Ziviler Friedensdienst | Land Portal
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0228 - 249 99-18


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The Civil Peace Service (CPS) is a programme aimed at preventing violence and promoting peace in crisis zones and conflict regions. It aims to build a world in which conflicts are resolved without resorting to violence. Nine German peace and development organizations run the CPS together with local partners. The Civil Peace Service (CPS) is funded by the German Government.  CPS experts support people on the ground in their commitment for dialogue, human rights and peace on a long-term basis.  Currently, about 350 international CPS experts are active in 45 countries.

The Civil Peace Service supports projects aimed at non-violent conflict resolutions in various countries worldwide. It seconds experts to assist local partner organisations. Its objectives are the prevention of violent conflicts, the reduction of violence, and the long-term securing of peace.

Ziviler Friedensdienst Resources

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Library Resource
Customary Land Governance Guide
Manuels et directives
décembre, 2019
Afrique, Afrique sub-saharienne, Afrique orientale, Ouganda

Responsible Land Policy in Uganda (RELAPU) is a project implemented by the German International Cooperation (GIZ) and financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). BMZ created the Special Initiative “One World, No Hunger”, aimed at eradicating extreme hunger and poverty. Within this special initiative, RELAPU is part of the Global Programme on Responsible Land Policy currently implemented in eight countries.

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