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Décret n° 2004-310 relatif aux espaces remarquables du littoral et modifiant le Code de l'urbanisme.

Western Europe

Le présent décret modifie certaines dispositions du Code de l'urbanisme relatives aux espaces remarquables du littoral. Lorsqu'ils identifient des espaces ou milieux relevant du présent article, les documents d'urbanisme précisent, le cas échéant, la nature des activités et catégories d'équipements nécessaires à leur gestion ou à leur mise en valeur notamment économique.

Décret n° 2004-531 relatif aux documents d'urbanisme et modifiant le Code de l'urbanisme.

Western Europe

Ce décret modifie certaines dispositions du Code de l'urbanisme relatives aux documents d'urbanisme, et notamment au schéma de cohérence territoriale, qui comprend un rapport de présentation, un projet d'aménagement et de développement durable et un document d'orientations générales assortis de documents graphiques.

Ministerial Decree No. 183 validating the Regulation on the State Agency for the Registration of Immovable Property.

Central Asia

The State Agency for the Registration of Immovable Property shall be the authorized state institution carrying out coordination and control of the common state registration system of immovable property in the sphere of regulation of land relations.

Presidential Decree No. 422 on rules regarding expropriation and concession of the plots of land.

Eastern Europe

The present Decree establishes rules as to expropriation and concession of the plots of land of all categories irrespectively of the kind of land tenure, lifelong hereditary possession, private ownership or lease. The plots of land shall be allotted in conformity with the project of the appropriate allotment thereof. Legal persons, natural persons and citizens interested in the allotment of the plots of land for agricultural commodity production, farming, and subsidiary small-holding, mowing and grazing must submit an application to the local self-government.

Decree No. 6 on subdivision of plots of land.

Eastern Europe

The present Decree establishes the rules governing land consolidations owned by citizens and legal persons irrespective of the nature of tenure and the presence or absence of constructions thereon. The plots of land registered in the state land cadastre can be subject to consolidation or splitting up. The adjoining plots of land not exceeding the established maximum size ceiling, owned by citizens, can be consolidated.

Decree No. 681 of the Cabinet of Ministers validating the Regulation on the modalities of carrying out environmental, agricultural, ecological, economic and erosion-preventive zoning.

Eastern Europe

The Regulation establishes the modalities of carrying out environmental, agricultural, ecological, economic and erosion-preventive zoning of land. Zoning of land shall be carried out with the consideration of the environmental conditions, agrobiological particulars of agricultural crops, the directions of the agricultural development and ecological safety requirements by study of land and soil, analysis, systematization and generalization of data concerning the state and the particulars of land tenure in separate areas or administrative units.

Decreto Supremo Nº 019/03/PCM - Reglamento de la Ley de demarcación y organización territorial.

South America

El presente Decreto Supremo aprueba el Reglamento que desarrolla los principios, definiciones, procedimientos, requisitos y criterios técnicos y geográficos en materia de demarcación territorial, así como los lineamientos del proceso de saneamiento de límites y organización territorial, contemplados en la Ley de demarcación y organización territorial.

Order No. 391 of the State Committee on Land Resources validating the Methodical Instructions on carrying out the state expertise of land survey documentation.

Eastern Europe

The Methodical Instructions establish the organizational basics and requirements for the organization and carrying out the state expertise of land survey documentation and registration in the aforesaid sphere. All land survey documentation regarding also land valuation, data of the state land cadastre, elaborated at the national, regional and local levels by the subjects of entrepreneurial activity shall be subject to the state expertise.

Protected Areas Order 2004.

South-Eastern Asia

This Order relates to the Protected Areas and Protected Places Act (Chapter 256) and repeals the Protected Areas (No. 13) Order 2002 and the Protected Areas (No. 10) Order 2003; furthermore it provides for the application of the status of protected areas to those listed in the Schedule.

Ministerial Decree No. 122 validating the Regulation on the organization of activity and methodology of the subdivision of the plots of land between the owners of land shares.

Eastern Europe

The Present Regulation establishes the modalities of the subdivision of the plots of land between the owners of land shares in conformity with the land use planning project as regards land use planning of the area of the land shares.