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Loi organique nº 8-2005 portant régime foncier au Rwanda.

Eastern Africa

La présente loi porte régime foncier au Rwanda. Elle est formée par 88 articles répartis en 7 chapitres, à savoir: Dispositions générales (I); Catégorie des terres (II); Gestion, aménagement et utilisation des terres (III); Droits et obligations des titulaires de droits fonciers (IV); Prescription (V); Dispositions pénales (VI) et Dispositions transitoires et finales (VII). L'Etat dispose d'un droit éminent de gestion de l'ensemble des terres et est le seul habilité à accorder les droits d'occupation et d'usage de la terre.

Northern Territory National Emergency Response Act 2007.


This Act provides for measures to improve the well-being of certain communities in the Northern Territory. The Act also concerns, among other things, the grant of leases by the Commonwealth, acquisition of rights, titles and interests in land by the Commonwealth, vesting rights, titles and interests in land in the Commonwealth and registration of dealings with land done by force of this Act. The Act makes consequential amendments to the Native Title Act, the Special Purposes Leases Act and the Crown Lands Act.

Ordonnance nº 2005-867 portant actualisation et adaptation du droit domanial, du droit foncier et du droit forestier applicables en Guyane.

French Guiana
South America

La présente ordonnance complète le dispositif législatif en matière forestière et donne un fondement juridique à l'intervention de l'Office national des forêts (ONF) et aux actes de gestion durable : elle étend l'essentiel du code forestier à la Guyane, avec les adaptations et dispositions spécifiques rendues nécessaires par le contexte et les enjeux particuliers de la forêt guyanaise. Cette ordonnance va permettre de s'engager dans une démarche d'écocertification. Le code du domaine de l'Etat est également modifié pour tenir compte de ces adaptations.

Land Disputes Settlement Act 1975.

Papua New Guinea

This Act deals in a comprehensive manner with the settlement of disputes regarding disputes as to interests in customary land, or as to the position of boundaries of any customary land by adjudication or alternative dispute resolution.Its 75 sections are divided into 7 Parts: Preliminary (I); Provincial Land Disputes Committees (III); Mediation of land disputes (IV); Local Land Courts (IV); Provincial Land Courts (V); Offences (VI); Miscellaneous (VII).“Land” includes: a) a reef or bank; (b) a house or other structure built on land or over water; (c) things growing on land or in water over

Land Titles Commission Act 1962.

Papua New Guinea

This Act establishes the land Titles Commission as an independent judicial tribunal for the resolution of disputes of rights in land, including an interest in land, whether arising out of and regulated by custom or otherwise, provides for judicial procedures and the extra-judicial settlement of disputes and some other matters. The Land Titles Commission for Papua New Guinea is established under section 3. The Chief Commissioner is responsible for the administration of the Commission and the co-ordination of the work of the Commissioners.

Chapter 8 of Title 42 of the Pohnpei State Code - Marine Areas.


This Chapter confirms, with certain exceptions, law established during the Japanese administration which declared all marine areas below the ordinary high watermark to belong to the government. Certain customary rights to place and maintain fish weirs or traps are re-established. Other exceptions concern customary rights of owners of land abutting the ocean to collect coconuts and other materials and fishing rights on, and in waters over reefs where the general depth of water does not exceed four feet at mean low water.

Cook Islands Amendment (No 2) Act 1970 (No. 4 of 1970).

Cook Islands

This Act amends provisions of the Cook Islands Act, 1915 with respect to the alienation of native land. Subsection (2) of section 475 of the principal Act is hereby amended by omitting, the words "the High Commissioner" and substituting the words "an officer of the Land Court approved in writing for the purpose by the Secretary of Justice". Section 482 of the principal Act is hereby amended by repealing subsection (3).

Amends: Cook Islands Act 1915 (No. 40 of 1915). (2011)

Cook Islands Amendment Act 1982 (No. 4 of 1982).

Cook Islands

This Act repeals specified provisions of the Cook Islands Act, 1915 in the manner indicated in the First Part of the Schedule to this Act and various amendments listed in the Second Part of the Schedule to this Act. The amendments to the principal Act concern, among other things, proceedings and other matters of the Land Court and proceedings with the High Court and the alienation of native land.

Amends: Cook Islands Act 1915 (No. 40 of 1915). (2011)

Customary Law and Language Commission Act, 2004.

Marshall Islands

This Act provides for the establishment of a Customary Law and Language Commission. The Commission shall carry out tasks relative to the codification of customary law of the Marshall Islands. The President may publish the Code for the benefit of the public and shall present it to the Nitijela, as soon as practicable, for due consideration. The Code shall only have effect as law if the Nitijela declares it by Act as the Customary Law in the Marshall Islands, in accordance with Article X, Section 2 of the Constitution.

Repeals: Customary Law Commission Act 1989. (1989)

Commons Act 2006 (Chapter 26).

United Kingdom
Northern Europe

This Act continues to make provision with respect to the registration, use and tenure of common land, the management and control of agricultural activities, vegetation, the exercise of rights of common on common land and related matters.The commons registration authorities shall continue to keep registers of common land and town or village greens and may deregister common land and make other amendments in respect of the register as provided for in this Act.The appropriate national authority shall have the powers to establish commons councils with functions related to the management of agric

Ley general de los pueblos y comunidades indígenas del Estado de Durango.

Central America

Esta Ley establece disposiciones para el desarrollo, reconocimiento, preservación y defensa de los derechos y cultura de los pueblos y comunidades indígenas. A tal fin la Ley establece que el Estado y los Municipios deban incluir dentro de sus planes y programas de desarrollo a las comunidades indígenas de los pueblos asentados en el territorio estatal. La Ley prevé la participación de los pueblos y comunidades indígenas en la planeación del desarrollo económico. Cabe destacar el Título Cuarto en materia de tierra, territorio y recursos naturales (arts. 74-84).

Local Council Courts Act, 2006.

Eastern Africa

This Act establishes a local council court at every village, parish, town, division and sub-county level. Council courts shall consits of all members of the executive committee in case of a village or parish and of five members appointed by the town council, division council or sub-county council on the recommendation of the respective executive committee in case of town councils, division councils or sub-county councils.