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Community Organizations We Effect
We Effect
We Effect
Philanthropic foundation
Phone number
+46(0)8 120 371 00


Working languages

We Effect (formerly Swedish Cooperative Centre) was funded in 1958. We are a development cooperation organisation applying a long-term, rights based approach in order to effect change.

Our guiding principle is support to self-help initiatives. We work in 25 countries across four continents, from Guatemala, via Zambia and Moldova to the Phillipines. Our focus areas are Rural development, Housing, Gender equality and Access to land.

There are no shortcuts out of poverty. Therefore, the key factor in everything we do is Togetherness. Poverty can be alleviated by empowering individuals and organisations, creating improved income levels, better and more sustainable farming, adequate housing and equal rights for all.

We know that people find ways out of poverty by working together. For this reason we support people to organise and acquire new knowledge. This, in turn, helps create the possibility to make a permanent move away from poverty.



Displaying 1 - 5 of 27

Luchas de alto riesgo: Las mujeres en primera línea en la defensa de la tierra y el territorio 

Reports & Research
november, 2021

En Luchas de alto riesgo: Las mujeres en primera línea en la defensa de la tierra y el territorio se documenta de qué manera las organizaciones campesinas, indígenas y de mujeres que trabajan en el campo del desarrollo rural en Guatemala, Honduras y Colombia, experimentan los riesgos que conlleva su trabajo y militancia relacionada con las tierras, los territorios y los derechos humanos.

Estudio sobre Mujeres y Tierra en Honduras

Reports & Research
oktober, 2020

El objetivo de este informe tiene como propósito la identificación de "políticas públicas, marcos jurídicos, protocolos institucionales y otros posibles mechanismos que ofrezcan oportunidades para diseñar estrategias de incidencia para acceso, control y/o propiedad de la tierra para las mujeres rurales" en Honduras.

Mujeres y acceso a tierra

Institutional & promotional materials
december, 2013

En el ultimo boletín de la Minga Informativa Centroamericana de la Coordinadora Latinoamericana de Organizaciones Campesinas (CLOC) y la Vía Campesina se presenta la situación de mujeres, el acceso y lucha por la tierra en la región.

OHCHR Cambodia 2017-2020 - OHCHR Cambodia 2017-2020 Reg K


Reprogrammed funds to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 The contribution aims to provide support to OHCHR:s entire country programme for Cambodia and is therefore un-earmarked for specific activities. Sweden has supported OHCHR since 1994 through both a global core support and specific supports targeting certain countries. The Swedish core support to OHCHR for 2017 amounts to SEK 55 million. OHCHR was founded in 1993 after decision in the UN General Assembly and has as mandate to ensure the protection of human rights for all. OHCHR works in accordance with UNGA decision 48/141, the UN Charter, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and later international conventions on human rights. The land programme in Cambodia has four main goals: 1) to strengthen international human rights mechanisms; 2) to protect of the democratic space; 3) to combat impunity and strengthen accountability and the rule of law; 4) to integrate human rights in the development and the economic sphere. The contribution is expected to improve the human rights situation in Cambodia. Through observation and reporting OHCHR will make the human rights situation in country visible, they will strive to improve the protection for human rights defenders, and to ensure that legislation are on par with international human rights standards. OHCHR will provide technical assistance and capacity-building support to state institutions and the justice system in order for these to be able to operate in accordance to human rights standards. OHCHR will at the same time work closely together with civil society to improve their knowledge of and inform about the different tools and mechanisms that exists to demand these. Furthermore, OHCHR will work against discrimination and to strengthen rule of law. The proposed support is expected to favour marginalised groups such as indigenous people, people identifying as HBTQ, and contribute to the achievement of gender equality. Women human rights defenders, land rights activists and activists on natural resources constitute special focus groups. Recently the need for support to politically active people has increased. The Swedish contribution to OHCHR is expected to improve access to the justice system for these groups and is also expected to reduce impunity. A new regional support to OHCHR:s field office in Bangkok (PLANit 10836), relating to Asia and the Pacific, was decided on in the beginning of December 2017. OHCHR Bangkok has as one of its assignments to support the field office in Phnom Penh. The latter office has also the possibility to participate in different regional activities. Since October 2017, Sida is financing a Junior Programme Officer to OHCHR Cambodia (PLANit 10560). The planned support to OHCHR is complimented and strengthened by other actors that as well receive Swedish funding. This includes Transparency International Cambodia, the Raoul Wallenberg Institute, the Khmer Rouge Tribunal (Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia), UNESCO, as well as the newly finalised support to ILO and H&M. OHCHR is, moreover, in close contact and has a good cooperation with many of the organisation that receives Swedish funding through Forum Syd and Diakonia. The dialogue between Sida and OHCHR has worked well during the previous cooperation phase. OHCHR is considered to be a key actor and important partner to Sweden within the area of human rights. The coordination between OHCHR and other donors is ongoing in Geneva, within the framework of the so-called “Rubens Group”, which consists of like-minded donors and OHCHR, and locally in Cambodia. In 2016 Australia, Japan, Spain, Norway and Sweden provided funding to a Trust Fund that aims to support all activities of the field office. Besides this, OHCHR is receiving funding for specific project – the ongoing support from EU would sort under this final label.


OHCHR has a unique mandate to promote and protect all human rights for all people. OHCHR provides assistance, in the form of technical expertise and capacity-development, to support the implementation of international human rights standards on the ground. It assists governments, which bear the primary responsibility for the protection of human rights, to fulfil their obligations, supports individuals to claim their rights and speaks out objectively on human rights violations. The intended outcome of the support to OHCHR in Cambodia is to increase the respect for human rights, to decrease levels of discrimination and impunity and to strengthen accountability and the rule of law. OHCHR will work to improve legislation and its implementation in line with international standards on human rights, it will work to build capacity of both duty bearers and rights holders, and will work to raise awareness and to strengthen protection mechanisms.

Lantmäteriet- Col Cadaster 2018


This contribution aims at strengthening the Colombian multi-purpose cadaster policy through international expertise from the Swedish mapping, cadastral and land registration authority (Lantmäteriet). The contribution is based on the framework agreement between Sida and Lantmäteriet and on Colombian’s government request to strengthen the advisory committee for multi-purpose cadaster pilots. The Swedish expert will participate, during 2018, in 5 missions to Colombia and will provide technical advice for the implementation of the multipurpose cadastral pilots.


This contribution aims at strengthening the Colombian multi-purpose cadaster policy through international expertise from the Swedish mapping, cadastral and land registration authority (Lantmäteriet). The contribution is based on the framework agreement between Sida and Lantmäteriet and on Colombian’s government request to strengthen the advisory committee for multi-purpose cadaster pilots. The Swedish expert will participate, during 2018, in 5-7 missions to Colombia and will provide technical advice for the implementation of the multipurpose cadastral pilots.