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Act amending Chapter 75 of Title 21 of the Guam Code.


This Act inserts aquaculture as a “best use” purpose for which Chamorro Homelands are to be leased and prescribes certain requirements regarding the activity of aqualculture on Camorro land. The Chamorro Land Trust Commission is authorized to lease to native Chamorros the right to the use and occupancy of Chamorro homelands within specified acreage limits for each lessee. The lessee of aquaculture lands shall install and maintain a specified type of pool, pound or tank approved by the appropriate agencies.

Native Title Act 1994.


The main objects of this Act are, in accordance with the Commonwealth Native Title Act: to validate past acts invalidated because of the existence of native title; to confirm existing rights to natural resources and access to waterways and public places.

Tokelau Amendment 1996.

New Zealand

This Act amends the Tokelau Act 1948 with respect to the administration of Tokelau as a non-self-governing territory under the Charter of the United Nations. It defines responsibilities of New Zealand and elders of Tokelau. The Act:(a) confers on the General Fono a power to make Rules for Tokelau; (b) provides that any such Rules may be disallowed by the Administrator of Tokelau; (c) amends the Tokelau Act 1948 as it relates to the sources of law for Tokelau and the jurisdiction of Tokelau Commissioners; and (d) makes other amendments to the Tokelau Act 1948 and its amending Acts.

Customs Recognition Act (No. 7 of 2000).

Solomon Islands

This Act makes provision with respect to ascertainment of questions as to the existence of any customary law and the nature of such customary law in relation to a matter, and its application in or relevance to any particular circumstances.The Act specifies facts that are relevant when customary right, usage or practice is in question and concerns proof and recognition of custom.

Village Land Act, 1999.

Eastern Africa

This Act consists of 66 sections divided into 6 Parts: Preliminary provisions (I); Application of fundamental principles of the National Land Policy (II); Transfers and hazard land (III); Village lands (IV); Dispute settlement (V); Miscellaneous provisions (VI). The President may transfer any area of village land to general or reserved land for public interest (sect. 4). Village land transfer shall not be transferred until the type, amount and timing of the payment of compensation has been agreed upon. The Minister may declare any area of a village land to be hazard land.

Ley Nº 19.253 - Establece normas sobre protección, fomento y desarrollo de los indígenas.

South America

La presente Ley tiene como finalidad la protección, el fomento y el desarrollo de las comunidades indígenas. El título II (arts. 12-22) se ocupa de manera particular del reconocimiento y protección de las tierras indígenas. A efectos de esta Ley son tierras indígenas aquellas que las personas o comunidades indígenas actualmente ocupan en propiedad o posesión históricamente, o bien en virtud de los títulos indicados en el artículo 12, así como las que los indígenas o sus comunidades reciban a título gratuito del Estado.

Alienation of Land – Property (Chapter 02 of Title 37).

American Samoa

This Chapter provides in respect of certain matters relative to the sale, gift, exchange, or any other method of disposal of land. There is created a Land Commission which shall endeavour to prevent the monopolistic ownership of land and undesired alienations of communal lands by those charged with the management and control thereof. For this purpose the Commission shall make recommendations to the Governor respecting the approval or disapproval of instruments affecting the title, ownership or possession of land which require approval of the Governor pursuant to section 4.

Council of Traditional Leaders Act, 1997 (No. 13 of 1997).

Southern Africa

This Act makes provision for the establishment of a Council of Traditional Leaders in order to advise the President on: (a) the control and utilization of communal land; and (b) all such other matters as may be referred to it by the President for advice. The Council shall be composed of representatives of Traditional Authorities, i.e. the authority of a traditional community comprising the traditional leaders of that community who have been designated and recognised as such in accordance with the provisions of the Traditional Authorities Act, 1995.

Sarawak Land Code, (Chapter 81).

South-Eastern Asia

This Act, consisting of three Parts, applies to Native customary rights of Sarawak. It specifies the following Land classification as follows: i. Interior Area Land is land not falling within other classifications and which is not a Government Reserve; ii.

Land Law.

Eastern Asia

The Law consists of V Parts divided into 57 articles. Part I includes general provisions (A); the right of ownership (B); the use limitation of the ownership right (C); public land (D); adjustment of the ownership right (E). Part II concerns the cadastre, it includes general rules (A); cadastration (B); land registration (C); registration of ownership right amendment (D).

Tigray National Regional State's Rural Land Usage Proclamation No. 23/1997.

Eastern Africa

This Proclamation lays down rules relative to the ownership and use of land in the National State of Tigray. Land is declared to be "joint property" of the State and can not be sold, exchanged, given in lease or as bond for an indefinite time. Farmers may use land in their possession under conditions as set out in this Proclamation. The actual state of land is declared to be "accepted" under the present Proclamation. Farmers can give their land in lease under article 7. Article 8 concerns the lease of state land.