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Ley Nº 24.656 - Ley general de comunidades campesinas.

South America

La presente Ley, que consta de 10 títulos, 44 artículos y 5 disposiciones finales, declara de necesidad nacional e interés social y cultural el desarrollo integral de las comunidades campesinas, reconociéndolas el Estado como instituciones democráticas fundamentales, autónomas en su organización, trabajo comunal y uso de la tierra, así como en lo económico y administrativo. En consecuencia el Estado garantiza la integridad del derecho de propiedad del territorio de tales comunidades, y promueve la organización y funcionamiento de las empresas comunales.

Ordonnance nº 83-127 portant réorganisation foncière et domaniale.

Western Africa

Cette ordonnance établit le régime foncier et domanial en Mauritanie.La terre appartient à la nation et tout Mauritanien, sans discrimination d'aucune sorte, peut, en se conformant à la Loi, en devenir propriétaire, pour partie. L'Etat reconnait et garantit la propriété foncière privée qui doit, conformément à la Chariâa; contribuer au développement économique et social du pays. Le système de la tenure traditionnelle du sol est aboli. Les terres qui ont appartenu à l'Etat, en vertu des dispositions de la loi n 60.139 du 2 Août 1960, demeurent domaniales.

Ley Nº 24.657 - Ley de deslinde y titulación del territorio de las comunidades campesinas.

South America

La Ley, que consta de 20 artículos, declara de necesidad nacional e interés social el deslinde y la titulación del territorio de las comunidades campesinas. El territorio comunal está integrado por las tierras originales de la comunidad, las tierras adquiridas de acuerdo al derecho común y agrario, y las adjudicaciones con fines de reforma agraria.

Land (Facilitation of Dealings) Act (Act No. 7 of 1970).

Cook Islands

The Act facilitates dealings in land by providing for incorporation of owners of native land and powers of assembled owners (preamble). The objects of incorporation include: to occupy and manage the land as a plantation or farm, to use the land for the growing of timber, to engage in coal mining and to arrange for the lease of land (sect. 5). The Court may make an order of incorporation on the application of any persons interested, stating, inter alia, the objects for which the the body corporate is established (sect. 7).

Native Land Trust Act.


The Act is divided into 4 Parts: Preliminary (I); Control of native Land (II); Native Reserves (III); Miscellaneous (IV).The Act establishes a board of trustees called the Native Land Trust Board (sect. 3) in which the control of all native land shall be vested (sect. 4). The Act makes provision for the alienation, transfer and lease of native land. The Board may create a native reserve (sect. 15) where native land may not be alienated (sect. 16). Portions of the reserve may only be excluded from it with consent from the native owners (sect. 17).

Native Lands Act.


Native lands shall be held by native Fijians according to native custom as evidenced by usage and tradition. Such lands may be cultivated, allotted and dealt with by native Fijians amongst themselves according to their native custom (sect. 3). The Act further creates the Native Lands Commission to establish what lands are the rightful and hereditary property of native owners (sect. 4). (23 sections)

Public Ownership of Rural Lands Proclamation No. 31/1975.

Eastern Africa

The Proclamation is divided into 6 Chapters: Introduction (1); Public Ownership of Rural Lands (2); Establishment of Associations for the Implementation of the Proclamation (3); Powers and Functions of the Minister of Land Reform and Administration (4); Communal and Nomadic Lands (5); General Provisions (6).The Proclamation declares all rural lands to be the collective property of the Ethiopian people and abolishes private ownership of rural land (sect. 3). Peasant Associations are in charge of the redistribution, cultivation, administration etc. of rural lands.

Land Code (Chapter 40).

Brunei Darussalam
South-Eastern Asia

This Act regulates the administration and management of land ownership.The Act provides for: the alienation of State Land; issuance of title and registration; conditions on which land shall be held and reservations to the Government; declaration of Township; penalties for offences relating to unlawful occupation of State Land; etc.

Amended by: Land Code (Amendment) Order, 2009. (2009-06-30)
Amended by: Land Code (Amendment) Order, 2016 . (2016-06-02)

Act No. 6.001 establishing the native people Statute.

South America

This Act establishes native people communities within the forests of Brazil. It consists of 68 articles laying down traditional rights, work conditions, native lands requirements, protected native lands, native people definition, prohibiting land leasing, concession, exploitation, etc. and legal procedures to be applied to the aforementioned people (as well as all provisions relevant to native peoples).

Land Ordinance (Cap. 68).

South-Eastern Asia

The Ordinance is divided into the following Parts: Preliminary (I); Country Lands (II); Town Lands (III); Native Lands (IV); Registration (V); Part VI has been repealed; Collection of Land Revenue (VII); Demarcation and Survey (VIII); Trespasses and Penalties (IX).The entire property in and control of State land or land reserved for a public purpose is vested in the Government. Subject to any general or special direction of the Minister, the Director of Lands and Surveys may alienate State land, according to the terms and conditions established in this Ordinance.

Laws of Tuvalu Act 1987 (Cap. 1.06).


This Act concerns law in general applicable in Tuvalu and gives a definition of customary law and other sources of law. The Act also defines powers of the Attorney-General in relation to applied law.Customary law comprises the customs and usages, existing from time to time, of the natives of Tuvalu. Schedule 1 to this Act has effect with respect to the determination and recognition of customary law.

Tokelau Amendment 1974.

New Zealand

This Act amends the Tokelau Act 1948 by repealing the definition of "Tokelau" and by making consequential amendments regarding instutions to the principal Act and the Maori and Island Affairs Department Act 1968.

Amends: Tokelau Act 1948 (No. 24). (1948)