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Guam Ancestral Lands Commission - Chapter 80 of 21 GCA “Real Property”.


This Chapter provides for various matters relative to title in ancestral and for the creation of the Guam Ancestral Lands Commission. Ancestral Lands shall mean those lands owned privately by residents of Guam on or after January 1, 1930. Section 2 affirms responsibility of the government of Guam to enforce rights in private property, as a civil right, pursuant to the laws of the United States of America applicable to Guam and the Laws of Guam and provides otherwise for the recognition of ancestral land rights.

Land Groups Incorporation Act (Chapter 147).

Papua New Guinea

The purposes of this Act are: to encourage greater participation by local people in the national economy, to make better use of land, to create greater certainty of title, and to provide for better and more effectual settlement of disputes. The Minister may appoint a Registrar of Incorporated Land Groups under section 3. Part III concerns the recognition of customary corporations by the Registrar. Applications for recognition may be made by "customary groups" under section 5. Section 7 provides for the Register of Incorporated Land Groups.

Land Act.

Papua New Guinea

An Act to regulate the acquisition of land by the State and the alienation or lease of land of the State, to establish a Land Board, to define powers of officers of the State in relation to land, to prescribe offences in relation to land, to regulate the fencing of land and various other matters relating to land.The Act consists of 182 sections which are divided into 28 Parts: Preliminary (I); National title to land (II); Acquisition of land by the State (III); Compensation (IV); Reservation of land (V); Aerodromes (VI); The Land Board (VII); Appeals and reports (VIII); Alienation of Govern

Land (Tenure Conversion) Act 1963.

Papua New Guinea

The Act is divided into the following Parts: Preliminary (I); Conversion of Tenure (II); Avoidance of Fragmentation and Regulation of Dealings (III); Certain Fees, Etc. (IV); Miscellaneous (V).The Land Titles Commission shall complete an adjudication record and shall enquire whether a Native wishes to apply for registration of any native land included in the record by agreement. Further provisions concern the procedure to be followed for said registration.

Aboriginal Land (Lake Condah and Framlingham Forest) Act 1987.


This Act, consisting of 41 sections and completed by two Schedules, provides also for the management of the land vested in Aboriginal Corporations.The sections of this Act are divided into 7 Parts: Preliminary (I); Vesting of Condah Land and Framlingham Forest (II); Management of Condah land (III); Management of Framlingham Forest (IV); Mining (V); Trust Funds (VI); Miscellaneous (VII).On the commencement of this Act, Framlingham Forest, shall be vested in the Kirrae Whurrong Aboriginal Corporation.

Customary Law (Choses Publiques) (Jersey) Law 1993.

Northern Europe

This Law grants power to local authorities to authorize the occupation of a “chose publique”, i.e. any area of land over which the public has, under the customary law of Jersey, the right to pass without let or hindrance, whether on foot or with animals or vehicles, including any highway, but excluding any park or sea beach. This right of occupation restricts the public right of access to the area of land in question.

Regional Law No. 42-OZ “On indigenous peoples”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law establishes plenary powers of the Regional Administration in the sphere of protection of traditional living environment, way of life, traditional and customary rights and economic activities of indigenous peoples. It classifies indigenous peoples as those counting less than 50 thousand persons considering themselves autonomous ethnic communities and living prevalently in the Far North. It regulates land tenure, management of natural resources and traditional economic activities.

Regional Law No. 196-OZ “On representatives of indigenous peoples”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law establishes legal status and competence of authorized representatives of indigenous peoples with a view of ensuring traditional rights of indigenous peoples, traditional environment and traditional way of life thereof. Authorized representatives of indigenous peoples can be non-governmental entities, associations or natural persons.

Federal Capital Territory Customary Court Act (No. 8 of 2007).

Western Africa

This Act establishes Grades of Customary Court for the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, as specified in the Schedule to this Act. It also provides with respect to the composition, jurisdiction, administration and functioning of the Court and proceedings of the Court. A Customary Court shall have and exercise jurisdiction over causes and matters set out in the Schedule to this Act. The Court shall also administer customary law and specified written Laws. In causes and matters arising from inheritance, the appropriate customary law shall be the customary law that governed the deceased.