGN, we work to cultivate and communicate research stemming
from diverse viewpoints on market regulation, information privacy and digital rights.
Our hope is to generate balanced and networked perspectives on data governance —
thereby helping governments make smart policy choices which advance the
empowerment and protection of individuals in today's data-rich environment

logo seeks to democratize and reimagine the use of data to tackle society’s greatest challenges and improve lives across the globe. Our current initiatives aim to advance inclusive growth, build capacity, mitigate and adapt to climate change and fight pandemics.


DataMeet was started on January 26th 2011 by a handful of data enthusiasts who started a google group where people can share tips for working with data. Today the group has grown to encompass many people, ideas, projects, solutions, and challenges that using data in India presents. With 1500 people and growing on the Google Group, 5 active city chapters, trainings and events to promote and use open data, DataMeet is continuously looking for ways to bring open data to the forefront.

Dernières nouvelles

SOLIndex Dashboard: Consultancy
2 février 2024

La Fondation Land Portal recrute un consultant ou une entreprise qui sera responsable de la recherche, du conseil et de l'aménagement d'un tableau de bord de données foncières viable permettant aux utilisateurs de visualiser et d'analyser les données disponibles.

Head of Finance and Administration
2 février 2024

Nous recherchons un chef des finances et de l'administration expérimenté et dynamique pour jouer un rôle central dans l'orientation du Land Portal vers la durabilité et l'impact à long terme. En tant que chef des finances et de l'administration, vous superviserez tous les aspects financiers et d'approvisionnement de notre organisation, conduirez la stratégie et la planification financières et veillerez à la conformité avec les politiques et les réglementations pertinentes.

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