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Showing items 1504 through 1512 of 73627.This Legislative Decree allows citizens of the Cooperation Council of Arab Gulf Countries to appropriate land in the Kingdom of Bahrain with the same rights of Bahraini citizens.
This part of Chapter 63 provides for the establishment of Soil and Water Conservation Districts for purposes of promoting soil and water conservation and preventing of erosion-related and water management-related problems.
La presente Ley modifica la de promoción del acceso a la propiedad formal y su inscripción registral en diversas materias relacionadas con la ejecución del programa y de los procedimientos de formalización de la propiedad urbana.
La presente Ley declara de interés nacional la promoción del acceso a la propiedad formal y su inscripción registral con el fin de garantizar los derechos de todos los ciudadanos a la propiedad y al ejercicio de la iniciativa privada en una economía social de mercado, y crea la Comisión de Formal
This Act lays down guidelines for the creation of strata titles and it shall apply only to registered land. Every original proprietor of land may subdivide that land into stratum estates upon certification of a strata plan by the Commissioner.
Cette loi fixe les dispostions principales relatives au domaine public maritime, composé par le domaine public maritime naturel et par celui artificiel.
The Preamble of this Act declares the purposes of the enactment of new provisions relating to the ownership of land to be: (a) to alleviate the consequences of some injuries suffered by the owners of agrarian and forest property in the period of 1948 to 1989; (b) to provide conditions for improve
This Act regulates interventions in matter of soil and forest conservation and management for the following purposes: (a) improvement of productive and social potential of existing forests; (b) protection of the environment and hydrogeological resources; (c) promotion of agro-forestry and sylvo-p
This Act regulates rural land property in compliance with Agicultural Reform. It consists of 28 articles establishing the requirements to be satisfied by rural lands in order to be exploited or not, according to chapter III, title VII, of the Federal Constitution.
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