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Decreto Nº 116 - Ley de Expropiación para el Estado de México.

Central America

La presente Ley establece los principios y normas que rigen la expropiación por utilidad pública en el Estado de México. La Ley enumera las causas de utilidad pública que pueden constituir fundamento de un procedimiento de expropiación y establece las bases para el pago de la correspondiente indemnización. Asimismo la Ley regula con detalle el procedimiento a seguir para expropiar una propiedad privada.

Federal Law No. 72-FZ on condominiums.

Eastern Europe

The Federal Law consists of 7 Chapters composed of 55 articles. Chapter 1 lays down the general provisions. Chapter 2 establishes ownership relationship within condominium and the duties of houseowners. Chapter 3 management and maintenance of condominiums. Chapter 4 regards organization of condominiums. Chapter 5 concerns functioning of condominiums. Chapter 6 deals with organization of condominiums in newly set unit. Chapter 7 lays down the conclusive provisions.

Loi nº 98-489 portant régime domanial des Régions.

Côte d'Ivoire
Western Africa

La présente loi, formée de trois chapitres, détermine la composition du domaine des Régions (1), fixe les règles de gestion du domaine des Régions (2), et comporte des dispositions finales (3) d'application. Il est à relever que l'Etat peut passer avec la région des conventions portant sur l'exploitation ou l'utilisation de tout ou partie de ses biens meubles ou immeubles. Par ailleurs, il convient de noter que les biens immobiliers de la région sont inscrits à son nom, au livre foncier à la requête des autorités régionales.

Ley Nº 27.046 - Ley de acceso al crédito para la formalización de la propiedad.

South America

La presente Ley de acceso al crédito para la formalización de la propiedad crea el Programa de Apoyo Crediticio para la Formalización de la Propiedad para la adquisición de predios de propiedad privada ocupados.

Enmienda: Ley Nº 27046 - Ley complementaria de promoción del acceso a la propiedad formal. (1998-12-31)

Ley Nº 20/1998 - Ley de Patrimonios Públicos de Suelo.

Southern Europe

La presente Ley tiene por objeto establecer y regular los patrimonios públicos de suelo de las distintas Administraciones del País Vasco así como las reservas de suelo en orden a la obtención de los siguientes fines: a) facilitar el desarrollo urbano y territorial del País Vasco; b) disponer de suelos para actuaciones de iniciativa pública y, en particular, para la construcción de viviendas de protección oficial u otros usos de interés social; y c) regular el mercado de suelo.

Land Registration Act.

Southern Europe

The Act provides for the establishment in Malta of the Land Registry for the purposes of registration of title to land. The Act consists of sixty sections divided into the following ten Parts: (I) Preliminary; (II) Administrative provisions; (III) Registration of land; (IV) Dealings with registered land; (V) Cautions; (VA) Cautionary charges; (VI) Land and charge certificates; (VII) General provisions concerning registration; (VIII) Rectification of Register and indemnity; (IX) Miscellaneous provisions; (X) Rules and fees orders.

Regional Law No.26 of 1998 on regulation of urban construction activity on the territories of the natural complex of the city of Moscow.

Eastern Europe

This Law is an integral part of urban construction and environmental legislation of the city of Moscow and establishes the modalities of planning, regulation and carrying out urban construction activity on the territories of natural complex of the city of Moscow. The document consists of 13 Articles. Article 1 introduces the principal concepts. Article 2 establishes the legal basis for the regulation of urban construction activity on the territories of natural complex. Article 3 regards land use planning for the territories of natural complex.

Regional Law No.191-35 of 1998 on investments in immovable property of St.Petersburg.

Eastern Europe

This Law establishes the conditions and the modalities of realization on investment activity aimed at building of the plots of land, for completion of unfinished constructions, reconstruction of edifices, their parts belonging to St.Petersburg for the purpose of profiting when the result is creation of immovable property. Article 7 establishes that investment prospect must contain the obligation of a potential investor to pay the services of the preparation of urban construction and land surveying documentation.

Housing Code (No.713-I of 1998).

Central Asia

Housing legislation consists of the present Code and other legislative acts. Land legislation and legislation on architecture and urban construction shall be applicable in the field of housing relations if the aforesaid are not regulated by housing legislation. Relations regarding engineering infrastructure and communal services shall be regulated by the present Code and other legislative acts. Local self-government is entitled with the task of allotment of the plots of land for housing (art. 5).

Law No. 351-I on basic housing policy.

Central Asia

The main targets of state housing policy are concession of compensation to low-income categories of citizens for the payment of communal services, stimulation by the state of the maintenance of housing facilities by economic and financial means, creation of favourable vital environment equipped with the necessary social, communal, cultural and other services. The Law consists of 4 Sections that contain 28 articles. Section 1 (arts. 1-8) lays down general provisions. Section 2 (arts. 9-13) regards property rights in housing sphere. Section 3 (arts.