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Chapter 1 of Title 24 of the Chuuk State Code - Tide Lands.


This Chapter concerns the procedures for the application for a permit “to excavate, fill or borrow” tidelands, defines traditional and customary rights of the people of the Chuuk State in respect of tidelands and the granting of (ownership) rights in respect of such land by the State to people of Chuuk. Tidelands within the meaning of the Chuuk Constitution are those marine lands from the shore to the face of the reef that are shallow enough for traditional fishing activity by women.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders (Queensland Reserves and Communities Self management) Act 1978.


This Act empowers the Minister to, upon request of the Council for an Aboriginal Reserve, declare the reserve to be an Islander Reserve to which this Act applies (sect. 5). Section 6 provides for the Declaration of Aboriginal Councils or Island Councils for the purposes of this Act. The Council for an Aboriginal Reserve to which this Act applies, or for an Islander Reserve to which this Act applies, shall manage and control the affairs of the Aboriginal community or the Islander community, as the case may be, residing on the Reserve (sect. 7).

Native Title (South Australia) Act 1994.


This Act concerns traditional rights to land in South Australia. The Act provides for the registration of native title rights, investigations on native title rights, claims and determinations of native title rights and compensation for acts affecting native title rights.

Implemented by: Native Title (South Australia) Regulations 2001. (2001-08-09)
Implemented by: Native Title (South Australia) Regulations 2016. (2016-08-18)

Land Acquisition Act 1969.


This Act concerns the acquisition of land in the territory of South Australia. The Act defines the procedures for the acquisition of land and related negotiation and compensation. The Act is divided into the following Parts: Preliminary; Proposal to acquire land; Acquisition of land; Negotiation and compensation; Powers of entry and temporary occupation and Miscellaneous.

Implemented by: Land Acquisition Regulations 1991. (2003-09-01)
Implemented by: Land Acquisition Regulations 2004. (2018-06-28)

National Parks and Wildlife (Adjustment of Areas) Act 2001.


This Act revokes the reservation of certain areas of land as national parks and nature reserves, as made under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974. Lands whose reservation has been revoked are vested in the Minister responsible for the administration of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974. Under section 6, native title rights and interests are not affected by the provisions of the Act.

Ley de demarcación y garantía del hábitat y tierras de los pueblos indígenas.

South America

La presente Ley de demarcación y garantía del hábitat y tierras de los pueblos indígenas tiene como objeto regular el plan nacional de demarcación y garantía del hábitat y tierras que ancestral y tradicionalmente ocupan los pueblos y comunidades indígenas, establecido en el artículo 119 de la Constitución de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela.

Implementado por: Decreto Nº 7.855/10 - Comisión Nacional de demarcación del hábitat y tierras de los pueblos indígenas y comunidades indígenas. (2010-11-26)

Loi n° 02-008 portant modification et ratification de l'ordonnance n° 00-027/p-rm du 22 mars 2000 portant code domanial et foncier

Western Africa

Cette loi modifie divers articles du Code domanial et foncier de la République du Mali, parmi lesquels, entre autres, les articles relatifs au domaine privé immobilier de l'Etat, au cadastre, au domaine immobilier privé des collectivités territoriales et à l'organisation du régime foncier.

Modifie: Ordonnance nº 00-027-P-RM 2000 portant code domanial et foncier. (2000-03-22)

Community Services (Aborigines) Act 1984.


This Act concerns Aboriginal communities that live in Queensland and provides them support, administrative services and assistance. It consists of 187 sections and is divided into 15 Parts. Part 2 concerns the administration of the Act, Part 3 describes the powers of intervention of the State in matters related to Aboriginal matters. Part 4 provides for the incorporation of Aboriginal councils and regulates their operation. Part 8 is dedicated to the Aboriginal Coordinating Council and Part 9 to the Aboriginal Industries Board.

Community Services (Torres Strait) Act 1984.


The Act provides for the management of the territory of Torres Strait and for the support to communities residing in the area; it consists of 85 sections divided into 11 Parts. The chief executive is the officer responsible for the administration of the Act. Part 3 provides for the creation of island councils, which are body corporate responsible for the management of council areas. Their operation, functions and powers are regulated under the Act.

Land Law.

South-Eastern Asia

This Land Law aims to overhaul the distribution and management of land in Cambodia as well as protect property rights. This basic land legislation consists of 8 Titles; Private and public ownership (I); Acquisition of ownership (II); The regime of private ownership (III); Forms of ownership (IV); Immovable property used as surety (V); Cadastre (VI); Penalty provisions (VII) and Final provisions (VIII).The Law refers to recognition of rights to land of persons who have had peaceful, uncontested possession of the land for a certain period of time.