Community / Land projects / Strengthening Protection Environment for Famine Prevention on GBV Prevention, Response Mitigation of Child Pr
Strengthening Protection Environment for Famine Prevention on GBV Prevention, Response Mitigation of Child Pr
08/22 - 01/23
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The humanitarian crisis continues to worsen across Somalia. As of July 2022, a severe drought, which has persisted since the mid-last year, affects large parts of Somalia and is likely to worsen in the coming months following a fourth consecutive below-average rainfall season, pushing thousands of families into displacement. As of 3rd July 2022, nearly half of the population – 7.7 million people – require humanitarian or protection assistance, of whom 7 million have been impacted by the drought, with over 900,000 displaced from their homes in search of water, food, and pasture including minority groups. Livelihoods have been devastated, and hundreds of thousands of people face catastrophic hunger and starvation (OCHA Report). The impact of the drought and increasing economic pressures are deepening the severity of needs and driving Somalia to the brink of famine. Southwest State, particularly Bakool Region, is now facing the negative impact of droughts, including an influx of displaced, vulnerable people, such as lactating women, older people, and girls, to GBV/FGM, on sexual violence are increasing day by day, inadequate services as well as, integrated community referrals, of abuse, neglect, violence, and severe distress have access to well-coordinated and disability, gender-sensitive quality child protection services, exercise and housing, land, and property (HLP) rights and the response of conducting due diligence of IDPs, stakeholder engagement to relevant institutions and facilitation, of accessing land tenure documents. SCWRW proposes strengthening the protection environment for Famine Prevention on GBV, Child Protection, and HLP and for the target of 8,940.00 drought-affected IDPs. This proposed project is linked to the 3rd SHF 2022 Reserve Allocation, Famine Prevention, with the objective of life-saving response in current and potential hotspots and addressing the immediate impact of drought in the El-Berde, Hudur, amp Wajid Bakool Region. This project will ensure urgent life-saving, gender-based violence on the provision of clinical management of rape services through existing GBV one-stop centers. Case management, psycho-social services, counseling through existing GBV one-stop centers, clinical management of rape (CMR), provision of dignity kit for GBV Survivors, and requirement for unconditional cash and vouchers assistance through the case management system and conditional cash transfers to individual vulnerable women and girls Provision of transport cost to sexual assault survivors, case management, psychosocial, medical care, and material assistance and aims at enhancing the accessibility of GBV services, particular consideration towards increasing the availability and proximity of services to drought-affected communities, for garget of 3,880 beneficiaries (400 were male and 3,480 were female). Child protection case management for vulnerable children that meets their unique needs supports existing community-based Child-friendly spaces to ensure the safety and wellbeing of children, Provision of complete FTR Services to Unaccompanied and Separated Children, Provisions Mental health and psychosocial support services to children and reunification, UASC from famine, provide PSS to vulnerable caregivers affected by drought and conflict for 3,600 beneficiaries (1,800 male and 1,800 female) will provide comprehensive child protection that includes different activities case management reunification of children (50% girls), PSS and transport costs for UASC reunification, provision of material support. SCWRW will conduct HLP activities by strengthening the land property and tenure security, providing legal assistance, information services, legal aid on conducting due diligence, facilitation and distribution of proper land tenure documents related to HLP, Provision of due diligence support, product due diligence assessment report, distribution of land tenure document. target of 14 IDP Sites (1,100 female amp 400 male