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Community Organizations We Effect
We Effect
We Effect
Philanthropic foundation
Phone number
+46(0)8 120 371 00


Working languages

We Effect (formerly Swedish Cooperative Centre) was funded in 1958. We are a development cooperation organisation applying a long-term, rights based approach in order to effect change.

Our guiding principle is support to self-help initiatives. We work in 25 countries across four continents, from Guatemala, via Zambia and Moldova to the Phillipines. Our focus areas are Rural development, Housing, Gender equality and Access to land.

There are no shortcuts out of poverty. Therefore, the key factor in everything we do is Togetherness. Poverty can be alleviated by empowering individuals and organisations, creating improved income levels, better and more sustainable farming, adequate housing and equal rights for all.

We know that people find ways out of poverty by working together. For this reason we support people to organise and acquire new knowledge. This, in turn, helps create the possibility to make a permanent move away from poverty.



Displaying 26 - 27 of 27

FPP, Livelihood Security and Economic Development in the DRC


Sweden has during 2011-2014 funded Forest Peoples Programmes (FPP) through the contribution "REDD Financing, Human Rights and Economic Development for Sustainable Poverty Reduction of Forest Communities in the Democratic Republic of Congo". The effort has supplemented the national REDD (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation) process, by funding activities that helped to support and strengthen the population by providing information about its rights, combined with investment and economic development activities and assistance to self-sufficiency. The initiative has been implemented in 300 communities, spread over the six provinces, Bas-Congo, Equatuer, Orientale, Bandundu, North and South Kivu. Sweden and FPP has now agreed to build on the last three years of cooperation and results, and to extend activities to include two additional provinces (Kasai Oriental and Kasai Occidental). FPP will interact with six local NGOs and 307 villages from each of the 13 REDD pilot areas in the DRC. The initiative has the following objectives: 1. To promote the application of strong REDD safeguards; strong VPA governance reforms, agreements and standards and to strengthen forest community land tenure, governance, regulation and laws. 2. To build the capacities of communities in REDD pilot areas and their support organisations and government institutions with regard to finance, gender, participatory mapping, project management and human rights, as well as the national REDD programme and pilots affecting them. 3. To support the establishment of community Monitoring, Verification and Reporting (MRV) systems, and to test and validate MRV on deforestation drivers linked to benefit sharing systems supporting REDD+. 4. To improve application of commodity chain safeguards by supporting the implementation of voluntary social and environmental certification and safeguards in commodity supply chains. 5. To promote dialogue, learning and collaboration in order to institutionalise the successes of Phase 1 outcomes into DRC’s national REDD strategy by sharing lessons; by extending outreach and communication with civil society and the government; by working directly with the Coordination Nationale-REDD (CN-REDD) on FPIC and by the development of benefit sharing mechanisms at the national level. The total budget for this contribution is 4.2 million Euros, approximately 39 million SEK, for the years 2014-2017.


The overall objective of the intervention is to promote community customary land rights and livelihood security, economic development and sustainable poverty reduction in REDD pilot areas and key forest zones in the DRC, supporting protection for human rights and sustained investments in economic development activities with forest communities on the basis of their free, prior and informed consent, with specific focus on marginalized groups including indigenous peoples, women and youth.

Forum Syd Green Ownership 2017-2021


In September 2016 Forum Syd submitted a proposal to Sida for support to the programme Go! Green Ownership 2017-2019. After dialogue with the Embassy during the period September - December, Forum Syd submitted complementary information regarding the programme, on 21st November, and a final budget on 23rd December 2016. The contribution is an independent continuation on the previously supported programme ""Forum Syd - Environment and Climate with human rights and gender perspective", (contribution 51100070). During the previous agreement period, Sida gave a support of 45 000 000 SEK for the period 2014-2016. The new programme, which builds on previous experiences and programme results, aim to strengthen local organisations to engage poor and vulnerable groups, including women, to manage the root causes to inequalities related to access to, use of and control over natural resources. Marginalised groups will have support to demand their rights, and local authorities are provided support to implement poverty focused and sustainable development plans regarding the management of natural resources and adaptation to climate changes. A rights based approach is the basis for the intervention. The programme amounts to an amount of 49,300,000 SEK for the period March 2017-December 2019. Sida is requested to fund the whole programme. The programme and the assessment was subject to a Quality Assurance committee review on 13th February 2017. Comments and recommendations from this review were incorporated into this assessment.


The overall goal of the programme is to contribute to "Better living condition of community [ies] as they increase access to, control over, and sustainable and equitable use of natural resources by poor and marginalised people, including greater resilience to climate change". Three outcomes have been identified to contribute to the goal: - Increased application of more sustainable fisheries, forestry, and land management practices, and greater resilience to climate change by poor and vulnerable target communities; - Increased participation and influence in decision-making processes in order to increase access and control concerning natural resources and climate change by communities in collaboration with duty-bearers; - Enhanced use of Information/Communication Technology for Development and Communication for Development (ICT4D) measures by partner organisations for increasing equitable and sustainable access to and control over natural resources, and greater resilience to climate change.