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Public Law 30-142 - An Act to add a new §80105 (c) to Chapter 80 of Title 21, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the transfer of property under the jurisdiction of the Port Authority of Guam to the jurisdiction of the Guam Ancestral Lands Commission.


This Act amends Chapter 80 of Title 21 to provide for the transfer of real property of the Guam Port Authority to the Guam Ancestral Lands Commission so that the Commission can return land parcels and properties to the original landowners or their estates.

Amends: Guam Ancestral Lands Commission - Chapter 80 of 21 GCA “Real Property”. (2006-04-14)

Crown Lands Act.


This Act, consisting of 108 sections divided into nine Parts and completed by one Schedule, makes provision for the tenure, management, and alienation of crown lands. "Crown lands" means all lands of the Territory, including the bed of the sea within the territorial limits of the Northern Territory, and including an estate in fee simple that is registered in the name of the Territory, but does not include reserved or dedicated lands. The main body of the Act (Part 3) contains provisions relative to leases, easements, and servitude.

Native Title Act 1993.


The main objects of the Act are: (a) to provide for the recognition and protection of native title; (b) to establish ways in which the future dealings affecting native title may proceed and to set standards for those dealings; (c) to establish a mechanism for determining claims to native title; and (d) to provide for, or permit, the validation of past acts invalidated because of the existence of native title (sect. 3).The text of the Act consists of 253 sections, preceded by a preamble and divided into 15 Parts.

Land Use Decree (No. 36 of 2010).


This Decree provides for use of native land as defined in the Native Lands Act and Crown land as defined in the Crown lands Act. Utilization of land to which this Decree applies shall be decided by the Prime Minister and all such land shall be registered in the Land Use Bank created under this Decree. The Decree also establishes a Land Use Unit in the Ministry of Lands and Mineral Resources. This office shall be responsible for valuation of land, issue and renewal of leases and collection of rental. Leases issued under this Decree shall be for 99 years and are protected leases.

Law of Property Act.


This Act, consisting of 221 sections divided into 17 Parts and completed by four Schedules, makes provisions with respect to land tenure rights, conveyance of lands, easements, transfer of land, leases, mortgages, and various other matters relative to the registration of titles, use of land rights, transfer of land, etc.

Loi nº 1-13 du 9 août 2011 portant revision du Code foncier du Burundi.

Eastern Africa

Cette loi porte revision du Code foncier. La question foncière est un enjeu majeur de développement pour le Burundi Le pays est confronté à une importante croissance démographique, à une multiplication des conflits sur la terre liés à la perte de valeur du témoignage oral du système traditionnel, à la situation post-conflit qui voit le retour massif des réfugiés et des déplacés, ce qui accroit de plus en plus la pression foncière. De plus, le Code foncier appliqué jusqu’aujourd’hui date du 1er septembre 1986.

Native Land Trust (Amendment) Decree 2011 (No. 8 of 2011).


This Decree amends the Native Land Trust Act by establishing in that Act and all subsidiary laws made under that Act the word "native" shall be deleted wherever it appears and be replaced by the word "i Taukei". A new section is inserted in the principal Act. That section establishes that all written laws are amended by deleting all references to the word "native" wherever it appears and by inserting "i Taukei".

Amends: Native Land Trust Act. (1985)

Native Land Trust (Amendment) Decree 2010 (No. 32 of 2010).


This Decree amends the Native Land Trust Act by establishing in that Act and all subsidiary laws made under that Act the word "native" shall be deleted wherever it appears and be replaced by the word "i Taukei". A new section is inserted in the principal Act. That section establishes that all written laws are amended by deleting all references to the word "native" wherever it appears and by inserting "i Taukei".

Amends: Native Land Trust Act. (1985)

Mahogany Industry Development Decree 2010 (No. 16 of 2010).


This Decree establishes the Mahogany Industry Council and provides for the continuation of the Fiji Mahogany Trust, which was established as a body corporate under section 5 of the Fiji Mahogany Act 2003 for the benefit of landowners and the Fiji Hardwood Corporation Limited, transformed into a privatised Company for the purposes of developing the mahogany industry in Fiji, including the harvesting and processing of mahogany forests.

Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Consequential, Transitional and Other Measures Act 2006.


This Act provides for transitional and consequential matters relating to the enactment of the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006. It amends the Native Title Act 1993, the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Act 2005, the Aboriginal Land (Lake Condah and Framlingham Forest) Act 1987, the Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Act 1976 and some other Acts.