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Aboriginal Lands Act 1995.


This Act, consisting of 44 sections divided into four Parts and completed by five Schedules, aims to promote reconciliation with the Tasmanian Aboriginal community by granting to Aboriginal people certain parcels of land of historic or cultural significance. The Aboriginal Land Council of Tasmania is established as a body corporate.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection Act 1984.


The purposes of this Act are the preservation and protection from injury or desecration of areas and objects in Australia and in Australian waters, being areas and objects that are of particular significance to Aboriginals in accordance with Aboriginal tradition.The Minister may, upon application made orally or in writing by or on behalf of an Aboriginal or a group of Aboriginals seeking the preservation or protection of a specified area from injury or desecration, make a declaration in relation to the area.

Loi n° 2011-07 du 30 mars 2011 portant régime de la Propriété foncière.

Western Africa

La présente loi est composée t de 96 articles répartis en 5 titres, à savoir: l’organisation du régime de la propriété foncière (I); le fonctionnement du régime de la propriété foncière (II); les sanctions (III); les frais et émoluments (IV); et les dispositions finales (V). Aux termes de cette loi, l’immatriculation d’un immeuble au livre foncier est précédée d’une vaste publicité et exige l’observation des formalités multiples et minutieuses destinées à sauvegarder les droits des tiers.

Aboriginal Heritage (Marandoo) Act 1992.


This Act, consisting of three sections and completed by three Schedules, concerns the application of the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972 and establishes that the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972 does not apply to any place that is on land described in Part 1 of Schedule 1, Part 1 of Schedule 2, or Part 1 of Schedule 3, or to any object situated on or under any of that land. The reference in subsection to the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972 includes a reference to any condition imposed or other thing done under that Act before the commencement of this Act.

Statute Law Revision Act 2011 - Repeal of Ordinance and Acts (No. 8 of 2011).


This Act revises statute law of Nauru by: validating specified Acts; by making amendments to Acts and Ordinances; and by repealing specified Ordinances and Acts. Repealed Ordinances include: the Importation of Dogs Ordinance 1937-1967, the Native Administration Ordinance 1922-1967, the Native Co-operative Societies Ordinance 1935-1967 and the Prohibition of Sale to Chinese and Natives of Overmilled Rice Ordinance 1925-1967. Repealed Acts include the Nauru Local Government Council Act 1951-1985 and the Nauru Local Government Council Guarantee Act 1970.

Introductory Law relating to the Federal Agricultural Soil Act.

Western Europe

The present Law enforces the Federal Agricultural Soil Act of 4 October 1991. In particular, the Canton promotes the efforts of the federal government to maintain an efficient agriculture according to the federal rural soil legislation and shall take the necessary measures for its implementation. The text – consisting of 8 articles – deals with the following aspects: principles, sphere of application, duties of alpine cooperatives, duties of land registry office, cantonal right of pre-emption, cottages, local courts and entry into force.

Ley Nº 1.454 - Normas orgánicas sobre ordenamiento territorial.

South America

La presente ley tiene por objeto dictar las normas orgánicas para la organización político administrativa del territorio colombiano, enmarcar en las mismas el ejercicio de la actividad legislativa en materia de normas y disposiciones de carácter orgánico relativas a la organización político administrativa del Estado en el territorio, establecer los principios rectores del ordenamiento, definir el marco institucional e instrumentos para el desarrollo territorial, definir competencias en materia de ordenamiento territorial entre la Nación, las entidades territoriales y las áreas metropolitana

Aboriginal Land Grant (Jervis Bay Territory) Act 1986.


This Act makes provision for the establishment of the Wreck Bay Aboriginal Community Council, for the grant of Aboriginal Land to that Council and for other matters relating to such land and the Council.The Council is established as a body corporate and shall hold title in and manage Aboriginal Land for purpose of the members of the Aboriginal community. The Council shall also protect and conserve natural and cultural sites on Aboriginal Land and engage in land-use planning for such land.

Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006.


This Act provides for the incorporation, registration and regulation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander corporations. For purposes of registration of corporations, it also provides for the Registrar and the Office of the Registrar of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporations. The Act also concerns dealings and status of land held by a corporation for the benefit of Aboriginal persons or Torres Strait Islanders.

Decreto Ley Nº 4.634 - Medidas de asistencia, atención, reparación integral y restitución de tierras a las víctimas pertenecientes al pueblo Rrom o Gitano.

South America

El presente Decreto Ley tiene por objeto establecer el marco normativo e institucional de la atención, asistencia y reparación integral de las víctimas pertenecientes al pueblo Rrom, ofreciendo herramientas administrativas, judiciales y mecanismos de participación, para que el pueblo Rrom y sus miembros individualmente y colectivamente considerados.

Decreto Ley Nº 4.635 - Medidas de asistencia, atención, reparación integral y de restitución de tierras a las víctimas pertenecientes a comunidades negras, afrocolombianas, raizales y palenqueras.

South America

El presente Decreto Ley tiene por objeto establecer el marco normativo e institucional de la atención, asistencia, reparación integral y restitución de tierras y de los derechos de las víctimas pertenecientes a comunidades negras, afrocolombianas, raizales y palenqueras, ofreciendo herramientas administrativas, judiciales y mecanismos de participación para que las comunidades y sus miembros individualmente considerados sean restablecidos en sus derechos.