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Countries Botswana related News


Displaying 25 - 36 of 44
23 Fevereiro 2021
Legislação foi aprovada apenas com votos do MPLA, partido no poder   Defensores do ambiente em Angola condenaram a alteração da Lei das Áreas de Conservação Ambiental para permitir a exploração de petróleo e outros recursos naturais em zonas protegidas, incluindo no projecto turístico…
13 Fevereiro 2021
Plataforma exploratória avaliada em milhões de dólares da ReconAfrica começou, em janeiro, a perfurar o leito de um rio que se encontra no habitat de elefantes, a cerca de 257 quilômetros do Delta do Okavango.   WALVIS BAY, NAMÍBIA A busca por petróleo e gás na bacia hidrográfica do Delta do…
5 Janeiro 2021
Women in Botswana celebrate changes to the country’s land ownership law that now gives them the right to own land independently of their spouses, unlike before when they were treated as part of their husband’s property. In September, President Mokgweetsi Masisi of Botswana honoured an earlier…
29 Dezembro 2020
UNESCO’s World Heritage Centre vigilant on potential impacts of oil and gas exploration in Namibia and Botswana on the Tsodila and Okavango Delta World Heritage properties. UNESCO’s World Heritage Centre has been made aware of petitions by civil society groups received by the UNESCO office in…
19 Novembro 2020
Os Prêmios de Inovação para Desenvolvimento Sustentável do Secretário-Geral da Commonwealth foram lançados para reconhecer e celebrar as contribuições que os inovadores nos setores público, privado e sem fins lucrativos estão fazendo no avanço das metas de desenvolvimento sustentável nos países da…
6 Novembro 2020
A Recent Victory In September 2020, President Mokgweetsi Masisi amended the 2015 Land Policy to give married women in Botswana the right to own land. Previously, married women were only eligible to own land if their husbands did not. The policy excluded not only married women but widows and single…
25 Outubro 2020
The first ever global dataset that quantifies tenure insecurity puts Botswana in a category of countries with the highest land and property insecurity.In terms of the Prindex, a methodology for measuring tenure security for land and property around the globe, more than 30 percent of Botswana’s…
22 Outubro 2020
KB.L seeks to bring to life all aspects of the ‘land issue’, recognizing that land is both a deeply important aspect of our history, and an emotive issue shaping our political landscape. KB.L seeks to develop a comprehensive sense of this history, heritage and memory through a combination of news,…
16 Outubro 2020
Reports suggesting that a Canadian oil and gas firm is planning to start hydraulic fracturing (fracking) in one of Africa’s most sensitive environmental areas along the Namibia-Botswana border have made environmentalists, civil society organisations and local communities apprehensive about the long…
7 Outubro 2020
Maun — Investigations to establish the root cause of squatting in Maun have revealed that some land overseers were at the forefront of the problem, Kgosi Oleyo Ledimo has said. Presenting on the role of bogosi in land administration during the ongoing orientation workshop for new land board members…
2 Outubro 2020
Jusqu'à récemment au Botswana, il ne pouvait y avoir qu'une seule personne dans un couple officiellement marié, à savoir l'homme, qui pouvait bénéficier des terres attribuées par l'Etat. "La politique foncière du Botswana de 2015 était discriminatoire à l'égard des femmes mariées", a admis le…
30 Setembro 2020
The Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources Conservation and Tourism (MENT) through the Department of Forestry and Range Resources (DFRR) has embarked on a project to restore degraded land and soil in order to achieve land degradation neutrality (LDN) in Botswana. Speaking at the launch of the…