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Presidential Decree No. 485 of 1997 regarding the guarantees to the real estate owners for the purchase of the plots of land on which their property is situated.

Eastern Europe

The President, for the purpose of promoting effectual land tenure, decrees that the priorities of purchase of the plots of land (or the shares of them), on which are situated previously privatized edifices, have physical and juridical persons that own these edifices. The Decree establishes that the property put on sale regards plots of land (or the shares of them) that had been previously conceded to a tenant or a leaseholder on condition of permanent (limitless) tenure, lifelong ownership with the right of inheritance or of limited tenure, including rent.

Federal Law No. 82-FZ regarding guarantees to indigenous scanty population of the Russian Federation.

Eastern Europe

The Federal Law consists of 16 articles. The present Federal Law, in conformity with the Russian Constitution, generally recognized principles and norms of international law and international agreements signed by the Russian Federation, establishes legal grounds for guarantees of the distinctive social, economic and cultural development of indigenous scanty population of the Russian Federation, protection of its primordial habitat, traditional way of life, economic activity and traditional community management.

Validation (Native Title) Act.


This Act validates certain Acts on native title in Northern Territory. The Act consists of 13 sections and divided into the following Parts: Preliminary; Validation of Act attributable to the Territory; Effect of validation of certain past Acts; Effects of validation of certain intermediate period Acts; Extinguishment of native title by previous possession Acts; Effects of previous non-exclusive possession Act on native title; Past grants of title; Other effects of validation; Confirmation of certain rights under section 212 of the Commonwealth Act.

Land Act (No. 19/97).

Eastern Africa

This Act is composed of 35 articles divided into eight Chapters. It aims at establishing the terms under which the creation, exercise, modification, transfer and termination of the right of land use and benefit operates. It regulates ownership of the land and public domain, the right of use and benefit of land, powers and responsibilities of the concerned public bodies. In particular, it defines obligations to be fulfilled by foreign or national entities, as well as fees to be paid in order to obtain a licence for land exploitation.

Loi nº 96-050 portant principes de constitution et de gestion du domaine des collectivités territoriales.

Western Africa

Cette loi porte les principes de constitution et de gestion du domaine des collectivités territoriales. La loi est formée par 40 articles répartis en 2 titres, à savoir: Constitution du domaine, portant la définition et la description des domaines publics et privés des collectivités (I); Gestion du domaine, portant les dispositions relatives à la gestion des domaines agricole, forestier, pastoral, piscicole, faunique, de l'habitat et minier, sur la base d'un schéma d'aménagement (II).

Maori Reserved Land Amendment Act (No. 101 of 1997).

New Zealand

The fundamental purpose of the Act is to provide Maori with more equitable market rents for their land. The Act applies to those leases specified in schedule 3 and contains detailed provisions concerning implied terms, compensation payable to lessors, solatium payments to lessors and lessees, as well as payments to lessors for purchase of leases.

Amended by: Maori Reserved Land Amendment Act (No. 1 of 1998). (1998-03-16)
Amends: Maori Reserved Land Act (No. 38 of 1955). (2009-07-01)

Ley Foral Nº 19/1997 - Vías pecuarias de Navarra.

Southern Europe

La presente Ley Foral, que consta de 4 títulos, 24 artículos, 4 disposiciones adicionales y 2 finales, tiene por objeto el establecimiento del régimen jurídico de las vías pecuarias de Navarra. Las vías pecuarias, o sea las rutas o itinerarios por donde discurre o ha venido discurriendo tradicionalmente el tránsito ganadero, se clasifican en cañadas reales, traviesas, pasadas y ramales, distinguiéndose además los reposaderos y abrevaderos anexos.

Interim Protection of Informal Land Rights Act, 1996 (No. 1057 of 1996).

South Africa
Southern Africa

Subject to the provisions of subsection (4), and the provisions of the Expropriation Act, 1975 (Act No. 63 of 1975), or any other law which provides for the expropriation of land or rights in land, no person may be deprived of any informal right to land without his or her consent. Where land is held on a communal basis, a person may, subject to subsection (4), be deprived of such land or right in land in accordance with the custom and usage of that community.

Loi nº 98-750 relative au domaine foncier rural.

Côte d'Ivoire
Western Africa

Cette loi porte dispositions relatives au domaine foncier rural. La loi est formée par 29 articles répartis en 6 chapitres, à savoir: Définition et composition du domaine foncier rural (I); Propriété, concession et transmission du domaine foncier rural (II); Mise en valeur et gestion du domaine foncier rural (III); Dispositions financières et fiscales (IV); Dispositions transitoires (V); Dispositions finales (VI).

Federal Law No. 82-FZ on ensuring traditional rights of sparsely distributed indigenous peoples of the Russian Federation.

Eastern Europe

This Federal Law guarantees the traditional rights of sparsely distributed indigenous peoples to protect their natural habitats, traditional ways of life, economic activities and fishing and hunting rights. An ethnic community with fewer than 50,000 persons living on ancestral land and maintaining traditional ways of life and community management shall be considered a sparsely distributed indigenous peoples.