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LEGEND aims to improve the quality and impact of land investments so they contribute sustainably to growth while safeguarding rights and opportunities for poor people, rural and urban, and especially women. It has done this through: building policy coherence globally using internationally agreed principles and guidelines, such as the VGGT and CFS RAI principles; promoting application of emerging good practice emerging across countries; and stimulating the development of innovative tools and partnerships involving civil society, private sector and governments at global, country and local levels.

Programme currently carried out in the following countries

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Pound sterling

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programme total value

05/15 - 06/19

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Projects in this programme

sep 2016 - mrt 2019

Pound sterling

Pound sterling
ISO 4217 code
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Natural Habitats Sierra Leone (NHSL) acquired an oil palm concession of over 40,000 hectares from a previous owner, planning to produce organic palm oil from plantations to be developed within it. The concession covered the entire Makpele Chiefdom, located in Pujehun District in Eastern Sierra Leone, and originally included the buffer zone of the Gola Rainforest National Park (GRNP).  The company south the participation of families and local community members through leasing part of their land to the company, and by operating as outgrowers or employees. To help ensure that the development would be inclusive, sustainable, transparent and respectful of human…

sep 2016 - mrt 2019

Pound sterling

Pound sterling
ISO 4217 code
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The C2P project aimed to support  the operationalization of private sector commitments to addressing land rights by working closely with  a leading private sector company, Illovo Sugar, to apply VGGT principles to company practice, including  and piloting the application of VGGT-based Analytical Framework for Due Diligence of Agricultural Land-based Investments in sub-Saharan Africa (AFDD) in three countries, Malawi, Mozambique and Tanzania.   The principal outcomes were: Illovo land champions were selected in each country sensitised and trained  on land rights and responsible land investment issues, and in the use of the AFDD tool Independent civil…

sep 2016 - jun 2019

Pound sterling

Pound sterling
ISO 4217 code
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The project secured collective land rights for surviving Hadzabe hunter–gatherer and Datoga pastoralist groups, and  improved  the governance of village lands in 11 neighbouring village areas in the Yaeda-Mangola area, east of Lake Eyasi, in Northern Tanzania, which forms an important wildlife and mobile human land use corridor. As the landscape is the foundation for rapidly growing cultural tourism, focused on the indigenous Hadzabe lifestyle, the project also developed a sustainable tourism management plan and code of conduct, founded on collective land rights security and effective land use planning, Today, Hadzabe and Datoga are dependent on landscape…

sep 2016 - mrt 2019

Pound sterling

Pound sterling
ISO 4217 code
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ORAM with Terra Firma, provided assistance to 20 communities and 14,000 households living in and around concession areas granted by government to Portucel Mozambique, a subsidiary of the Portugal based Navigator company, for Eucalyptus plantations, intended to supply European pulp and paper markets. The project adopted a technical approach and set of digital tools known locally as CaVaTeCo   - the Community Land Vale Chain approach, developed by Terra Firma and ORAM. This was used to identify local community boundaries, and the household and family owned land parcels within them, create legally-recognised institutions to represent each community, establish…

okt 2016 - mrt 2019

Pound sterling

Pound sterling
ISO 4217 code
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The project supported women in 14 communities incorporating 23 villages across two Districs in Northern Mozambique to get secure access to land/trees and an improved income from those trees. The Project achieved this by: obtaining secure access rights to Baobab trees through the development of natural resource management plans; providing training in how to make organic-certified Baobab fruit pulp and the procurement of contracts with a local private company, Boabab Products Mozambique Ltd (BPM); organising women's farmer groups, which have the formal relationship with BPM; and providing all stakeholders (government, community, private sector) with training…

sep 2016 - dec 2019

Pound sterling

Pound sterling
ISO 4217 code
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The SPIRAL-Project aimed to test and further develop the concept of the Cocoa Production Cluster (CPC) as a responsible approach to investment in agricultural land in Sierra Leone.   The CPC model aimed to retain land under customary ownership throughout, without reducing community land access for food production and provide secure tenure rights for the cocoa farmers recruited, while ensuring improved cocoa production, sustainable land management and a sustainable income stream. WHH also planned that the CPC model would inform national policy development on responsible agricultural investment, with a view to wider adoption of the model. The project also…

nov 2017 - apr 2019

Pound sterling

Pound sterling
ISO 4217 code
Currency Symbol


Working in collaboration with TMP Systems, Bonsucro sought to test and disseminate a new approach to sustainability monitoring and reporting in the sugar sector which fully integrated land tenure issues while producing reliable, consistent and near-real-time data at a low and affordable cost. It did do so by linking the Landscope risk and diligence tools under development by TMP Systems into the implementation of the Bonsucro Production Standard (BPS), and making the tools, assessments conducted and data products available thorugh the Bonsucro connect web site.  The Project worked to do this in two ways:    i) In a first stage, it engaged a wide range of…

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