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11 mars 2024

Dix-sept projets de recherche qui renforceront la résilience et réduiront la vulnérabilité aux risques liés aux changements climatiques dans les pays du Sud ont maintenant été lancés dans le cadre du partenariat Adaptation aux changements climatiques et résilience (CLARE) entre le Royaume-Uni et le CRDI.

Troupeau d'éléphants se baignant dans le Parc National de Mana Pools au Zimbabwe © P. Poilecot, Cirad Troupeau d'éléphants se baignant dans le Parc National de Mana Pools au Zimbabwe © P. Poilecot, Cirad
23 novembre 2022

Le Canada accueillera du 7 au 19 décembre la quinzième réunion de la Conférence des Parties à la Convention sur la Diversité Biologique. Cette COP devra valider le prochain cadre mondial de la biodiversité pour la décennie 2020-2030.





University of Ottawa Press

Located in Canada’s national capital, the University of Ottawa Press (UOP) is the publishing arm of one of Canada's top research universities and one of the world's top bilingual universities. 

UOP is also North America's only fully bilingual university press and oldest French-language university press. Click here to learn more about UOP commitment to the fait français and to bilingualism.

Canadian Institute of Forestry logo

Established in 1908, the CIF-IFC is the oldest forest society in Canada!  The Institute serves as the voice of forest practitioners representing foresters, forest technologists and technicians, ecologists, biologists, educators and many others with a professional interest in forestry.

The Institute is dedicated to:

Canadian Council of Forest Ministers logo

There has been a long tradition of cooperation between the federal and provincial/territorial governments in forestry matters.

The establishment of the CCFM in 1985 provided an important forum for the respective governments to exchange information, work cooperatively, provide leadership and generate actions on forestry related matters of interests to all Canadians above and beyond the work done by individuals governments.

The primary role of the CCFM is to provide:


Nous collaborons avec les agriculteurs et les producteurs d'aliments afin d'appuyer la croissance et le développement du secteur de l'agriculture et de l'agroalimentaire. Nos politiques, nos programmes, nos recherches et nos technologies aident ces derniers à réussir sur les marchés canadiens et mondiaux.

The University of British Columbia is a global centre for research and teaching, consistently ranked among the 40 best universities in the world. Since 1915, UBC’s West Coast spirit has embraced innovation and challenged the status quo. Its entrepreneurial perspective encourages students, staff and faculty to challenge convention, lead discovery and explore new ways of learning. At UBC, bold thinking is given a place to develop into ideas that can change the world.

the gordon foundation

The Gordon Foundation is a charitable organization dedicated to protecting Canada's water and empowering Canada's North. We seek opportunities to amplify underrepresented voices, elevate emerging issues, and collaborate with like-minded organizations to drive powerful, sustainable outcomes.

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