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Protected Areas Regulations 2012 (L.N. No. 12 of 2012).

Solomon Islands

These Regulations concern various matters concerning the management and conservation of protected areas including marine areas. Prescribed classes of protected areas are: (a) nature reserves (b) national parks; (c) natural monuments; (d) resource management areas; (e) closed area. Any area within Solomon Islands that is listed under the Convention Concerning the Protection of World Cultural and Natural Heritage as a world heritage site shall be declared as a protected area under any or more of the classes of protected areas.

Decreto Nº 3.680 - Reglamenta la Ley Nº 1.454, Normas orgánicas sobre ordenamiento territorial.

South America

El presente Decreto aprueba el reglamento de la ley que tiene por objeto dictar las normas orgánicas para la organización político administrativa del territorio colombiano. A tal fin, la Comisión de Ordenamiento Territorial (COT), tiene como función evaluar, revisar y sugerir al Gobierno Nacional y a las Comisiones Especiales de Seguimiento al Proceso de Descentralización y Ordenamiento Territorial del Senado de la República y de la Cámara de Representantes, la adopción de políticas, desarrollos legislativos y criterios para la mejor organización del Estado en el territorio.

Aboriginal Land Regulation 2011.


This Regulation provides for the implementation of the Aboriginal Land Act 1991. The Regulation is divided into 8 Parts (56 regulations) and is completed by 5 Schedules. Part 2 sets out provisions on land trusts and Part 3 provides codes of conduct about mining leases. Part 4 prescribes mining royalties and Part 5 regulates appeals to the Land Appeal Court. The remaining Parts address declarations, provisions of miscellaneous nature, and transitional provisions.

Customary Court of Appeal Rules (Chapter 04:05).

Southern Africa

This Order, made under section 49 of the Customary Courts Act, implements provisions of that Act in respect of, among other things: registers to be kept, procedural requirements in relation with hearings at a customary court, right of appeal in accordance with section 42 of the Act, procedure on hearing of civil appeals and recording and delivery of judgment.

Implements: Customary Courts Act (Chapter 04:05). (2006)

Customary Courts (Enforcement of Specified Laws) Order (Chapter 04:05).

Southern Africa

This Order, made under section 16 of the Customary Courts Act, specify in the Schedule provisions of enactments customary courts shall have jurisdiction to administer. Enactments include the Branding of Cattle Act (Cap. 36:02), the Matimela Act (Cap. 36:06) and the Tribal Land Act (Cap. 32:02).

Implements: Customary Courts Act (Chapter 04:05). (2006)

Establishment and Jurisdiction of Customary Courts Order (Chapter 04:05).

Southern Africa

This Order, made under sections 7(2) and 12(5)) of the Customary Courts Act, establishes and recognises the customary courts listed in the First Schedule. It also defines their jurisdiction in civil and criminal cases and, for certain courts, courts also defines jurisdiction in respect of stock theft.

Implements: Customary Courts Act (Chapter 04:05). (2006)

Land (Development of Lake – Citation shore Plots) (Control) Order (Cap. 57:01).

Eastern Africa

This Order, made under section 31 of the Land Act, provides that on the land described in the First Schedule no control person shall, without the prior consent of the Minister (in Form II set out in the Second Schedule): (a) enter into occupation of any plot or property; (b) erect a cottage or a building structure of any description whatsoever; (c) fence any plot, property or structure; (d) in respect of any rights to land, pay compensation to a chief, village headman or other traditional authority by whatsoever title designated or to any person whomsoever; and (e) do or perform any thing o

Delegation of Powers Order made under the Land Act (Cap. 57:01).

Eastern Africa

This Order, made under section 41 of the Land Act, delegates powers assigned to the Minister under that Act to the Commissioner for Lands. The Commissioner for Lands shall administer the Land Act and shall have specified powers in respect of, among other things: grants, lease or other dispositions in accordance with section 5 of the Act, grants, lease or other dispositions affecting public or customary land and agreement or licences in respect of the control or use of running or stagnant water.

Implements: Land Act (Cap. 57:01). (1982)

Order made under section 41 of the Land Act (Cap. 57:01).

Eastern Africa

This Order of the Minister, made pursuant to section 41 of the Land Act, delegates to the Secretary for Agriculture and Natural Resources the exercise and performance of all the powers, functions and duties conferred upon the Minister by section 40 of that Act. Section 40 provides that, in any proceedings before a court in which the question arises as to whether or not any land is public land, private land or customary land, a certificate purporting to be signed by the Minister shall be prima facie proof that the land is public land, private land or customary land, as the case may be.

Regulation to the Community Rights Law with Respect to Forest Lands.

Western Africa

This Regulation of the Forestry Development Authority (FDA) implements provisions of the Community Rights Law of 2009 with Respect to Forest Lands ("Community Rights Law"), and determines the rules, guidelines and procedures for the establishment of forest communities and to access, manage, use and the benefits of forest resources within the Republic of Liberia, and participation by communities in the reforestation, rehabilitation and conservation of forest and wildlife resources in Liberia.

Resolución Nº 202/12/MC - Regula el funcionamiento de la Base de Datos Oficial de Pueblos Indígenas u Originarios.

South America

La presente Resolución regula el funcionamiento de la Base de Datos Oficial de Pueblos Indígenas u Originarios, a cargo de la Dirección General de Interculturalidad y Derechos de los Pueblos, con la finalidad de elaborar y consolidar la información sobre los pueblos indígenas producida, obtenida o recogida por las diversas entidades de la administración pública competentes y la que se obtenga en coordinación con los pueblos indígenas.