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Conservation and Protection of the Physical Landscape of The Bahamas Regulations, 1997 (Cap. 260).


These Regulations implement provisions of the Conservation and Protection of the Physical Landscape of The Bahamas Act, 1997 concerning the application for, and the granting of, permits for excavation or landfill operations or the to harvesting of protected trees and a licence to quarry or mine. Applications, permits or licences shall be in the form as set out in the Schedule to these Regulations.

Tir Gofal and Organic Farming (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 1999 (S.I. No. 3337; W.45 of 1999).

United Kingdom
Northern Europe

These Regulations amend the Tir Gofal Regulations to: a) permit a Tir Gofal agreement to include any provision that may be agreed between the Countryside Council for Wales and a Tir Gofal applicant (reg. 2(2)); b) impose an obligation on a Tir Gofal agreement holder to maintain records (reg. 2(4)); and c) make compliance with the record keeping requirement (reg. 9A of the Tir Gofal Regulations inserted by these Regulations) and the obligation to permit entry and inspection (reg. 10 of the Tir Gofal Regulations) conditions for the payment of aid (reg.

Decreto Nº 879 - Reglamenta las disposiciones referentes al ordenamiento del territorio municipal y distrital y a los planes de ordenamiento territorial.

South America

El presente Decreto establece la obligatoriedad de los planes de ordenamiento territorial, disponiendo que corresponde a todas las administraciones municipales y distritales formular y adoptar su plan de ordenamiento territorial.

Sunnyside (Bull Arm) Special Management Area Regulations (C.N.L.R. 759/96).

Northern America

These Regulations provide for the management of the Sunnyside (Bull Arm) Special Management Area. The Regulations prohibit the following activities within the area: the conveying, leasing or licensing of lands, whether privately owned or not, or the conveyance of other rights in respect to those lands; the erection, construction or placing of a building, structure or thing, on or above those lands and the application of those lands for agricultural, commercial, industrial, recreational or other purposes.

Implements: Lands Act (S.N.L. 1991, c. 36). (2010)

Decreto Nº 151 - Compensación en tratamiento de conservación mediante la transferencia de derechos de construcción y desarrollo.

South America

El presente Decreto dicta las reglas relativas a los mecanismos que hacen viable la compensación en tratamiento de conservación mediante la transferencia de derechos de construcción y desarrollo, que son aquellos que en casos particulares y concretos regulan el aprovechamiento del suelo, el subsuelo y el espacio aéreo de un predio de conformidad con la licencia que concede la autoridad competente, con sujeción a las normas urbanísticas contenidas en los planes de ordenamiento territorial establecidos en la Ley Nº 388 de 1997.

Decreto Supremo Nº 010/97/AG - Normas reglamentarias del trámite de los procedimientos sobre denuncio de tierras eriazas iniciados con anterioridad a la Ley Nº 26.505.

South America

El presente Decreto Supremo, que consta de 5 artículos, establece que el Ministerio de Agricultura a través del Proyecto Especial de Titulación de Tierras y Catastro Rural (PETT) proseguirá con el trámite de los expedientes sobre denuncio de tierras eriazas con arreglo a la legislación anterior a la Ley Nº 26.505 de 1995, únicamente de los que a la fecha de publicación de esa Ley reúnen, como requisito mínimo, estudios de preinversión presentados en el caso de los expedientes de adjudicación para fines de irrigación y/o drenaje o de proyecto de factibilidad técnico-económico en los expedien

Decree No. 567 of 1995 containing Rules relative to the use on or in the Soil or Surface Waters of Construction Materials.

Western Europe

"Construction Materials" are defined as materials used in a construction and in which the content of calcium, silicium and aluminium together is more than 10 percent. Article 2 provides for analysis of contents of the materials aforementioned in construction materials. Article 3 indicates the competent authorities for purposes of this Regulation. Construction materials may be used only on or in the soil if the compounds of the material are analysed by the competent institution (art. 9). Chapter III provides for the use of construction materials in surface waters.

Decree No. 39 of 1995 concerning the discharge of water for purposes of soil protection.

Western Europe

"Discharge" is defined in article 2 as the bringing into the soil of liquids for as a permanent solution. The Decree does not apply to discharge of surface water, rain or drinking water, or groundwater, to which no pollutant are added and is not heated, and to irrigation for agricultural purposes (art. 2). Chapter II places limits on smaller discharge of household waste water. Chapter III places limits on larger discharge of household waste water. Permit, for Chapter IV, provides for the discharge of cooling water and other liquids.

Habitat (Salt Marsh) (Amendment) Regulations 1996 (S.I. No. 1479 of 1996).

United Kingdom
Northern Europe

These Regulations amend the principal Regulations which provide for payment to eligible persons who, in respect of an area of eligible land, undertake not to use such land for a period of at least twenty years and to manage the land with the objective of establishing an area of salt-marsh in accordance with prescribed management requirements. They amend the rate of payment of aid to beneficiaries in respect of land which was permanent grassland at the start of the management period.

Habitat (Salt Marsh) Regulations (S.I. No. 1293 of 1994).

United Kingdom
Northern Europe

These Regulations implement in part Council Regulation (EC) No. 2078/92 on agricultural production methods compatible with requirements of environment protection and the maintenance of the countryside. they provide for payment to eligible persons who, in respect of an area of eligible land, undertake not to use such land for a period of at least twenty years and to manage the land with the objective of establishing an area of salt-marsh in accordance with management requirements as set out in the Schedule.