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Community Organizations We Effect
We Effect
We Effect
Philanthropic foundation
Phone number
+46(0)8 120 371 00


Working languages

We Effect (formerly Swedish Cooperative Centre) was funded in 1958. We are a development cooperation organisation applying a long-term, rights based approach in order to effect change.

Our guiding principle is support to self-help initiatives. We work in 25 countries across four continents, from Guatemala, via Zambia and Moldova to the Phillipines. Our focus areas are Rural development, Housing, Gender equality and Access to land.

There are no shortcuts out of poverty. Therefore, the key factor in everything we do is Togetherness. Poverty can be alleviated by empowering individuals and organisations, creating improved income levels, better and more sustainable farming, adequate housing and equal rights for all.

We know that people find ways out of poverty by working together. For this reason we support people to organise and acquire new knowledge. This, in turn, helps create the possibility to make a permanent move away from poverty.



Displaying 11 - 15 of 27

Transforming matrilineal land rights? Agricultural intensification and land regularization in Northern Mozambi


The purpose of this study is to investigate how processes of individual/household land titling and agricultural intensification initiatives affect women’s and land-holding lineages’ land rights, and how they affect gendered land-related responsibilities under matrilineal tenure systems. While African policy documents highlight women’s land tenure insecurity as a key development problem, land reforms through regularisation are usually based on the implicit assumption is that land tenure is patrilineal. Furthermore, when customary land rights are formalised through ‘community delimitations’, in spite of non-discriminatory intentions, there is a tendency to formalisation bringing about a strengthening of male roles and authorities, in both patrilineal and matrilineal communities. In a context of a community-based land tenure reform in Nampula Province in Northern Mozambique, we aim to carry out field-based studies in communities where traditional tenure arrangements have been matrilineal. We will focus on four main issues: i) titling processes and women’s roles, ii) land rights and gendered responsibilities, iii) access to and control of land, and iv) agricultural intensification and subsistence. The research approach is qualitative, based on a comparative case study of three delimited communities. So far, there are no systematic research findings reported in the scholarly literature on this particular topic.

FPP, Livelihood Security and Economic Development in the DRC - FPP, Livelihood Security and Eco Dev in the DRC


Although some positive steps have been taken with respect to the rights of indigenous women, their rights remain widely violated. Indigenous women suffer from multiple layers of discrimination: because of their gender, their race or ethnicity and class as many indigenous women live in poverty. While considerable human rights standards regarding indigenous peoples’ land and other human rights have emerged in the past 20 years, the gender dimension of these rights is neither well developed nor well understood and this is the case at both the national and international levels. FPP’s work will be built on two sets of existing standards, one pertaining to indigenous peoples’ rights and one to women’s right. The current project (2014) builds on the experiences that FPP has gained in the last five years (2009-2014) in the field of G&LR as well as on the results of the external evaluation (financed by ON) carried outin October 2012. Project activities include: (1) legal and human rights trainings based on materials elaborated and refined in collaboration with partners; (2) national level advocacy; and (3) setting and implementing standards and jurisprudence at the regional and international levels through briefings, reports and, where appropriate, litigation. Expected outcome: The work of FPP on genderand land rights will contribute towards understanding the issues and needs of women within indigenous people and forest communitiesregarding land rights issues and how a gender justice perspective can be best approached. This project will help implement international standards and jurisprudence pertaining to the land, resource and other rights of indigenous women in Latin America, Africa andAsia, and to promote their implementation in domestic law and practice. ON’s grant will be used to further develop and implement (inter)national standards and jurisprudence pertaining to the land, resource and other rights of indigenous women in Latin America, Africa and Asia, and to promote their implementation in domestic law and practice.

IUCN - Effective rights-based conservation for indigenous regional cooperation


The initiative is a project support which ??seeks to support the effective design and implementation of the rights and environmental justice approach in processes of conservation and sustainable resource management on indigenous lands and territories in Central and South America with nature-based solutions from their own vision as indigenous communities. It will help to strengthen governance structures and capacities to contribute to the management and integrity of the territories as a basis for the conservation of biodiversity, the increase of resilience and opportunities to improve their livelihoods. The project will support indigenous groups in Latin-America (Central America och the Amazon) by assisting: - indigenous communities in highly biodiverse ecosystems to apply tools and mechanisms to prevent and reduce the treats to their territorial management. - environmental defenders and leaders to improve their management, advocacy, and communication capacities for an equitable governance and defence of territorial rights. - indigenous people’s organizations and communications networks to make visible IPCL contributions to conservation, strengthen the prevention and denounce threats to their integrity. - environmental defenders and indigenous people’s organizations to harmonize their agendas ad action proposals to negotiate them in international and regional fora.


The project "Advancing towards effective conservation and territorial management with a rights-based approach: strengthening indigenous regional cooperation in Latin America" seeks to support the effective design and implementation of the rights and environmental justice approach in processes of conservation and sustainable resource management on indigenous lands and territories with principles based on nature-based solutions from the perspective of indigenous peoples; strengthen governance structures and capacities to contribute to the management and integrity of the territories as a basis for the conservation of biodiversity and the increase of resilience and opportunities to improve their livelihoods. The project aspires to work on collaboration and dialogue actions between local actors (e.g. indigenous authorities and organizations) and with national and regional authorities and non state stakeholders, from an intercultural approach to consolidate governance structures, indigenous leadership and improve the inclussion and effective participation of women and youth in spaces for dialogue and decision-making on conservation and environmental issues. Sida considers that the project aims to strengthen environmental governance, justice and a rights-based conservation approach within Latin America through empowerment and capacity building for organizations, IPLCs and environmental leaders in a sustainable, culturally adapted and inclusive manner, and in the full exercise of their rights to prevent and address threats to their territorial management. In the long term the project will contribute to secure Indigenous peoples rights in conservation and territorial management of their territories and megadiverse ecosystems.

Afrikagrupperna, CSO strategy 2022-2026 - Afrikagrupperna infokom 2022-2026


Afrikagrupperna are applying for a five-year grant of a total of SEK 244.1 million, of which SEK 226.4 million is applied for from the CSO strategy. The main objective of the operation is: "Fair power structures and a fair distribution of resources." Together with about 30 partner organizations in southern Africa, Afrikagrupperna work to ensure that people have access to their rights. The organization focuses on three thematic areas: Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR), Food and Land Rights and Natural Resources, Business and Human Rights. Afrikagrupperna have a long experience of cooperating with civil society organizations, with human rights in focus, which have a broad focus and competence: women's rights and youth organizations, organizations active in sexual and reproductive rights, advocacy work in judicial reform, etc. For the past five years or so, Afrikagrupperna have been collaborating with regional movements and networks, which are not organized in the traditional way, which shows the Afrikagrupperna's ability to adapt to new conditions in the regional context. Sida's assessment is that Afrikagrupperna have a well-integrated gender equality perspective internally and in dissemination. Afrikagrupperna have the capacity for preventive measures for SEAH (Sexual Exploitation, Abuse & Harassment) and a system for dealing with cases that arise. Afrikagrupperna apply a feminist power perspective in their work, which means that they clearly include marginalized groups in the activities. Sida believes that this perspective will contribute to a positive effect from a gender equality perspective. Afrikagrupperna state that men should be included in the activities. Sida believes that Afrikagrupperna apply the principles of development efficiency well in their operations. They support their partners in their own right and the majority of partners receive core support based on long-term agreements. Afrikagrupperna´s context and problem analysis is based on a regional perspective.

Afrikagrupperna, CSO strategy 2022-2026 - Afrikagrupperna 2022-2026, CSO strategi


Afrikagrupperna are applying for a five-year grant of a total of SEK 244.1 million, of which SEK 226.4 million is applied for from the CSO strategy. The main objective of the operation is: "Fair power structures and a fair distribution of resources." Together with about 30 partner organizations in southern Africa, Afrikagrupperna work to ensure that people have access to their rights. The organization focuses on three thematic areas: Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR), Food and Land Rights and Natural Resources, Business and Human Rights. Afrikagrupperna have a long experience of cooperating with civil society organizations, with human rights in focus, which have a broad focus and competence: women's rights and youth organizations, organizations active in sexual and reproductive rights, advocacy work in judicial reform, etc. For the past five years or so, Afrikagrupperna have been collaborating with regional movements and networks, which are not organized in the traditional way, which shows the Afrikagrupperna's ability to adapt to new conditions in the regional context. Sida's assessment is that Afrikagrupperna have a well-integrated gender equality perspective internally and in dissemination. Afrikagrupperna have the capacity for preventive measures for SEAH (Sexual Exploitation, Abuse & Harassment) and a system for dealing with cases that arise. Afrikagrupperna apply a feminist power perspective in their work, which means that they clearly include marginalized groups in the activities. Sida believes that this perspective will contribute to a positive effect from a gender equality perspective. Afrikagrupperna state that men should be included in the activities. Sida believes that Afrikagrupperna apply the principles of development efficiency well in their operations. They support their partners in their own right and the majority of partners receive core support based on long-term agreements. Afrikagrupperna´s context and problem analysis is based on a regional perspective.