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Conservation Easements Regulations (R.R.S. c. C-27.01 Reg. 1).

Northern America

The present Regulations are made under the Conservation Easements Act. For the purpose of the present Regulations a Conservation Easement is a voluntary legal agreement between a landowner and conservation agency to preserve land in its natural state in perpetuity in order to protect endangered species, a historical site or to preserve the biological, physical and cultural attributes of the land for future generations. Section 5 lists the information a conservation easement has to contain.

Regulation on the content and methodology of the program for sustainable development of the islands, with the content and methodology of the program for the sustainable development of the islands.

Southern Europe

The Regulation defines the contents of the Sustainable Island Development Program and the methodology for the implementation of prescribed measures.This Regulation prescribes certain rules necessary for the correct application of the Program in order to determine the developmental decisions and goals, and the tasks and duties exercised by the operators in order to achieve these commitments and goals.The Plan, part of the Annex, is an integral part of this Regulation.

Implements: Island Law. (1999-03-26)

Decreto Nº 2.007 - Reglamenta parcialmente la Ley Nº 387, sobre medidas para la prevención del desplazamiento forzado.

South America

El presente Decreto reglamenta la Ley que adopta medidas para la prevención del desplazamiento forzado y la atención, protección, consolidación y estabilización socioeconómica de los desplazados internos por la violencia, en relación a la declaratoria de la inminencia de riesgo de desplazamiento o de desplazamiento forzado en una zona y limitaciones a la enajenación o transferencia a cualquier título de bienes rurales.

Delegation of powers under the World Heritage Convention Act (Notice No. R. 723 of 2002).

South Africa
Southern Africa

With this Notice, the Minister of Environmental Affairs and Tourism delegates powers vested in him other by section 43(1)(a) of the World Heritage Convention Act in Director-General of the Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism. The powers delegated include authorization and ratification of land claims negotiations and settlement agreements entered into by the Greater St. Lucia Wetland Park Authority in respect of state or private land forming part or affecting World Heritage Sites and of land acquisitions made by the Authority.

Decree No. 5.300 implementing Act No. 7.661 establishing National Planning for Coastal Zone Management.

South America

This Decree, composed of 40 articles divided into seven Chapters, implements Act No. 7.661 establishing National Planning for Coastal Zone Management (PNGC). In particular, it adopts measures related to the use and occupation of the coastal areas and defines criteria for the management of the maritime coast.

Implements: Act No. 7.661 establishing National Planning for Coastal Zone Management. (1988-05-16)

Beach Authority (Use of Public Beach) Regulations 2004 (G.N. No. 90 of 2004).

Eastern Africa

These Regulations make provision for the control of activities on public beaches in the sense of the Beach Control Act. The holding of a public gathering on a beach shall be subject to authorization by the Beach Control Authority. Other rules concern swimming and use of boats in the sea adjacent to a public beach, disturbing or damaging of flora and fauna on beaches, pollution, erecting of structures, etc.

Forest Regulations, 2001.


Regulations to implement provisions of the Forests Act and to provide for various other matters.The 74 regulations are placed under the following headings: Preliminary (regs. 1-4); Forest roads (regs. 5-12); Forest fires (regs. 13-17); Trespass (regs. 18-29); Enforcement (regs. 30-39); Community catchment areas (regs. 40-45); Private forestry (regs. 46-52); Leases of forest estates (regs. 53-58); Forest recreation (regs. 59-61); General (regs. 62-74).Regulation 4 defines the contents of a forest management plan in the sense of section 8 of the Act.

Protected Areas Order 2004.

South-Eastern Asia

This Order relates to the Protected Areas and Protected Places Act (Chapter 256) and repeals the Protected Areas (No. 13) Order 2002 and the Protected Areas (No. 10) Order 2003; furthermore it provides for the application of the status of protected areas to those listed in the Schedule.

Order No. 434 of the Ministry of Environmental Protection validating the Regulation on the modalities of approval by the environmental institutions of the materials regarding expropriation (purchase) and allotment of the plots of land.

Eastern Europe

The present Regulation is applicable to the Ministry of Environmental Protection and its territorial branches (environmental institutions). The Regulation establishes the mechanism of approval by the environmental institutions of the selection of the plots of land for the location of the objects thereon, allotment of all categories of land irrespectively of the form of ownership and land tenure.

Decreto Nº 4.002 - Reglamenta parcialmente la Ley Nº 388 de 1997, Normas sobre planes de desarrollo municipal, compraventa y expropiación de bienes.

South America

El presente Decreto reglamenta la Ley Nº 388 de 1997, precisando y reglamentando algunos aspectos relacionados con la revisión de los planes de ordenamiento territorial y la modificación de sus normas urbanísticas.

Resolución Nº 121/02/INDECOPI/CRT - Norma Técnica Peruana sobre suelos y aguas subterráneas.

South America

La presente Resolución aprueba, entre otras, las Normas Técnicas Peruanas relativas a los suelos y aguas subterráneas: método de ensayo normalizado para la determinación del contenido de sales solubles, de cloruros y de sulfatos solubles en suelos y aguas subterráneas.