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janvier 2020
Sri Lanka

Results from the CGIAR Research Program on Water Land and Ecosystems (WLE) demonstrate how
new evidence and innovations contribute to sustainable intensification of agriculture at landscape
level. WLE’s solutions support producing more nutritious food while managing natural resources

Rapports et recherches
janvier 2020

Au Niger comme dans tous les pays du Sahel, le pastoralisme fait face à des défis majeurs. La transhumance transfrontalière – pratique séculaire caractérisant le pastoralisme dans toute l’Afrique au sud du Sahara et dont les bienfaits ne sont plus à démontrer – est dangereusement menacée.

janvier 2020

Climate change adaptation is dependent on access to a number of resources, including information, land, financing, and mobility. Successful climate change adaptation, therefore, will need to integrate an understanding of gender and take action on it, including an appreciation for the importance of women in climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies.

Documents de politique et mémoires
décembre 2019

Kenya Land Alliance (KLA) in partnership with Indigenous Livelihoods Enhancement Partners (ILEPA) and through the support of the Global Green Grants is implementing a project on Climate change, Livelihoods, and energy targeted at Women and Youth in Narok County.

Practices and challenges of land tenure security around Lake Fitri
Articles et Livres
décembre 2019

Au cœur du Sahel tchadien à 12° 50’ N et 17° 30’ E, le lac Fitri est considéré comme « le lac Tchad en miniature » (Gillet, 1962 ; Caterina et Marzio, 2005).

Indonesia's land reform: Implications for local livelihoods and climate change
Publication évaluée par des pairs
novembre 2019

One of the main components of Indonesia's Just Economy policy is extensive and rapid land reform, which targets about 12% of the country's land area for redistribution to farmers and communities by 2019. Much of the reform is occurring on forest land.

octobre 2019

From 2009-2015 Namati and partners CTV in Mozambique;LEMU in Uganda and SDI in Liberia supported more than 100 communities to document and protect their customary land rights. In late 2017 Namati evaluated the impacts the process had on communitiesresponses to outsiders seeking community lands and natural resources.

Rapports et recherches
septembre 2019
Afrique occidentale

Over the past two decades, “illegal” natural resource extraction has become a significant driver of environmental change and social conflict across the Global South. In response, numerous Sub-Saharan African states have engaged in governance reforms that heed calls to securitize – or, establish and consolidate state control over – natural resources.

Adaptation Aux Changements Climatiques Et Renforcement De La Resilience Au Tchad
Rapports et recherches
septembre 2019

Le Tchad est considéré comme le pays le plus vulnérable au changement climatique. Une combinaison de pauvreté élevée, de conflits fréquents, de systèmes de gouvernance faibles, à laquelle s’ajoutent les risques de sécheresse et d’inondations, font que le pays est confronté à de nombreuses urgences humanitaires et lutte notamment pour faire face aux onséquences du changement climatique.

Articles et Livres
août 2019

A predominantly rural territory with few urban centers historically, the Gambia holds little in the way of well-known luxury resources commonly discussed in studies of western Africa. People of the region, in particular women, have exploited both riverine and oceanic food and material resources.

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