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Countries Namíbia related News


Displaying 49 - 60 of 98
8 Agosto 2020
The Swakopmund Municipality is targeting to accommodate 17 000 people under the various erven and housing provision projects. There is an estimated 25 000 to 30 000 people living in the Democratic Resettlement Community (DRC), an informal settlement of Swakopmund. Chief executive officer of the…
4 Agosto 2020
Nearly 30 years after starting land reform, Namibia’s distribution of land ownership is still skewed. This is a colonial legacy. It is high time to return land to dispossessed communities. As a former colonial power guilty of terrible bloodshed, Germany should contribute to making that happen.…
31 Julho 2020
We should recognise that people in informal settlements have the same right to share the city with the same dignity and equality as other residents. Without the active participation of informal settlement residents in upgrading projects, any upgrading plans proposed are destined to flop. Post the…
23 Julho 2020
RESIDENTS of Okahandja will get land relief after the town council yesterday announced they would be rolling out a land-delivery programme. Some residents this month resorted to cleaning up earmarked erven as they are tired of renting and want their own property. Lukas Alfons, a resident of…
7 Julho 2020
THE Municipality of Otjiwarongo has started profiling its informal settlements to better plan and upgrade the areas for their residents. According to Adelheid Shilongo, the Otjiwarongo local authority's public relations officer, the profiling is important because it will provide the municipality…
2 Julho 2020
Land reform minister Calle Schlettwein has urged regional governors to use land as a form of correcting past injustices while creating economic opportunities for disadvantaged Namibians to address inequality.  “These matters are sensitive, demanding and emotive; hence, our resolve to equip all…
26 Abril 2020
Estão abertas inscrições para o Prêmio GoGettaz Agripreneur Prize, que é uma competição pan-africana de jovens empreendedores (as) inovadores (as) que buscam a oportunidade de financiamento de projetos no setor agroalimentar no continente Africano.   As inscrições serão julgadas para premiar dois…
13 Março 2020
One of the many recommendations made by President Hage Geingob’s High-Level Panel on the Namibian Economy (HLPE) is that Namibia implements its comprehensive national policy on climate change released in 2011.  The goal of the national policy on climate change is to contribute to the attainment of…
13 Janeiro 2020
Date: 05 janvier 2020 Source: Par: Jean Marie Takouleu Le producteur indépendant d’électricité (IPP) Diaz Wind Power vient d’obtenir un terrain pour la construction de son parc éolien, près de la ville de Lüderitz. Le foncier a été accordé par le ministère namibien de l’Environnement…
20 Dezembro 2019
Pigmeus são povos antigos que existem até hoje e são cheios de mistérios. Entenda suas origens, costumes e como é dificil a vida desse povo. Você, certamente, já ouviu falar sobre os pigmeus. Apesar desse termo geralmente ser usado de forma pejorativa, poucas pessoas sabem o que ele realmente…
27 Outubro 2019
Criadores de gado da vizinha República da Namíbia estão apropriar-se ilegalmente de espaços em zonas de transumância no município fronteiriço de Namacunde, na província do Cunene, para acomodarem e alimentar o seu gado, porque nas suas regiões de origem não há pasto, devido à seca severa que afecta…
23 Setembro 2019
Informal settlements are increasingly emerging in cities in developing countries across the world, including Africa. Today an estimated 25% of the world’s urban population live in informal settlements. These settlements have limited or no access to basic services like water and sanitation; lack…